Game on July 2, 2023 at 08:39, 5 players
1. 249 pts LongJump22
2. 70 pts Discus22
3. 70 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 24 24 


12H 20 44 


13J 27 71 


14J 30 101 


O6 86 187 


15M 28 215 


10N 31 246 


15E 33 279 


13B 87 366 


14A 32 398 


I2 83 481 


15A 51 532 


D7 89 621 


4H 88 709 


C7 40 749 


G5 26 775 


E3 39 814 


M1 20 834 


O1 45 879 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 3 3:09 -630 249 1.6393 LongJump22 3 3:09 -630 249
Discus22 0 2:15 -809 70 2.6584 Discus22 0 2:15 -809 70
ShotPut22 0 2:59 -809 70 3.6689 ShotPut22 0 2:59 -809 70
Javelin22 0 1:37 -841 38 4.6581 Javelin22 0 1:37 -841 38
5. -
AAAAAA1119 1 1:17 -855 24 Group: not rated
1. - AAAAAA1119 1 1:17 -855 24
On 1st draw, TALWEG H7 24 --- TALWEG the middle of a water-way [n]
Other moves: TALWEG H3 22, TALWEG H4 22, TALWEG H8 22, TALWEG H5 20, TALWEG H6 20
On 2nd draw, GROUPIE 12H 20 --- GROUPIE a female follower of rock groups [n]
Other tops: PIEROGI 12C 20, PIROGUE 12D 20
Other moves: PIROGI 12D 18, POWER 10F 18, POWRE 10F 18, RIPE G6 18, POURIE G3 17
On 3rd draw, DRAD 13J 27 --- DRAD dread [adj]
Other moves: ORAD 13J 24, ADD 13L 23, DRAT 13J 23, ODD 13L 23, DAW 13M 22
On 4th draw, DERE 14J 30 --- DERE dire [adj] --- DERE to injure [v]
Other moves: GOURDE 14F 28, DREG 14K 25, GORED 14F 24, GOURD 14F 24, GREED 14F 24
On 5th draw, RONNIES O6 86 --- RONNIE (Irish) a moustache [n]
Other moves: RONNIES 15D 80, RONNIES 13B 77, RONNIES I2 64, RONNIES G1 62, INTONERS 7F 61
On 6th draw, MOC 15M 28 --- MOC a North American Indian shoe [n]
Other moves: OOM N8 25, MEE N10 23, MOE N10 23, EM N9 22, MEU 15M 22
On 7th draw, QI 10N 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BEE N10 23, AB N9 22, AWEE N6 22, WEET N7 22, BEAT G8 21
On 8th draw, ALEYES 15E 33 --- ALEYE to quell [v]
Other moves: EERY I10 32, ALEYES 13C 31, YALES 15F 30, ALEYES N2 28, AYES 15G 27
On 9th draw, HAV(I)ORS 13B 87 --- HAVIOR behavior [n]
Other moves: HAV(I)ORS G1 70, OV(E)RWASH 10D 68, (N)AVARHOS 8E 64, HAV(E)RS 13C 35, HOV(E)AS 13C 35
On 10th draw, JET 14A 32 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other tops: JAI 14A 32, JOE 14A 32, JOT 14A 32
Other moves: JEAT G8 31, JAW 10F 29, J*WJEW 10F 29, JOW 10F 29, JA 14A 28
On 11th draw, OVE(R)TAX I2 83 --- OVERTAX to tax too heavily [v]
Other moves: AXE 15A 73, AX(E) 15A 69, AX 15A 67, OX 15A 67, (A)XE 15A 67
On 12th draw, AW 15A 51 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other tops: AY 15A 51, OW 15A 51, OY 15A 51
Other moves: WOOZY 2G 40, AN 15A 39, ON 15A 39, WIZ G6 39, OOZY 2H 36
On 13th draw, AGENTIVE D7 89 --- AGENTIVE a word part that denotes the doer of an action [n]
Other moves: NEGATIVE D7 87, INTE(R)AGE 5E 82, AGENTIVE 3C 76, NEGATIVE 3C 76, NATIVE D9 29
INTE(R)AGE 5E 82 LongJump22
INTE(R)AGE 5E 32 Discus22, ShotPut22
On 14th draw, PEDANTIC 4H 88 --- PEDANT one who flaunts his knowledge [adj] --- PEDANTIC relating to a pedant [adj]
Other tops: PENTADIC 4H 88
Other moves: CANT(R)IP 5E 40, CATNIP C2 33, CATNIP G3 30, PADI C7 29, NIPA G6 27
PEDANTIC 4H 88 LongJump22
PEDANTIC 4H 38 Discus22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 15th draw, HUMAS C7 40 --- HUMA a fabulous bird [n]
Other moves: FAH C7 38, MOHUA E7 38, HUMA C7 37, FASH 3K 36, FATHOMS M2 36
HUMAS C7 40 LongJump22
On 16th draw, BLITE G5 26 --- BLITE a plant of the goosefoot family [n]
Other moves: BILE G6 25, BITE G6 25, BUTE G6 25, BE B10 24, BIBLE E3 24
On 17th draw, FUNKY E3 39 --- FUNKY having an offensive odor [adj]
Other moves: FIKY E4 37, KY H1 32, INKY E4 31, UNIFY E3 31, KY J1 30
FUNKY E3 39 LongJump22
On 18th draw, LOUTING M1 20 --- LOUT to bow in respect [v]
Other moves: LIG D2 19, LINO D2 19, LION D1 19, LOG D2 19, LOIN D1 19
On 19th draw, ZOIC O1 45 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other moves: ZIFF 3B 38, ZIFF 3C 38, BOZO 2H 35, WIZ 10H 35, ZO H1 35
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