Game on June 26, 2023 at 20:21, 7 players
1. 202 pts Pacific
2. 190 pts LongJump22
3. 55 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


7E 63 85 


6F 36 121 


4H 72 193 


8K 39 232 


8A 40 272 


C4 60 332 


3J 33 365 


D1 32 397 


1B 36 433 


2F 33 466 


10E 73 539 


11J 37 576 


O1 36 612 


N10 76 688 


B5 52 740 


14H 62 802 


H12 72 874 


5E 25 899 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 1 3:53 -697 202 1.9769 Pacific 1 3:53 -697 202
LongJump22 3 3:39 -709 190 Group: intermediate
Javelin22 1 2:41 -844 55 1.6922 LongJump22 3 3:39 -709 190
ShotPut22 1 3:23 -844 55 2.6624 Javelin22 1 2:41 -844 55
Discus22 0 0:40 -869 30 3.6624 ShotPut22 1 3:23 -844 55
Hammer22 0 1:05 -869 30 4.6685 Discus22 0 0:40 -869 30
7. -
OOOOOO1122 1 0:52 -877 22 5.6658 Hammer22 0 1:05 -869 30
Group: not rated
1. - OOOOOO1122 1 0:52 -877 22
On 1st draw, PROTEI H4 22 --- PROTEUS one that readily changes his appearance or principles [n]
Other tops: PERITI H4 22, PITIER H4 22
Other moves: PIERT H4 20, PERITI H3 18, PERITI H7 18, PERITI H8 18, PITIER H3 18
PROTEI H4 22 LongJump22, OOOOOO1122
PITIER H4 22 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 2nd draw, CATTABU(S) 7E 63 --- CATTABU a cross between cattle and zebu [n]
Other tops: CATTABU(S) 7F 63
Other moves: B(E)ARCAT 5E 40, TA(M)BAC G6 26, AB(D)UCT 10F 25, ABA(T)TU G5 22, AB(D)UCT G8 22
CATTABU(S) 7F 63 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, KAO(N) 6F 36 --- KAON one of a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: ALCA(Z)AR E5 32, ALA(S)KA L4 28, ALA(S)KA(S) L4 28, KARA(K)A(S) L1 28, KA(B)ALA(S) L1 28
On 4th draw, PLENISTS 4H 72 --- PLENIST an advocate of plenism [n]
Other moves: SILENTS 10D 70, TINSELS 10F 70, ENLISTS 10G 68, LISTENS 10C 68, UTENSILS K7 66
PLENISTS 4H 72 LongJump22
On 5th draw, PILAW 8K 39 --- PILAW a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other moves: SWIPLE O4 33, WIPE 3J 33, GAWSIE O1 30, PILEA 8K 30, SPAWL O4 30
SWIPLE O4 33 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 6th draw, MANEH 8A 40 --- MANEH a Greek weight [n]
Other moves: HAME 3J 33, HEME 3J 33, MANEH 10F 33, MIHA 3J 33, ANIME 3I 31
MENSH O1 30 Discus22, Hammer22
On 7th draw, TRUENESS C4 60 --- TRUENESS the quality or state of being true [n]
Other moves: ESTRUS 5E 27, RETUSE 3J 26, URESES 9A 26, EUREKAS F2 24, TRUSSER 5B 24
On 8th draw, YEBO 3J 33 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other moves: FY 5J 31, FEYS O1 30, FOYS O1 30, YEBO D1 30, YEA B6 29
On 9th draw, FIVE D1 32 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other tops: FETID 2F 32, FIEND 2F 32, FINED 2F 32, VINED 2F 32, VINTED 2F 32
Other moves: CHIVED E7 30, FINED 10F 30, VINED 10F 30, VINTED 10F 29, CHEVIN E7 28
On 10th draw, REFRAME 1B 36 --- FRAME to construct by putting together the various parts [v] --- REFRAME to put in a new frame [v]
Other moves: FARMER 1D 33, FERRUM 1D 33, FRAMER 1D 33, MAARE B6 33, MEARE B6 33
FARMER 1D 33 Pacific
On 11th draw, GONER 2F 33 --- GONER one who is in a hopeless situation [n]
Other tops: GENRO 2F 33
Other moves: LONGER 2F 32, CHEVRON E7 30, ERGON 2I 28, LONGE 2F 28, LONER 2F 27
On 12th draw, TRODDEN 10E 73 --- TREAD to walk on, over, or along [v]
Other moves: TRODDEN G9 65, TRODDEN I9 65, CHORDED E7 28, CHONDRE E7 26, CHORED E7 24
TRODDEN I9 65 Pacific
On 13th draw, FAWNY 11J 37 --- FAWNY of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
Other moves: NEWSY O1 33, UEY B4 32, YEAN B6 32, FAYNE 11J 31, FY 11J 31
On 14th draw, CHASED O1 36 --- CHASE to pursue [v]
Other moves: WELCH L11 34, HIED 9G 33, CHASE O1 30, CLASH O1 30, HALSED O1 30
On 15th draw, ZYGON N10 76 --- ZYGON a H shaped fissure of the brain [n]
Other moves: XOANA B6 63, AX B5 52, OX B5 52, GYOZA N10 44, GAUZY N7 38
OX B5 52 Pacific
On 16th draw, OX B5 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: GOX M13 30, OX O14 29, XI E4 28, IDOL O12 27, ILEX 9A 26
OX B5 52 Pacific
On 17th draw, DILUTING 14H 62 --- DILUTE to thin or reduce the concentration of [v]
Other moves: DUG O13 20, DELI 9B 19, DIG M13 18, DUG M13 18, DUH 2M 18
On 18th draw, QADI H12 72 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: JUDO H12 60, OUIJA 15D 48, QUAI 15E 48, QUA 15F 45, JIAO 15F 44
On 19th draw, JO 5E 25 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JOVIAL 13D 21, JO A4 20, OUIJA 13D 20, OVOLI D11 20, LOOR 5E 18
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