Game on June 30, 2023 at 15:28, 7 players
1. 202 pts LongJump22
2. 105 pts Pacific
3. 99 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


6H 68 92 


M6 74 166 


L12 24 190 


O1 39 229 


14G 78 307 


O9 95 402 


H12 57 459 


N1 51 510 


I10 30 540 


J6 43 583 


5D 32 615 


4A 49 664 


E1 65 729 


D9 74 803 


1C 27 830 


K5 35 865 


15A 27 892 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 3 5:13 -690 202 1.9804 Pacific 0 6:40 -787 105
Pacific 0 6:40 -787 105 Group: intermediate
Javelin22 1 4:04 -793 99 1.6345 LongJump22 3 5:13 -690 202
ShotPut22 1 5:12 -793 99 2.6545 Javelin22 1 4:04 -793 99
Hammer22 0 0:46 -841 51 3.6628 ShotPut22 1 5:12 -793 99
Discus22 0 1:08 -841 51 4.6533 Hammer22 0 0:46 -841 51
7. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:17 -868 24 5.6531 Discus22 0 1:08 -841 51
Group: not rated
1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:17 -868 24
On 1st draw, CORNED H4 24 --- CORN to preserve with salt [v]
Other tops: BONCE H4 24, BONDER H4 24, BRONC H4 24, BRONC H8 24, CONDER H4 24, CORBE H4 24
Other moves: BONED H4 22, BORDE H4 22, BORED H4 22, BROND H4 22, CODEN H4 22
BRONC H8 24 LongJump22
BRONC H4 24 OOOOOO1122, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 2nd draw, RECOILER 6H 68 --- RECOILER one that recoils [n]
Other moves: RECOILED 9A 65, RECOILER 6A 64, CICOREE 4F 22, CICOREE 4H 22, LOERIE G5 21
RECOILER 6H 68 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, LONGERON M6 74 --- LONGERON a longitudinal member of an aeroplane's fuselage [n]
Other tops: RONEOING L1 74
Other moves: GOER 5K 22, NOONER O1 21, ORGONE O5 21, OROGEN O5 21, ROGNON O6 21
LONGERON M6 74 LongJump22
On 4th draw, GAID L12 24 --- GAID a spear [n]
Other tops: GILD L12 24
Other moves: GADI L12 22, DAG L10 21, DALI L10 21, GNAT 8L 21, LIGATED N1 21
On 5th draw, GAUPERS O1 39 --- GAUPER one that gawps [n]
Other moves: GASPER O1 36, GAUPER O1 36, PAISE 14J 36, PARGES O4 36, PURGES O4 36
SPURIAE O3 36 LongJump22
On 6th draw, NOTA(R)ISE 14G 78 --- NOTARISE to attest to as a notary [v]
Other tops: O(D)ONATES K4 78, O(Z)ONATES K4 78, (B)OTANISE 14G 78, (C)ANOEIST 14G 78
Other moves: STONE(R)AG 1H 77, ASTONE(D) 3G 76, ASTONE(S) 3G 76, SANTE(R)O 3G 76, (C)OSTEAN 3C 76
ASTON(I)ED 15E 24 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 7th draw, UNHEADS O9 95 --- UNHEAD to decapitate [v]
Other moves: UNHEADS 3B 86, UNHEADS 13C 85, UNCASHED 4F 78, SEAHOUND K2 74, UNHEADS 3D 74
HADED 15H 51 Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 8th draw, JEON H12 57 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: HEJIRA 2J 48, HIRED 15H 47, HIRER 15D 44, HORNIER K5 40, REJON H11 39
On 9th draw, AZO N1 51 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZA 5K 46, ZO 5K 46, ZO N2 46, ZLOTY K8 41, LAZY K9 39
On 10th draw, ALOFT I10 30 --- ALOFT in or into the air [adv]
Other moves: LOFT I11 29, TOFT I11 29, AFT I12 28, OFT I12 28, FOLIA I8 27
On 11th draw, CARTWA(Y) J6 43 --- CARTWAY a way used by carts [n]
Other moves: WAR J10 39, WAT J10 39, (S)WAT J9 39, tW*T(T)WAT J9 39, AWA(Y) J9 38
On 12th draw, FATHOM 5D 32 --- FATHOM to discover the depth of [v]
Other tops: FATHOM K2 32
Other moves: AH K10 28, HAFT 3G 28, HM 5K 28, BAHUT 3G 27, FAH 3G 27
On 13th draw, BYKED 4A 49 --- BYKE to swarm [v]
Other moves: YUKED 4A 47, BYKE 4A 42, YUKE 4A 40, DYKE 4A 38, BUKE 4A 36
YE M3 22 Pacific
On 14th draw, MOLDAVITE E1 65 --- MOLDAVITE
Other moves: BEVOMIT A4 42, BEMOIL A4 30, BLIVE A4 30, ELM K9 28, OLM K9 28
LIMBO A1 27 Pacific
On 15th draw, TRIVETS D9 74 --- TRIVET a small stand having three legs [n]
Other moves: STROVE 2B 34, VERST 10B 34, BREVIS A4 33, VERS 10B 31, VETS 10B 31
RIVETS 8A 30 Pacific
On 16th draw, LIMIER 1C 27 --- LIMY resembling or containing lime [adj]
Other moves: BLUIER A4 24, ILEUM 1A 24, ILIUM 1A 24, MILIEU 1E 24, BIRLE A4 21
On 17th draw, WOX K5 35 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: QUIP L4 34, BOX K5 33, POX K5 33, QUIPO K2 32, QUEP 13B 30
QUIT 14A 26 Pacific
On 18th draw, YIPS 15A 27 --- YIP to utter a short, sudden cry [v]
Other tops: BUYS 15A 27, PUYS 15A 27, YUPS 15A 27
Other moves: PUBS 15A 24, PIU C13 22, YU C13 22, YU M3 22, BEY N5 18
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