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Game on July 3, 2023 at 02:09, 6 players
1. 373 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 85 pts sunshine12
3. 70 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aelorr   H7    64    64   realtor
 2. aegnntu   I1    63   127   tunnage
 3. ?eiiotx  13G    82   209   trioxide
 4. aeenosw  O11    51   260   owsen
 5. adeiotu   N9    31   291   autoed
 6. aemottu   5D    90   381   automate
 7. aeejkls   L1    59   440   jakes
 8. aeehluy   M2    43   483   hye
 9. eimnrsv   O3    91   574   vermins
10. ablosuw   F3    71   645   outbawls
11. aaehior   1D    39   684   heriot
12. ddegipr  12J    31   715   ped
13. acdeiil   D5    74   789   aecidial
14. befinoy  E11    34   823   boyf
15. aadgilr  11H    35   858   trad
16. aeiinqv   N1    34   892   qi
17. aceggin   1N    33   925   qi
18. acegprv  10H    27   952   lac
19. eginprv   2A    27   979   viper

Remaining tiles: fgglnntz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6747 FileGLOBEMAN    1 13:56  -606  373     1.7396 sunshine12  0  2:50  -894   85 
  2.7396 Filesunshine12  0  2:50  -894   85     2.7053 roocatcher  0  1:38  -909   70 
  3.7053 Fileroocatcher  0  1:38  -909   70     3.7750 enzotiger   0  1:20  -941   38 
  4.7750 Fileenzotiger   0  1:20  -941   38     4.7633 lazy.lion   0  0:41  -944   35 
  5.7633 Filelazy.lion   0  0:41  -944   35     5.7595 bumpkin     0  1:58  -966   13 
  6.7595 Filebumpkin     0  1:58  -966   13            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6747 GLOBEMAN    1 13:56  -606  373 

On 1st draw, REAL(T)OR H7 64 --- REALTOR a real estate agent who is a member of the National Association of Realtors -- a collective mark [n]
Other tops: AREOL(A)R H2 64, AREOL(A)R H3 64, AREOL(A)R H4 64, AREOL(A)R H6 64, AREOL(A)R H8 64, LA(B)ORER H3 64, LA(B)ORER H4 64, LA(B)ORER H6 64, LA(B)ORER H7 64, LA(B)ORER H8 64, REAL(T)OR H2 64, REAL(T)OR H3 64, REAL(T)OR H4 64, REAL(T)OR H6 64, RELA(T)OR H2 64, RELA(T)OR H3 64, RELA(T)OR H4 64, RELA(T)OR H6 64, RELA(T)OR H7 64, (A)REOLAR H2 64, (A)REOLAR H3 64, (A)REOLAR H6 64, (A)REOLAR H7 64, (A)REOLAR H8 64, (C)AROLER H2 64, (C)AROLER H3 64, (C)AROLER H6 64, (C)AROLER H7 64, (C)AROLER H8 64, (P)ERORAL H2 64, (P)ERORAL H3 64, (P)ERORAL H6 64, (P)ERORAL H7 64, (P)ERORAL H8 64, (P)REORAL H2 64, (P)REORAL H3 64, (P)REORAL H6 64, (P)REORAL H7 64, (P)REORAL H8 64
Other moves: AREOL(A)R H5 62, AREOL(A)R H7 62, LA(B)ORER H2 62, LA(B)ORER H5 62, REAL(T)OR H5 62

On 2nd draw, TUNNAGE I1 63 --- TUNNAGE total weight in tons [n]
Other tops: TUNNAGE G1 63, UNTANGLE 10B 63
Other moves: GUNNERA 13C 20, GAUNTER 13B 18, REGNANT 13H 18, ENG I7 17, GAEN I9 17

On 3rd draw, TRIOXI(D)E 13G 82 --- TRIOXIDE a type of oxide [n]
Other moves: TET(T)IX 1G 60, (T)ETTIX 1G 60, OXI(D)ATE 5E 52, IXI(A) H1 48, EXO H1 47

On 4th draw, OWSEN O11 51 --- OWSE an ox [n]
Other moves: WEASON O10 45, ENSEW O11 42, SOW 14H 36, SAW O13 33, SEW O13 33

On 5th draw, AUTOED N9 31 --- AUTO to ride in an automobile [v]
Other moves: ADIEUX K8 28, DITA 14J 28, DITE 14J 28, AUTOED 1G 27, DATE 12J 27

On 6th draw, AUTOMATE 5D 90 --- AUTOMATE to convert to a system of automatic control [v]
Other moves: AUTOMATE 9C 65, AMOURETTE 7D 62, MUTATE O4 35, MOTETT 1D 33, MUT 14J 32
MUT 14J 32 roocatcher

On 7th draw, JAKES L1 59 --- JAKES an outhouse [n]
Other moves: JAK 12J 58, JEELS L1 51, JAKE 4A 50, JAKES O5 50, JAKE O6 47
JAKE 4A 50 sunshine12

On 8th draw, HYE M2 43 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: JEHU 1L 42, YAH 12J 42, YEH 12J 42, YAH M2 40, YEAH 4A 38
YU 14J 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 9th draw, VERMINS O3 91 --- VERMIN small, common, harmful, or objectionable animals [n]
Other moves: VERISM O4 49, VERMIN O4 47, VERMIS O4 47, VERSIN O4 41, VINERS O4 41

On 10th draw, OUTBAWLS F3 71 --- OUTBAWL to surpass in bawling [v]
Other moves: WAB 12J 38, WUS 14J 38, SOW 14H 36, BOWATS 1E 33, BUS 14J 32
WUS 14J 38 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, enzotiger
OW J13 13 bumpkin

On 11th draw, HERIOT 1D 39 --- HERIOT a feudal tribute or payment [n]
Other moves: HI 14J 35, AHA N5 33, HAET J2 32, HEAT J2 32, HOAXER K10 32
HI 14J 35 lazy.lion, GLOBEMAN

On 12th draw, PED 12J 31 --- PED a natural soil aggregate [n]
Other tops: PEG 12J 31
Other moves: PI 14J 29, DEG 12J 28, DID 14J 28, GED 12J 28, DEID 14I 27

On 13th draw, AECIDIAL D5 74 --- AECIDIAL pertaining to the aecium [adj]
Other moves: DECLAW 8A 39, (T)EAD 11H 35, AD 11J 33, (T)EAL 11H 31, ALEXIC K10 30

On 14th draw, BOYF E11 34 --- BOYF boyfriend [n]
Other moves: FY E10 32, BONEY E11 30, ONY E9 29, BONY E11 28, YOB E11 28

On 15th draw, (T)RAD 11H 35 --- TRAD traditional [adj] --- TRAD traditional jazz [n]
Other moves: AD 11J 33, (T)AAL 11H 31, (T)IAR 11H 31, AL 11J 29, AR 11J 29

On 16th draw, QI N1 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI C8 27, NEVI 8A 21, VAIN 2B 21, VEIN 2B 21, VIAE 2B 21

On 17th draw, QI 1N 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: LAC 10H 27, CANOEING 3C 24, AGGIE 2A 21, EATING J3 21, LAG 10H 21

On 18th draw, LAC 10H 27 --- LAC a resinous substance secreted by certain insects [n]
Other tops: CAVER 2A 27, PAVER 2A 27
Other moves: PEAT J2 26, CAPER 2A 25, PACER 2A 25, PAV M7 25, ACROGEN 3C 24

On 19th draw, VIPER 2A 27 --- VIPER a venomous snake [n]
Other moves: GIVEN 2A 25, GIVER 2A 25, PERV M6 24, PIROGEN 3C 24, REPONING 3C 24

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