Game on June 23, 2023 at 19:30, 5 players
1. 183 pts LongJump22
2. 123 pts Javelin22
3. 123 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


G2 71 95 


5D 36 131 


F1 30 161 


1A 57 218 


J2 39 257 


A1 95 352 


2J 30 382 


F8 76 458 


8J 39 497 


1M 44 541 


10A 71 612 


15D 87 699 


3L 39 738 


12A 32 770 


4J 49 819 


D3 38 857 


11H 31 888 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 3 3:37 -705 183 1.6522 LongJump22 3 3:37 -705 183
Javelin22 3 3:15 -765 123 2.6718 Javelin22 3 3:15 -765 123
ShotPut22 3 4:21 -765 123 3.6677 ShotPut22 3 4:21 -765 123
4. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:15 -864 24 Group: not rated
5. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:36 -864 24 1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:15 -864 24
2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:36 -864 24
On 1st draw, FOIST H4 24 --- FOIST to bring in by stealth [v]
Other moves: BITOS H4 20, TIFOSI H3 20, TIFOSI H4 20, TIFOSI H7 20, TIFOSI H8 20
FOIST H4 24 LongJump22, OOOOOO1122, SSSSSS1111
On 2nd draw, ARI(S)TAE G2 71 --- ARISTA a bristlelike structure or appendage [n]
Other moves: ARIET(T)A G1 69, ARIE(T)TA G1 69, A(S)TERIA 9G 67, ARI(S)TAE 9E 66, ATRE(S)IA 9D 66
ATRE(S)IA 9D 66 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, POI(S)O(N)ED 5D 36 --- POISON to administer a harmful substance to [v]
Other moves: OPED F1 32, P(A)DI F2 32, PED F2 31, POD F2 31, (A)PED F1 31
POI(S)O(N)ED 5D 36 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 4th draw, DYE F1 30 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v]
Other moves: LYE F1 29, NYE F1 29, YE F2 28, YU F2 28, GUY 4C 27
DYE F1 30 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 5th draw, HOOKED 1A 57 --- HOOK to catch with a hook (a bent piece of metal) [v]
Other tops: HANKED 1A 57, HONKED 1A 57
Other moves: HOOKA 6J 38, HOOK 4B 36, HAKE 6J 35, HANK 6J 35, HOKA 6J 35
HOOKED 1A 57 LongJump22
HONKED 1A 57 Javelin22
HANKED 1A 57 ShotPut22
On 6th draw, ZABETA J2 39 --- ZABETA a stated tariff [n]
Other moves: ALTEZA J2 37, LAZO 4A 36, LAZO F8 36, ZOA 6B 36, ZOAEA J2 36
On 7th draw, HINDGUTS A1 95 --- HINDGUT the rear part of the alimentary canal [n]
Other moves: DUSTING K7 71, ZINGS 2J 30, DUETTS 8E 25, SIGN 8J 25, STING 8J 25
On 8th draw, ZIGAN 2J 30 --- ZIGAN a Hungarian gypsy [n]
Other moves: AMIDE K2 29, GAMED K1 28, AIM B4 27, BAGMEN 4J 27, NAMED K1 27
On 9th draw, VIBRATE F8 76 --- VIBRATE to move back and forward rapidly [v]
Other moves: TABER 1K 36, ABET 1L 31, BRAVE F7 26, BRAVI F7 26, BABIER 4J 25
On 10th draw, SENORA 8J 39 --- SENORA a married Spanish woman [n]
Other moves: ARSENO 15D 34, REASON 15C 34, ARSON 15D 31, NOSER 15D 31, OSAR O1 31
On 11th draw, JUG 1M 44 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other tops: JIG 1M 44, JOG 1M 44
Other moves: JIN 1M 41, JUN 1M 41, JUN 7M 39, JO 7M 36, JORUM N6 36
On 12th draw, THURIBLE 10A 71 --- THURIBLE a censer [n]
Other moves: HEIL B6 32, HEIR B6 32, HET B6 31, HIT B6 31, RIT 3M 29
On 13th draw, ENSNARL 15D 87 --- ENSNARL to tangle [v]
Other moves: LANTERNS 13C 70, ENSNARL 11H 66, LANNERS 11H 66, LEARNS 15A 34, NERALS 15A 34
On 14th draw, OW 3L 39 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: OM 3L 35, BALLOW 4J 33, BELLOW 4J 33, TALLOW A10 30, MOW 4C 29
On 15th draw, WIREMAN 12A 32 --- WIREMAN one who makes or works with wire [n]
Other moves: TWINER A10 30, MEW 9K 27, WEM 7M 27, WEM 9M 27, MEWLER K7 26
On 16th draw, BOX 4J 49 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: EXO 9B 42, DEX 9K 41, EX 9B 39, OX 9B 39, DEX 13B 38
On 17th draw, EMPLOYER D3 38 --- EMPLOYER one who employs people [n]
Other moves: RECOYLE N8 36, DECOY 4A 35, EMPLOY D3 34, EMOTE 13C 31, COELOME M7 30
On 18th draw, FACEUP 11H 31 --- FACEUP with the front part up [adv]
Other moves: WAVE A12 30, FAUVE 11H 27, FAP 9K 25, FAVE 11H 25, FA C3 24
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