Game on July 5, 2023 at 19:26, 6 players
1. 170 pts LongJump22
2. 64 pts Javelin22
3. 56 pts Discus22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 20 20 


I2 36 56 


H1 30 86 


4E 84 170 


3B 41 211 


7B 66 277 


N1 104 381 


O7 85 466 


D7 72 538 


1L 69 607 


15D 95 702 


N10 37 739 


2B 36 775 


12B 62 837 


1A 61 898 


5A 43 941 


14J 43 984 


K4 102 1086 

Remaining tile: 
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 4 4:28 -916 170 1.6630 LongJump22 4 4:28 -916 170
Javelin22 1 3:38 -1022 64 2.6804 Javelin22 1 3:38 -1022 64
Discus22 2 3:26 -1030 56 3.6663 Discus22 2 3:26 -1030 56
Hammer22 1 1:51 -1050 36 4.6582 Hammer22 1 1:51 -1050 36
ShotPut22 1 1:30 -1056 30 5.6763 ShotPut22 1 1:30 -1056 30
6. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:33 -1066 20 Group: not rated
1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:33 -1066 20
On 1st draw, COATI H4 20 --- COATI a tropical mammal [n]
Other tops: ACTIO(N) H3 20, AO(R)TIC H7 20, ATO(M)IC H7 20, ATO(N)IC H7 20, ATO(P)IC H7 20, A(Z)OTIC H7 20, CATIO(N) H4 20, CA(H)OOT H4 20, CITO(L)A H4 20, COAIT(A) H4 20, COATI(S) H4 20, COITA(L) H4 20, COOTI(E) H4 20, CO(A)ITA H4 20, CO(G)ITO H4 20, CO(P)ITA H4 20, OCI(C)AT H3 20, OCTA(V)O H3 20, OCTO(P)I H3 20, OCT(R)OI H3 20, OO(M)IAC H7 20, (M)ATICO H8 20, (S)COTIA H3 20
Other moves: AT(T)IC H8 18, A(N)TIC H8 18, A(R)TIC H8 18, A(T)TIC H8 18, A(Z)OIC H8 18
OCTA(V)O H3 20 LongJump22, OOOOOO1122, Discus22
On 2nd draw, DZHO I2 36 --- DZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ADZE 6H 34, COZED 4H 34, DZHO 5E 34, ZHO I3 34, ADZ 6H 33
DZHO I2 36 LongJump22, Discus22, Hammer22
On 3rd draw, XI H1 30 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: AXIL G2 30
Other moves: LATHI G3 29, TAXI G1 27, TAXI G6 27, DAHL G3 26, HILD G3 26
AXIL G2 30 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 4th draw, PEACHBLO(W) 4E 84 --- PEACHBLOW [n]
Other tops: POACH(A)BLE 4E 84, PO(A)CHABLE 4E 84
Other moves: PLA(C)EBO J5 73, PO(K)ABLE J5 69, PO(S)ABLE 9F 69, PO(S)ABLE J5 69, PO(T)ABLE J5 69
POACH(A)BLE 4E 84 LongJump22
POACH(A)BLE 4E 34 Javelin22
On 5th draw, ENTOMB 3B 41 --- ENTOMB to place in a tomb [v]
Other moves: OBLATE G1 29, MELTON 5A 26, MOBLE 5A 26, MOLTEN 5A 26, TOMB 3D 26
On 6th draw, INHUMATE 7B 66 --- INHUMATE to bury [v]
Other moves: INHUMANE C2 65, HAEM 2B 39, AHEM 5C 35, HAEM 5C 35, HEAUME B2 34
On 7th draw, TENSIVE N1 104 --- TENSIVE causing tensity [adj]
Other moves: INVITEES 8H 88, INVITEES B7 76, TENSIVE 9E 70, VENITES 9B 70, MISEVENT F7 67
On 8th draw, TYRANNE O7 85 --- TYRANNE to play the oppressor [v]
Other tops: TANNERY O7 85
Other moves: TANNERY M7 77, TYRANNE M7 77, TRANNY O7 41, YATE 1L 33, YETT 1L 33
On 9th draw, HA(M)ARTIA D7 72 --- HAMARTIA in tragedy, the character flaw that leads to downfall [n]
Other moves: (D)ATARIA J7 71, RATA(F)IA M7 70, RA(D)IATA M7 68, TA(L)ARIA M7 68, ALI(G)ARTA K3 64
On 10th draw, QATS 1L 69 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUANTS 1J 48, QUARTO 1J 48, QUARTS 1J 48, QUATS 1K 45, QUOTA 1K 45
On 11th draw, SERPIGO 15D 95 --- SERPIGO a spreading skin eruption [n]
Other moves: PORGIES M7 86, PORGIES 14I 85, PIEROGIES B1 82, SERPIGO J7 80, PIROGIES 13C 78
On 12th draw, KOI N10 37 --- KOI a large and colorful fish [n]
Other moves: FOID 2B 36, FOID N10 36, KIF 14J 36, KILD 14J 35, KI 6B 34
On 13th draw, WAID 2B 36 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: DAW 14H 34, AWDL M10 33, DRAWL 14J 33, WAIL 2B 33, WAUL 2B 33
On 14th draw, OUTLIVER 12B 62 --- OUTLIVER one that outlives [n]
Other moves: VOILE M9 37, RIVEL 5B 35, OVEL 5C 33, LEV 1A 30, LIVRE 5A 30
On 15th draw, JOWL 1A 61 --- JOWL the fleshy part under the lower jaw [n] --- JOWL to bump [v]
Other moves: JONG 1A 57, JOWL 14J 55, J*WJEW 14J 54, JOW 14J 54, JONG 14J 53
On 16th draw, TUFFES 5A 43 --- TUFFE a tuft [n]
Other tops: TUFFES 14J 43
Other moves: GUFFS 14J 39, GUFFS 5A 38, TEFFS 5A 36, TUFFE 5A 36, TUFFS 5A 36
On 17th draw, GURLED 14J 43 --- GURL to growl [v]
Other moves: GLUED 14J 29, GRUED 14J 29, CLOUD B10 28, CLUED 14K 28, CURED 14K 28
On 18th draw, LEGENDRY K4 102 --- LEGENDRY a collection of legends [n]
Other moves: GYRED 11B 35, DENY J7 31, DREY J7 31, GYELD M11 30, BREDE J4 28
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