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Game on July 3, 2023 at 07:25, 5 players
1. 307 pts LongJump22
2. 57 pts Discus22
3. 57 pts Javelin22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acoqru   H4    50    50   quack
 2. aeiknsv   9C    35    85   knives
 3. dmoostw   D6    86   171   downmost
 4. adefnrr   C2    32   203   farred
 5. ?cdegos   5E    94   297   scourged
 6. ahoprty   4K    45   342   harpy
 7. hiorsuv   O1    33   375   shoyu
 8. einotuz   2J    76   451   zenith
 9. aeilnru  13B    70   521   retinula
10. adilnor  14H    78   599   ordinal
11. aeeglmy  15D    57   656   gamey
12. aeeilnt   J7    70   726   entailed
13. abefopt  12H    37   763   pelota
14. einoruv  13L    31   794   oven
15. abfgior  B10    36   830   fibro
16. aiilrtw   B6    33   863   wai
17. eiilttu   A8    25   888   teil
18. begitux   O8    30   918   beguin

Remaining tiles: jrtx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6598 FileLongJump22  2  3:51  -611  307     1.6598 LongJump22  2  3:51  -611  307 
  2.6596 FileDiscus22    1  0:51  -861   57     2.6596 Discus22    1  0:51  -861   57 
  3.6581 FileJavelin22   1  1:13  -861   57     3.6581 Javelin22   1  1:13  -861   57 
  4.  -  FileCCCCCC1119  1  1:05  -868   50            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileAAAAAA1119  1  1:39  -868   50     1.  -  CCCCCC1119  1  1:05  -868   50 
                                             2.  -  AAAAAA1119  1  1:39  -868   50 

On 1st draw, QUAC(K) H4 50 --- QUACK to utter the characteristic cry of a duck [v]
Other moves: QUAR(T)O H4 48, QOR(M)A H4 46, QUAR(E) H4 46, QUAR(K) H4 46, QUAR(T) H4 46
QUAC(K) H4 50 CCCCCC1119, AAAAAA1119

On 2nd draw, KNIVES 9C 35 --- KNIFE a sharp-edged instrument used for cutting [n] --- KNIVE to knife [v]
Other tops: KNAVES 9C 35
Other moves: SKIVE 9H 33, NAIKS 9D 30, SKEAN 9H 30, SKEIN 9H 30, ASK 9G 29

On 3rd draw, DOWNMOST D6 86 --- DOWNMOST furthest down [adj]
Other moves: TOWMONDS D4 80, TOWMOND D4 28, WOOD 10B 27, KOTOWS C9 26, TOWMONS D4 26

On 4th draw, FARRED C2 32 --- FAR to remove to a distance [v]
Other moves: FARED C3 30, FARDEN C2 28, FARRED E2 26, FARREN C2 26, NAKED C7 26

On 5th draw, SCOU(R)GED 5E 94 --- SCOURGE to punish severely [v]
Other moves: SC(R)OOGED 11A 72, SCOUGED 5E 44, SCOUG(E)D 5E 40, SC(O)UGED 5E 40, (S)COUGED 5E 40

On 6th draw, HARPY 4K 45 --- HARPY a shrewish person [n]
Other moves: ATROPHY 13C 44, HOARY 4K 41, PARTY 4K 38, PORTY 4K 38, HOYA B1 37

On 7th draw, SHOYU O1 33 --- SHOYU a soy sauce [n]
Other moves: HOA 6F 31, SHIV E11 31, VOUCH F2 29, HOURI C11 27, HOURS C11 27

On 8th draw, ZENITH 2J 76 --- ZENITH the highest point [n]
Other moves: TOZE B1 49, ZERO 4A 46, ZORI 4A 46, ZEIN C11 43, ZINE B1 40

On 9th draw, RETINULA 13B 70 --- RETINULA a neural receptor of an arthropod's eye [n]
Other moves: AUNTLIER 13A 68, TENURIAL 13D 60, LINEAR B1 38, ILEA B2 24, INFULAE 2A 24
AUNTLIER 13A 68 LongJump22

On 10th draw, ORDINAL 14H 78 --- ORDINAL a number designating position in a series [n]
Other moves: DOORNAIL 11B 68, DOORNAIL 11C 68, INFOLD 2A 28, INDOL 6J 26, LIDO B1 25
ORDINAL 14H 78 LongJump22

On 11th draw, GAMEY 15D 57 --- GAMEY plucky [adj]
Other tops: GAMELY 15C 57, GLEAMY 15C 57, MEALY 15D 57
Other moves: LYME 15G 53, GYM 15G 50, AGLEY 15D 48, ELEGY 15D 48, GAMY 15E 48
GAMEY 15D 57 LongJump22, Discus22, Javelin22

On 12th draw, ENTAILED J7 70 --- ENTAIL to restrict the inheritance of to a specified line of heirs [v]
Other tops: LINEATED J7 70
Other moves: LINEATE 12I 69, GALENITE J5 63, GELATINE J5 63, TENAILLE N8 60, TINEAL B1 38
LINEATE 12I 69 LongJump22

On 13th draw, PELOTA 12H 37 --- PELOTA a court game of Spanish origin [n]
Other moves: FAB B6 35, FAP B6 35, PELTA 12H 35, BOEP B3 34, OFFBEAT 2A 34
FAB B6 35 LongJump22

On 14th draw, OVEN 13L 31 --- OVEN an enclosed compartment in which substances are heated [n] --- OVEN to cook in an oven [v]
Other tops: OVER 13L 31
Other moves: VINE B1 28, VINO B1 28, OURIE 15K 27, VIREO 4A 26, VIE B1 24

On 15th draw, FIBRO B10 36 --- FIBRO a wall board of compressed asbestos and cement [n]
Other moves: FAB B6 35, FAG B6 34, FAR B6 33, OAF B4 33, FA B6 32

On 16th draw, WAI B6 33 --- WAI water (New Zealand, Hawaii) [n]
Other tops: WAR B6 33, WAT B6 33
Other moves: AW B5 30, WAIL A8 28, WAIT A8 28, WAT 3I 28, WRIT A8 28

On 17th draw, TEIL A8 25 --- TEIL a lime tree [n]
Other tops: LUIT A8 25
Other moves: LIEU B1 22, LITE B1 22, LITU B1 22, TELT 15K 22, TILE B1 22

On 18th draw, BEGUIN O8 30 --- BEGUIN a man living monastic life without vows [n]
Other tops: GIBE B1 30
Other moves: TUXES 1K 29, XI B1 28, BITE B1 26, GIB B1 26, GIB 11I 25

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