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Game on July 4, 2023 at 11:35, 7 players
1. 217 pts Pacific
2. 197 pts LongJump22
3. 118 pts Discus22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cgiilt   H7    24    24   tiglic
 2. aefhlnr  12H    28    52   chafer
 3. abeentu  10B    64   116   tuneable
 4. ?aaerrs   N8    81   197   arrases
 5. aantvwx   O6    66   263   wax
 6. ?almuyz   D8    54   317   zanily
 7. eeiimot  14G    61   378   moieties
 8. bceilos  15C    98   476   colbies
 9. defnopr   F6    70   546   profaned
10. aemosst   M2    80   626   osmates
11. adegopq   2J    32   658   pogoed
12. dlnoory  11J    32   690   doy
13. dijotuv   8A    42   732   ditz
14. aaghlru   L4    34   766   haar
15. einoruw   1H    30   796   enow
16. ijlnort   2F    28   824   jin
17. eilnuuv  13A    20   844   viny
18. egknoru  A11    27   871   roven
19. giklqtu   B6    34   905   quilt
20. giktuuv   C3    27   932   kuti

Remaining tiles: guv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9836 FilePacific     1  4:00  -715  217     1.9836 Pacific     1  4:00  -715  217 
  2.6740 FileLongJump22  4  3:44  -735  197            Group: intermediate
  3.6596 FileDiscus22    3  4:24  -814  118     1.6740 LongJump22  4  3:44  -735  197 
  4.6665 FileJavelin22   3  5:17  -814  118     2.6596 Discus22    3  4:24  -814  118 
  5.6749 FileShotPut22   1  1:02  -866   66     3.6665 Javelin22   3  5:17  -814  118 
  6.6599 FileHammer22    0  1:22  -897   35     4.6749 ShotPut22   1  1:02  -866   66 
  7.  -  FileCCCCCC1119  1  1:14  -908   24     5.6599 Hammer22    0  1:22  -897   35 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  CCCCCC1119  1  1:14  -908   24 

On 1st draw, TIGLIC H7 24 --- TIGLIC as in tiglic acid [adj]
Other moves: CITI(N)G H4 22, GLITC(H) H8 22, TIGL(I)C H7 22, TIG(L)IC H7 22, T(I)GLIC H7 22
TIGLIC H7 24 LongJump22, CCCCCC1119, Discus22, Javelin22

On 2nd draw, CHAFER 12H 28 --- CHAFER a large beetle [n]
Other tops: FLANCH 12D 28, FLENCH 12D 28, FRENCH 12D 28
Other moves: CHAFE 12H 26, CHARNEL 12H 24, CHENAR 12H 22, ENARCH 12D 22, FELLAH 10E 22
CHAFER 12H 28 LongJump22
FRENCH 12D 28 Discus22, Javelin22

On 3rd draw, TUNEABLE 10B 64 --- TUNEABLE capable of being tuned [adj]
Other moves: BEAUT 11J 32, BENET 11J 32, ENATE 13I 31, BEAU 11J 30, BENE 11J 30
TUNEABLE 10B 64 LongJump22

On 4th draw, ARRASE(S) N8 81 --- ARRAS a rich tapestry [n]
Other tops: ARRASE(D) N8 81
Other moves: ARRA(S)ES N8 80, ARRASE(N)E E5 78, SEA(F)ARER E4 78, ARREA(R)S N6 75, AR(R)EARS N6 75
ARRASE(D) N8 81 LongJump22

On 5th draw, WAX O6 66 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: TAX O6 57, AX O7 54, TAXA 11C 46, TAX 11C 42, VAW O6 42
WAX O6 66 Pacific, ShotPut22, Discus22, Javelin22

On 6th draw, ZAN(I)LY D8 54 --- ZANILY in a zany manner [adv] --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adv]
Other moves: Z(O)NULA D8 48, ZULU(S) C9 46, Z(O)NAL D8 46, MUZA(K)Y C9 44, M(I)Z O13 43
Z(O)NAL D8 46 Pacific
MAZ(E) M6 35 Hammer22

On 7th draw, MOIETIE(S) 14G 61 --- MOIETY a half [n]
Other moves: EMIT C12 28, MEET 13I 28, EME C12 26, EMO C12 26, MEE 11J 26

On 8th draw, COLBIES 15C 98 --- COLBY a type of mild-tasting hard cheese, pl COLBYS or COLBIES [n]
Other moves: COLBIES 15B 96, COLBIES M2 84, COLBIES G2 68, COLBIES I2 68, COLBIES G1 66
CLOZES 8A 51 Pacific

On 9th draw, PROFANED F6 70 --- PROFANE to treat with irreverence or insult [v]
Other moves: REPONED E5 57, FROZEN 8A 54, FORZE 8A 51, FROZE 8A 51, PREZ 8A 45
FROZEN 8A 54 Pacific

On 10th draw, OSMATES M2 80 --- OSMATE a salt of osmic acid [n]
Other moves: EASTMOST B7 70, OSMATES I2 66, EASTMOST B3 62, STOMATES B5 62, STEAMS M3 32

On 11th draw, POGOED 2J 32 --- POGO to jump up and down to music [v]
Other moves: APED L4 31, OPED L4 31, PAGOD 2J 30, DOP 11J 29, PED 11J 29

On 12th draw, DOY 11J 32 --- DOY dear, a loved one (Scots) [n]
Other tops: YOD 11J 32
Other moves: DRYER M11 31, FOGY 9F 30, OLEO E8 30, RENY E9 30, LOY 11J 29

On 13th draw, DITZ 8A 42 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: JUDO 1G 40, JUD C9 38, JUT C9 36, JIVY 13A 34, DIVOT 1G 33

On 14th draw, HAAR L4 34 --- HAAR a cold sea-mist [n]
Other moves: HA 1N 29, ALMAH 4K 28, GRAHAM 4H 28, RAUGHT C3 28, AHA L4 27

On 15th draw, ENOW 1H 30 --- ENOW enough [n]
Other tops: REWON 1G 30
Other moves: WE 1N 29, WO 1N 29, WERO 1G 25, WINO 1G 25, GWINE 9H 22

On 16th draw, JIN 2F 28 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JOINT B6 28, JOL 2F 28, JOR 2F 28, JOT 2F 28
Other moves: JOY 13B 26, JILT 3G 25, JOLT 3G 25, JO E5 22, ORC C13 20

On 17th draw, VINY 13A 20 --- VINY covered with vines [adj]
Other tops: ENVY 13A 20, LEVY 13A 20
Other moves: VENUE I6 19, IDLE O1 18, IVY 13B 18, VLY 13B 18, NE 1N 17

On 18th draw, ROVEN A11 27 --- REEVE to fasten by passing through or around something [v]
Other moves: ERGON 3C 26, KEG 3I 25, KENO 3C 25, KERO 3C 25, KRONE 3D 25

On 19th draw, QUILT B6 34 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other moves: QUAT 6J 33, QUIT K6 28, QI 7B 26, QI K6 26, QUIT I5 19

On 20th draw, KUTI C3 27 --- KUTI female dog (India) [n]
Other moves: KUTU E3 20, KIAAT 5J 18, KURI 10L 18, KURU 10L 18, KUTI K6 18

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