Game on June 25, 2023 at 20:35, 7 players
1. 257 pts LongJump22
2. 251 pts Pacific
3. 73 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 46 46 


4H 38 84 


8A 89 173 


A8 92 265 


E5 90 355 


M2 80 435 


C2 80 515 


2A 88 603 


1H 51 654 


12C 74 728 


N1 40 768 


8J 33 801 


13C 30 831 


B6 35 866 


11I 79 945 


O11 42 987 


10H 38 1025 


2J 54 1079 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 3 3:51 -822 257 1.9769 Pacific 3 3:51 -828 251
Pacific 3 3:51 -828 251 Group: intermediate
Javelin22 0 2:25 -1006 73 1.6782 LongJump22 3 3:51 -822 257
4. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:44 -1033 46 2.6648 Javelin22 0 2:25 -1006 73
ShotPut22 0 1:22 -1040 39 3.6648 ShotPut22 0 1:22 -1040 39
Discus22 0 1:48 -1040 39 4.6727 Discus22 0 1:48 -1040 39
Hammer22 0 1:25 -1048 31 5.6670 Hammer22 0 1:25 -1048 31
Group: not rated
1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:44 -1033 46
On 1st draw, ZONE(S) H4 46 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZONE(D) H4 46, ZONE(R) H4 46, ZON(A)E H4 46
Other moves: H(I)ZEN H4 40, H(I)ZEN H8 34, H(I)ZEN H5 32, H(I)ZEN H6 32, H(I)ZEN H7 32
ZONE(D) H4 46 LongJump22, OOOOOO1122
ZONE(S) H4 46 Pacific
On 2nd draw, ZYGOTE 4H 38 --- ZYGOTE a cell formed from the union of two gametes [n]
Other moves: HOY 3G 31, YOGH 3G 31, YOUTH 3G 30, GUYOT G5 29, HEY G5 29
YOUTH 3G 30 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, HANGOUT(S) 8A 89 --- HANGOUT a place often visited [n]
Other moves: TOHUNGA(S) 8A 86, TOHUNGA G5 80, HANGOUT G7 77, TOHUNGA G7 71, TOHUNGA I7 71
HANGOUT(S) 8A 89 LongJump22
HANGOUT(S) 8A 39 Javelin22, ShotPut22, Discus22
On 4th draw, HEAVIE(S)T A8 92 --- HEAVY having much weight [adj]
Other moves: ENA(C)TIVE C7 74, VENETIA(N) C6 74, VENTAI(L)E C6 74, AGE(N)TIVE D7 72, E(R)GATIVE D6 72
HEAVIE(S)T A8 92 LongJump22
VET(S) N1 31 Hammer22
On 5th draw, LABORITE E5 90 --- LABORITE a supporter of labor interests [n]
Other moves: TITRABLE 15A 83, LIBERATE M1 72, LABORITE K1 70, TITRABLE G8 64, TITRABLE L2 61
LIBERATE M1 72 Pacific
On 6th draw, FLEAPITS M2 80 --- FLEAPIT a run-down movie theater [n]
Other moves: FLEAPITS 12C 78, FASTI N2 40, PASTIL N2 40, FASTI F10 35, FIATS F10 35
FLIP D12 34 Javelin22
On 7th draw, MAUVEINS C2 80 --- MAUVEIN a mauve dye [n]
Other tops: MAUVINES C3 80
Other moves: AMUSIVE L9 78, MAISE N1 48, MUSIVE 13C 41, AIS N2 38, EAS N2 38
On 8th draw, ROMANCED 2A 88 --- ROMANCE to woo [v]
Other moves: ACORNED L9 76, NOTECARD 11C 61, CANZONE(S) H1 54, CONFER 2J 34, ROMANCE 2A 34
On 9th draw, ATOMY 1H 51 --- ATOMY a tiny particle [n]
Other tops: AMITY 1H 51, ATIMY 1H 51
Other moves: OTARY 1H 45, MAYOR 1G 43, MORAY 1G 43, MARY 1G 40, MATY 1G 40
On 10th draw, BIELDIER 12C 74 --- BIELDY affording shelter [adj]
Other moves: BLADE B6 36, BLARE B6 34, BRIDIE A1 33, BRIDLE A1 33, GIBED D8 33
On 11th draw, NAOS N1 40 --- NAOS an ancient temple [n]
Other moves: SOFTEN 8J 39, EAS N2 38, EFS 13C 36, OFTEN 8K 36, SEAN N4 36
On 12th draw, RICTAL 8J 33 --- RICTAL resembling a rictus [adj] --- RICTUS the expanse of the open mouth [adj]
Other moves: CRAGS A1 30, CRAIGS A1 30, ICTAL 8K 30, AGS O1 28, CAGS D1 27
On 13th draw, EDS 13C 30 --- ED education [n]
Other tops: IDS 13C 30
Other moves: EDS O1 28, END O1 28, UDS O1 28, ENS 13C 27, INS 13C 27
On 14th draw, WHA B6 35 --- WHA (Scots) who [pron]
Other moves: HOW F4 32, EH O1 30, HE 2J 30, HI 2J 30, HO 2J 30
On 15th draw, WOODIER 11I 79 --- WOODY containing or resembling wood [adj]
Other moves: DREW A1 36, DROW A1 36, DOW F4 30, OROIDE A1 30, OW O1 30
WOODIER 11I 79 Pacific
On 16th draw, REJIG O11 42 --- REJIG to re-equip [v]
Other moves: GRUFE A1 39, FUJI 13J 34, EF 10I 33, FIE 10J 33, GRIPE A1 33
On 17th draw, KEF 10H 38 --- KEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: REF 10H 34, EF 10I 33, URP O1 32, FE 2J 30, KEPT G5 28
On 18th draw, XU 2J 54 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: XU N14 39, URP O1 32, PIX 10D 28, PYX I3 27, QUID D10 27
XU 2J 54 Pacific
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