Game on July 6, 2023 at 07:26, 5 players
1. 383 pts fatcat
2. 275 pts babsbedi
3. 53 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


G1 72 98 


1A 176 274 


F4 38 312 


9E 34 346 


J5 25 371 


8J 33 404 


O6 64 468 


A1 89 557 


N2 54 611 


11D 73 684 


B7 70 754 


O1 56 810 


A11 53 863 


N11 43 906 


C3 46 952 


D3 48 1000 


14J 34 1034 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
fatcat 3 7:51 -651 383 1.6542 fatcat 3 7:51 -651 383
babsbedi 3 5:47 -759 275 2.6794 babsbedi 3 5:47 -759 275
ShotPut22 1 0:18 -981 53 3.6805 ShotPut22 1 0:18 -981 53
4. -
AAAAAA1119 1 1:58 -981 53 Group: not rated
5. -
OOOOOO1122 0 0:53 -1012 22 1. - AAAAAA1119 1 1:58 -981 53
2. - OOOOOO1122 0 0:53 -1012 22
On 1st draw, FOGIE H4 26 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: GOWF H5 22, GOWF H6 22, GOWF H7 22, GOWF H8 22, FOGIE H8 20
On 2nd draw, ARSENAL G1 72 --- ARSENAL a collection or supply of weapons [n]
Other moves: ARSENAL 9F 69, ARSENAL G7 65, ALNAGERS 6D 63, ARSENAL G8 61, ARSENAL I8 61
On 3rd draw, PRIMA(T)AL 1A 176 --- PRIMATAL any of an advanced order of mammals [n]
Other moves: PRIMA(T)AL 1C 86, PALMI(E)R I7 75, PRIM(U)LA I7 75, IMPARL(S) 9B 73, L(E)MPIRA I8 63
On 4th draw, NOY F4 38 --- NOY to vex [v]
Other tops: NOH F4 38
Other moves: RESINY B1 34, ROSINY B1 34, HONEYS I5 33, HONEY I5 32, HOSEY I5 32
On 5th draw, GRO(S)Z 9E 34 --- GROSZ a Polish coin [n]
Other moves: OZONOU(S) 5D 30, MOZ(E) D1 28, MOZ(O) D1 28, MOZ(Z) D1 28, MO(Z)Z D1 28
On 6th draw, TOOLER J5 25 --- TOOLER one that tools [n]
Other tops: LOOTER J5 25
Other moves: ALTER J6 24, ARTEL J6 24, LATER J6 24, OATER J6 24, RATEL J6 24
On 7th draw, LECTIN 8J 33 --- LECTIN a protein that binds to a sugar molecule [n]
Other moves: ENEW 2B 29, LENTIC 8J 27, ICEWINE C1 26, NEWER 2C 24, TWEEN K3 24
On 8th draw, IGNORAMI O6 64 --- IGNORAMUS an ignorant person, pl IGNORAMUSES pl IGNORAMI is only used by ignoramuses [n]
Other moves: GROMA 8A 36, MOIRA 8A 27, MORIA 8A 27, ORIGAMI 10I 27, ORGIA 8A 24
ZAG I9 15 fatcat
On 9th draw, PUDENDAL A1 89 --- PUDENDAL pertaining to the pudendum [adj] --- PUDENDUM the external genital organs of a woman [adj]
Other moves: DAINED N6 33, LANDED N1 31, LAUDED N1 31, UNDEAD N1 31, DALED N2 29
LANDED N1 31 fatcat
On 10th draw, STONK N2 54 --- STONK to bombard intensively [n]
Other tops: SNOEK N2 54
Other moves: SNOKED N1 37, STOKED N1 37, TONKED N1 37, DESK N3 35, DOEK N3 35
STONK N2 54 fatcat
On 11th draw, DETENUS 11D 73 --- DETENU a prisoner [n]
Other tops: DETUNES 11D 73
Other moves: ETUDES N10 31, STED O1 30, ETUDE N10 29, DETENUE K2 24, ENES M3 23
STED O1 30 fatcat
On 12th draw, SAVEYED B7 70 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other moves: YEVES 12A 38, VADES 12A 34, YEDES 12A 34, YEVE 12A 34, EVADES 12B 33
VADES 12A 34 babsbedi
NEEDY H11 30 fatcat
On 13th draw, CHIB O1 56 --- CHIB to stab [v]
Other moves: BACH A12 52, BRACH A11 52, BROCH A11 52, HAIR A12 45, HARO A12 45
HOAR A12 45 babsbedi
RICH A12 36 fatcat
On 14th draw, AWARE A11 53 --- AWARE having perception or knowledge [adj]
Other moves: WARB A12 51, BAWR A12 46, ABEAR A11 45, WARE A12 45, WEAR A12 45
AWARE A11 53 ShotPut22, babsbedi, AAAAAA1119
WERE A12 45 fatcat
On 15th draw, JUPE N11 43 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other moves: J*WJEW K4 35, JOW K4 35, JUPE K2 30, FUJI 13L 28, FEW K4 27
JUPE N11 43 fatcat
JOW K4 35 babsbedi
On 16th draw, FOWTH C3 46 --- FOWTH abundance [n]
Other moves: THEOW K2 31, THIEF K2 31, THEW K3 29, FETICH L4 28, FEH K4 27
TOW C12 26 fatcat, babsbedi
On 17th draw, AXE D3 48 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other tops: AXITE 12D 48
Other moves: VIBEX K2 47, VITEX K2 43, AX D3 41, EX D3 41, EXIT 12D 41
AXE D3 48 babsbedi
IBEX K3 39 fatcat
On 18th draw, QUITE 14J 34 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other moves: QI K4 26, CUBITI L8 20, CUBIT L8 18, QI M1 17, DIVI D11 16
QUITE 14J 34 fatcat, babsbedi
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