Game on July 4, 2023 at 13:07, 5 players
1. 160 pts LongJump22
2. 54 pts Discus22
3. 54 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 20 20 


9G 65 85 


K5 40 125 


H7 54 179 


15A 83 262 


O4 53 315 


N1 48 363 


L1 51 414 


14B 37 451 


12A 68 519 


N9 48 567 


O13 31 598 


O1 34 632 


M11 35 667 


J3 34 701 


A7 39 740 


B6 27 767 


G3 35 802 


H1 35 837 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 2 2:57 -677 160 1.6679 LongJump22 2 2:57 -677 160
Discus22 1 2:29 -783 54 2.6596 Discus22 1 2:29 -783 54
Javelin22 1 3:05 -783 54 3.6665 Javelin22 1 3:05 -783 54
ShotPut22 0 1:44 -803 34 4.6749 ShotPut22 0 1:44 -803 34
5. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:03 -817 20 Group: not rated
1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:03 -817 20
On 1st draw, HOOF H7 20 --- HOOF the hard covering on the feet of certain animals [n] --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other tops: FOHN H5 20, FOHN H6 20, FOHN H7 20, FOHN H8 20, HOOF H5 20, HOOF H6 20, HOOF H8 20
Other moves: FOH H6 18, FOH H7 18, FOH H8 18, FINO H5 14, FINO H6 14
HOOF H6 20 LongJump22
HOOF H5 20 Discus22
HOOF H8 20 Javelin22
On 2nd draw, SOLSTICE 9G 65 --- SOLSTICE the time of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator [n]
Other moves: SOLECIST 9G 63, SOLECIST 8G 61, SOLSTICE 8G 61, CITESS G7 32, CITES G7 31
SOLSTICE 9G 65 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, DEVOTE(E) K5 40 --- DEVOTEE an ardent follower or supporter [n]
Other tops: DEVOTE(D) K5 40, DEVOTE(S) K5 40, DEVOT(E)E K5 40, D(E)VOTEE K5 40, (C)OVETED K5 40, (D)EVOTED K5 40, (R)EVOTED K5 40
Other moves: DEVO(T)EE N8 36, DEEV(S) O5 34, DOVE(S) O5 34, EVE(N)ED N9 34, EVO(K)ED N9 34
DEEV(S) O5 34 LongJump22, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 4th draw, HOOFBEATS H7 54 --- HOOFBEAT the sound of hooves striking the ground [n]
Other moves: ABSEY O7 41, ABYES O5 41, ASEITY O8 41, BAYES O5 41, BAYTS O5 41
ABYES O5 41 LongJump22
On 5th draw, GO(R)GEOUS 15A 83 --- GORGEOUS beautiful [adj]
Other moves: GOUGE(S) O4 37, GOGO(S) O5 28, GOOG(S) O5 28, EGG(S) O6 25, GOO(S)E O6 25
On 6th draw, YAIRDS O4 53 --- YAIRD a garden [n]
Other moves: YIRDS L8 39, DAISY O6 38, DRAYS O5 38, YARDS O5 38, YIRDS O5 38
On 7th draw, WHINED N1 48 --- WHINE to utter a plaintive, high-pitched sound [v]
Other moves: WHINED L1 40, WINED N2 40, WIDEN L8 39, WINED L8 38, WHEW J3 37
On 8th draw, ZANTE L1 51 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ALTEZA 13C 50, ZEA 14B 50, ZA 14B 45, GLAZEN L1 41, GLAZE L1 37
On 9th draw, LOUED 14B 37 --- LOU to love (Scots), LOUED, LOUING, LOUS [v]
Other moves: AEMULED N8 35, EM O1 34, OM O1 34, EMULED N9 30, MACULED M7 30
On 10th draw, RENATURE 12A 68 --- RENATURE to restore natural qualities [v]
Other moves: NERTZ 1H 42, EA O1 26, UNSEAT G7 26, LEANT I9 20, LEARN I9 20
On 11th draw, EYEBANK N9 48 --- EYEBANK a bank of corneas for corneal grafts [n]
Other moves: BAKERY A8 45, BAKEN 11B 40, YANKER A7 39, YIKE 11B 39, BAKE 11B 36
On 12th draw, TAI O13 31 --- TAI sea bream [n]
Other tops: TAO O13 31
Other moves: IF J5 30, OF J5 30, OAF M11 28, FAITOR A7 27, TAKA 15L 27
On 13th draw, EM O1 34 --- EM the letter M [n]
Other moves: MARRIER A6 27, EA O1 26, MELA I7 26, MILE I7 26, MULE I7 26
On 14th draw, FAP M11 35 --- FAP drunk or befuddled [adj]
Other moves: MAFTIR A7 33, MAP M11 32, PAM M11 32, TAPA M11 31, IF J5 30
On 15th draw, PROW J3 34 --- PROW brave [adj] --- PROW the forward part of a ship [n]
Other tops: CROW J3 34
Other moves: COW J4 33, COWIER A7 33, CROWER A7 33, POW J4 33, PROWER A7 33
On 16th draw, JAILER A7 39 --- JAILER a keeper of a jail [n]
Other tops: INJERA A8 39
Other moves: JIN 11D 35, JA 11D 31, INJECT E7 30, JACENT E7 30, AJEE B9 27
On 17th draw, VAG B6 27 --- VAG a vagrant [n] --- VAG to arrest someone for vagrancy, VAGS, VAGGED, VAGGING [v]
Other moves: MAG B6 24, AM I6 23, GAM B6 23, ISM J8 23, MAG 11D 23
On 18th draw, QUINOLS G3 35 --- QUINOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: QUINO G3 31, QUILT E8 28, QUINT E8 28, QUOIT E8 28, QUIP 3G 26
On 19th draw, CRIT H1 35 --- CRIT criticism [n]
Other moves: TRIN H1 29, CIT H2 20, NIT H2 18, RIN H2 18, RIT H2 18
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