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Game on July 3, 2023 at 20:22, 8 players
1. 213 pts Pacific
2. 212 pts LongJump22
3. 134 pts Javelin22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??alnoy   H8    74    74   anolyte
 2. einntuw   G3    68   142   untwine
 3. agorsst  14B    70   212   storages
 4. ceinopt   5E    98   310   entoptic
 5. adeeemo   4D    31   341   emend
 6. iknoosv  15H    53   394   sook
 7. aaiilmq  15A    35   429   qi
 8. acdgino  11E    44   473   codling
 9. adeeflr   J2    72   545   faltered
10. aelnpuw   8J    33   578   eupnea
11. beimrsv   C2    37   615   verism
12. aabirtw   H1    26   641   bardo
13. adhilrw   N2    32   673   rawhide
14. aglorty   8A    45   718   troy
15. abeioxz   O1    68   786   zex
16. afhilot   M1    42   828   fila
17. aeeeglv   A2    64   892   vegelate
18. bhiottu  D12    26   918   booh
19. aijttuu   B1    36   954   ja

Remaining tiles: iittuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9836 FilePacific     2  4:26  -741  213     1.9836 Pacific     2  4:26  -741  213 
  2.6810 FileLongJump22  3  3:01  -742  212            Group: advanced
  3.6612 FileJavelin22   3  4:10  -820  134     1.7728 queen66     1  3:45  -832  122 
  4.6596 FileDiscus22    3  2:44  -822  132            Group: intermediate
  5.6599 FileHammer22    2  1:44  -832  122     1.6810 LongJump22  3  3:01  -742  212 
  6.7728 Filequeen66     1  3:45  -832  122     2.6612 Javelin22   3  4:10  -820  134 
  7.6720 FileShotPut22   1  3:23  -858   96     3.6596 Discus22    3  2:44  -822  132 
  8.  -  FileZZZZZZ1123  1  1:36  -886   68     4.6599 Hammer22    2  1:44  -832  122 
                                             5.6720 ShotPut22   1  3:23  -858   96 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ZZZZZZ1123  1  1:36  -886   68 

On 1st draw, ANOLY(T)(E) H8 74 --- ANOLYTE the part of an electricity-conducting solution nearest the anode [n]
Other tops: ALON(E)(L)Y H6 74, AL(I)(M)ONY H6 74, AL(L)ONY(M) H7 74, AL(M)ON(D)Y H6 74, AL(M)ON(R)Y H6 74, ANO(M)(A)LY H6 74, AN(A)LO(G)Y H6 74, A(C)YLO(I)N H2 74, A(L)LONY(M) H7 74, A(L)ON(E)LY H6 74, NO(D)AL(L)Y H6 74, NO(D)A(L)LY H6 74, NO(N)(P)LAY H6 74, NO(T)A(B)LY H6 74, Y(E)AL(D)ON H4 74, (A)NALO(G)Y H6 74, (A)NO(M)ALY H6 74, (B)ALON(E)Y H6 74, (B)AL(C)ONY H6 74, (D)AYLON(G) H2 74, (H)AL(C)YON H8 74, (H)AL(L)YON H8 74, (H)A(L)LYON H8 74, (N)ON(P)LAY H6 74, (P)ANO(P)LY H6 74, (P)OL(Y)NYA H7 74, (S)YNO(D)AL H3 74, (T)ONAL(L)Y H6 74, (T)ONA(L)LY H6 74, (U)N(R)OYAL H8 74, (W)O(M)ANLY H6 74, (Z)ONAL(L)Y H6 74, (Z)ONA(L)LY H6 74
Other moves: ALON(E)(L)Y H2 68, ALON(E)(L)Y H3 68, ALON(E)(L)Y H4 68, AL(I)(M)ONY H3 68, AL(I)(M)ONY H4 68
NO(N)(P)LAY H6 74 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, UNTWINE G3 68 --- UNTWINE to separate the twisted or tangled parts of [v]
Other tops: UNTWINE I3 68
Other moves: UNTWINE G2 64, UNTWINE I2 64, WITNEY 12C 24, ENTWIN(E) 14B 22, TWINY 12D 22
UNTWINE I3 68 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, STORAG(E)S 14B 70 --- STORAGE a place for storing [n]
Other moves: STRAGS 15H 54, ARGOTS 15C 51, GASTS 15D 51, GATORS 15C 51, GOATS 15D 51
STORAG(E)S 14B 70 LongJump22
GROATS 15C 51 Pacific

On 4th draw, ENTOPTIC 5E 98 --- ENTOPTIC within the eyeball [adj]
Other moves: UNPOETIC 3G 80, ENTOPTIC 5B 74, INCEPTOR E7 74, LEPTONIC 11H 74, PONCIEST B8 64
ENTOPTIC 5E 48 ShotPut22

On 5th draw, EMEND 4D 31 --- EMEND to correct [v]
Other tops: AMEND 4D 31, NOMADE F5 31
Other moves: NOMAD F5 28, MEADOW 6B 27, EMCEED L3 26, MENAD F3 26, MONAD F3 26
ADEEM 4A 22 ShotPut22

On 6th draw, SOOK 15H 53 --- SOOK a whimperer [n] --- SOOK to suck (Scots) [v]
Other tops: SINK 15H 53
Other moves: SIK 15H 50, SOV 15H 47, SKOLION 11E 44, IOS 15F 41, ISO 15G 41
SOOK 15H 53 Discus22
SINK 15H 53 Pacific

On 7th draw, QI 15A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MALIC L1 24, QAT C12 24, MALIK K11 22, AIM 13B 20, AMA 13C 20
QI 15A 35 Discus22

On 8th draw, CODLING 11E 44 --- CODLING an unripe apple [n]
Other moves: COALING 11E 40, CONDO H1 26, CADGY 12D 24, CONIC L1 24, CYANID 12G 24
CODLING 11E 44 Hammer22, Javelin22

On 9th draw, FALTERED J2 72 --- FALTER to hesitate [v]
Other moves: FARDEL C2 31, FREED C3 31, DEFACER L1 30, FEARED C1 29, FLARED C1 29
FREED C3 31 Javelin22

On 10th draw, EUPNEA 8J 33 --- EUPNEA normal breathing [n]
Other moves: PAWNCE L1 32, PAW 13B 30, PEW 13B 30, UNCLEW L3 30, PANEL 13B 29
EUPNEA 8J 33 Javelin22

On 11th draw, VERISM C2 37 --- VERISM realism in art or literature [n]
Other moves: VERISM M1 35, BREVIS C3 33, MIRVS M1 33, VERBS M1 33, VERMIS C2 33
VERISM C2 37 Hammer22

On 12th draw, BARDO H1 26 --- BARDO in Buddhism, a stage between death and rebirth [n]
Other tops: BROW D12 26, WAIATA 3I 26
Other moves: ABWATT C9 24, ANTIWAR M7 24, BARIC L1 24, AWA 13C 23, AROW D12 22
WAIATA 3I 26 ShotPut22

On 13th draw, RAWHIDE N2 32 --- RAWHIDE to beat with a type of whip [v]
Other moves: DHOW D12 30, DIARCH L1 28, AWHIRL 3J 24, DAHL B5 24, DROW D12 24
DIARCH L1 28 queen66

On 14th draw, TROY 8A 45 --- TROY a system of weights [n]
Other moves: GLORY 8A 42, OVARY 2B 38, RYOT 8A 36, GLOAT 8A 33, GROAT 8A 33
G*Y M1 26 queen66

On 15th draw, ZEX O1 68 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: AZO M2 53, BEZ M1 52, ZA M3 49, ZO M3 49, AZO 13C 41
ZEX O1 68 Pacific, queen66, ZZZZZZ1123

On 16th draw, FILA M1 42 --- FILUM a threadlike anatomical structure [n]
Other tops: FILO M1 42, HALO M1 42, HILA M1 42
Other moves: FA M3 41, OAF M1 41, IF M2 39, OF M2 39, FAITH 12A 37
OAF M1 41 Hammer22, Pacific

On 17th draw, VEGELATE A2 64 --- VEGELATE chocolate made from vegetable fat and cocoa fat [n]
Other moves: LAEVO F7 24, AGEE 13C 21, EGAL 13C 21, GENAL F3 21, ALE I1 19
GAVEL 2A 18 Discus22

On 18th draw, BOOH D12 26 --- BOOH to show disapproval by making this sound [v]
Other moves: BOTH 12B 25, OUTHIT 12J 25, BOH 12C 23, THO 12D 21, VIVO 2A 20
BOOH D12 26 Discus22, Javelin22

On 19th draw, JA B1 36 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: RAJ B8 28, JOT F10 26, JO F10 25, JU(T) 13F 23, TA B1 22

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