Game on June 23, 2023 at 14:55, 7 players
1. 325 pts Pacific
2. 173 pts LongJump22
3. 61 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


14F 33 61 


15A 83 144 


L12 33 177 


B10 28 205 


A7 43 248 


15L 30 278 


11E 52 330 


8H 83 413 


10F 67 480 


C7 83 563 


B6 35 598 


G9 43 641 


D12 35 676 


O1 89 765 


L1 70 835 


1E 80 915 


6F 78 993 


2D 56 1049 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 5 5:25 -724 325 1.9665 Pacific 5 5:25 -724 325
LongJump22 3 4:16 -876 173 Group: intermediate
Javelin22 1 2:36 -988 61 1.6295 LongJump22 3 4:16 -876 173
ShotPut22 1 3:26 -988 61 2.6718 Javelin22 1 2:36 -988 61
Discus22 1 0:24 -1019 30 3.6677 ShotPut22 1 3:26 -988 61
6. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:02 -1021 28 4.6683 Discus22 1 0:24 -1019 30
Hammer22 0 0:29 -1029 20 5.6650 Hammer22 0 0:29 -1029 20
Group: not rated
1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:02 -1021 28
On 1st draw, TIPOF(F) H8 28 --- TIPOFF a hint or warning [n]
Other tops: FO(R)PIT H4 28, TIPO(F)F H7 28
Other moves: FO(E)TID H4 26, P(R)OFIT H4 26, FIDO(S) H4 24, FIO(R)D H4 24, FOID(S) H4 24
TIPO(F)F H7 28 LongJump22, OOOOOO1122
TIPOF(F) H8 28 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 2nd draw, BISECT 14F 33 --- BISECT to divide into two parts [v]
Other moves: BUSTIC 14F 29, BUTE G9 27, CESTUI 14F 27, CUBIST 14D 27, BESIT 14F 26
BUSTIC 14F 29 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, PEAT(M)EN 15A 83 --- PEATMAN a peat seller [n]
Other moves: NEPETA(S) 15A 82, PENATE(S) 15A 82, PENATE(S) L8 82, AP(P)ETENT 8A 80, A(P)PETENT 8A 80
PEAT(M)EN 15A 83 LongJump22
PEAT(M)EN 15A 33 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 4th draw, ARSY L12 33 --- ARSY lucky [adj]
Other tops: NOSY L12 33, ROSY L12 33
Other moves: NONARY I7 30, ANNOY 15K 29, ANNOYS L9 29, ANYON 15K 29, ANYONS L9 29
ROSY L12 33 LongJump22
On 5th draw, MINUTE B10 28 --- MINUTE to make a brief note of [v] --- MINUTE to take brief notes [v] --- MINUTE very small [adj]
Other tops: MONTRE B10 28, MUNITE B10 28, MURINE B10 28, MUTINE B10 28
Other moves: MOTI G9 27, MUNI G9 27, MUTI G9 27, TIMON G7 26, RIMU G7 23
OM 14A 20 Hammer22
On 6th draw, HOVED A7 43 --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: GLOVED A6 40, DHOLE A8 39, HOVEL A7 39, GLODE A8 34, HOLED A7 34
HOVED A7 43 Pacific
On 7th draw, YOWE 15L 30 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other tops: WANLE M9 30, YAWL 15L 30, YAWN 15L 30, YOWL 15L 30
Other moves: ALOWE G8 28, ALOWE M9 27, LAWINE B2 27, LAWINE M8 26, LOWE G9 25
YAWN 15L 30 Discus22
On 8th draw, MATOOKE 11E 52 --- MATOOKE plantain used as food [n]
Other moves: MATOKE B2 49, MATOKE G7 36, MAKO G7 35, MOKE G9 35, AMOK G8 32
On 9th draw, TRUNDLER 8H 83 --- TRUNDLER one that trundles [n]
Other moves: NUDER C9 30, RUDER C9 30, EMULED 10A 24, EMURED 10A 24, UNDREW N10 24
TRUNDLER 8H 83 Pacific
On 10th draw, ZAP 10F 67 --- ZAP to kill or destroy instantaneously [v]
Other moves: DZO B5 38, ZOBU C9 38, AZO B5 37, ZA B6 36, ZO B6 36
ZAP 10F 67 Pacific
On 11th draw, SLIOTAR C7 83 --- SLIOTAR a ball used in the sport of hurling [n]
Other moves: RIALTOS B2 75, SLIOTAR B2 75, SLIOTAR 6A 74, ORALIST C5 68, RIALTOS C5 68
On 12th draw, JAI B6 35 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JAEGER N6 32, JA B6 31, AJEE N5 27, JEER N6 27, JAW N13 26
On 13th draw, QAT G9 43 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QI 9G 43
Other moves: ERENOW N10 22, GENT D12 21, GERT D12 21, QUONK J7 20, GIEN 9G 19
QAT G9 43 Pacific
On 14th draw, HEFT D12 35 --- HEFT to lift up [v]
Other moves: HENT D12 29, EUGH D4 26, HE D12 25, HUGE M10 23, GHEE M10 22
On 15th draw, SWINDLER O1 89 --- SWINDLER one that swindles [n]
Other moves: INDWELLS M2 78, INDWELLS M3 78, SWINDLED L1 78, SWINDLER I1 64, SWINDLE N2 30
SWINDLER O1 89 Pacific
On 16th draw, RELOANED L1 70 --- RELOAN to loan again [v]
Other moves: OLEANDER L3 68, RELOANED 5H 68, ALEE N2 25, ALOE N2 25, OLEA N2 25
On 17th draw, GOURDIER 1E 80 --- GOURDY swollen [adj]
Other moves: GUERIDON 6E 66, GOURDIER I1 62, DIRGE M2 28, RIDGE M2 28, DURGIER 1F 27
On 18th draw, VAUNCING 6F 78 --- VAUNCE to advance [v]
Other moves: CAVING 2B 38, VINCULA 3G 34, CINGULA 3G 28, VICUGNA 5F 26, VICUNA 5G 22
On 19th draw, BOX 2D 56 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: GOX 2D 55, OX 2E 53, BOXILY 3H 38, AX N2 37, BOYG 2D 37
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