Game on June 28, 2023 at 09:22, 6 players
1. 146 pts LongJump22
2. 69 pts ShotPut22
3. 69 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 28 28 


11D 86 114 


10B 37 151 


K6 65 216 


8K 42 258 


12B 43 301 


L1 27 328 


O1 80 408 


1G 39 447 


N2 34 481 


9A 34 515 


A2 80 595 


2C 39 634 


D1 38 672 


3F 35 707 


12K 34 741 


C2 26 767 


2I 29 796 


O10 30 826 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 4 3:34 -680 146 1.6746 LongJump22 4 3:34 -680 146
ShotPut22 2 2:44 -757 69 2.6473 ShotPut22 2 2:44 -757 69
Javelin22 2 3:18 -757 69 3.6439 Javelin22 2 3:18 -757 69
4. -
JJJJJJ1139 1 1:50 -788 38 Group: not rated
5. -
AAAAAA1119 1 0:45 -798 28 1. - JJJJJJ1139 1 1:50 -788 38
6. -
GGGGGG1119 1 1:13 -798 28 2. - AAAAAA1119 1 0:45 -798 28
3. - GGGGGG1119 1 1:13 -798 28
On 1st draw, GAINLY H7 28 --- GAINLY graceful [adj]
Other moves: GAILY H8 26, LINGY H8 26, GAINLY H4 24, INLAY H8 24, LAYING H7 24
On 2nd draw, S(E)ABLITE 11D 86 --- SEABLITE a salt-marsh plant [n]
Other tops: ASTILBE(S) 11D 86, A(S)TILBES 11D 86, BASILE(C)T 11D 86, E(P)IBLAST 11D 86, SEABLIT(E) 11D 86, SIB(I)LATE 11D 86, S(I)BILATE 11D 86, TABLIE(R)S 11E 86
Other moves: ABATISE(S) 8H 80, ABATI(S)ES 8H 80, BEASTI(L)Y 12A 80, BESTIA(R)Y 12A 80, SYBA(R)ITE 12G 74
On 3rd draw, DEARY 10B 37 --- DEARY darling [n]
Other moves: DREARY 10A 36, READY 10B 36, AERY 10C 31, YEARD 10B 31, ARY 10D 30
On 4th draw, FEMMIEST K6 65 --- FEMMY markedly feminine in appearance [adj]
Other moves: FEIST L8 34, FIEST L8 34, FEIST 12A 32, FEMS 12A 32, FIEST 12A 32
On 5th draw, MOXI(E) 8K 42 --- MOXIE spirit or courage [n]
Other tops: MIXT(E) 8K 42
Other moves: OKT(A) J9 38, K(E)G 12D 36, GI(N)K 12A 34, GO(N)K 12A 34, GO(O)K 12A 34
On 6th draw, APHID 12B 43 --- APHID any of a family of small, soft-bodied insects [n]
Other moves: HIP 12D 38, HID 12D 35, HAPU L12 32, HAUD L12 32, HILD L12 32
On 7th draw, CITOLA L1 27 --- CITOLA a pear-shaped guitar [n]
Other moves: LEGATO 7J 24, TALC L12 24, GELATO 7J 23, CITOLA 13I 22, COATI J2 22
On 8th draw, SIBILAT(E) O1 80 --- SIBILATE to hiss [v]
Other tops: ALBITIS(E) O1 80
Other moves: ALBITISE C3 74, SIBILATE C3 74, STIBIAL G2 67, STILB L11 36, ALBITIC 1F 33
On 9th draw, ENDARCH 1G 39 --- ENDARCH formed from the center outward [adj]
Other moves: DRENCH 1H 36, HADE N2 35, HAINED N6 35, HAIRED N6 35, DAH N4 33
On 10th draw, DOTAL N2 34 --- DOTAL pertaining to a dowry [adj]
Other tops: ADAW M3 34, DATAL N2 34
Other moves: DAWT 9A 31, DOWL 9A 31, DOWT 9A 31, LOWT 9A 30, AW 2I 29
On 11th draw, SOWP 9A 34 --- SOWP a spoonful [n]
Other moves: VAWS 9A 33, VOWS 9A 33, PAWS 9A 32, POWS 9A 32, AW 2I 29
On 12th draw, RENAGUES A2 80 --- RENAGUE to be a turncoat [v]
Other moves: RENAGUE 2A 72, UNEAGER 2A 72, GEAN 13B 34, REAN 13B 31, AGE 8A 29
On 13th draw, FURZE 2C 39 --- FURZE a spiny shrub [n]
Other moves: FUZE 2D 38, ZURF I6 36, AZURE J1 34, AZURN J1 34, FUNK G6 34
FURZE 2C 39 LongJump22
On 14th draw, JUTE D1 38 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: FUJI C2 28, GJU 6A 27, JINN I6 22, MEIN 9K 21, EEJIT G1 20
JUTE D1 38 LongJump22, JJJJJJ1139
On 15th draw, OKE 3F 35 --- OKE a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: FUNKER C2 34, GUNK G6 32, FUNK C2 28, SNOEK 12K 28, KEG 3G 27
OKE 3F 35 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 16th draw, SQUEG 12K 34 --- SQUEG to oscillate in an irregular manner [v]
Other moves: FUNGI C2 24, QUIN I6 24, SUQ 12K 24, FUNG C2 22, MEIN 9K 21
SQUEG 12K 34 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 17th draw, FINNER C2 26 --- FINNER a type of whale (the rorqual) [n]
Other moves: TINE 13K 25, TIRE 13K 25, FINER C2 22, MEIN 9K 21, REGION O10 21
On 18th draw, OW 2I 29 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: WOVEN E4 28, WOVE E4 26, OWE 13A 25, GNOW O12 24, GOWN O12 24
On 19th draw, VOGUER O10 30 --- VOGUER one who moves like a groovy model [n]
Other moves: VERVE N11 22, MEU 9K 18, MOU 9K 18, ONE B4 18, PERV C12 18
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