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Game on July 8, 2023 at 09:04, 7 players
1. 359 pts Chelsea
2. 242 pts LongJump22
3. 112 pts ShotPut22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeprst   H8    74    74   retapes
 2. ?aiinor   I9    73   147   robinia
 3. ?bellru   J5    71   218   bullers
 4. efhilnv   K4    31   249   feh
 5. ceiosty   L1    44   293   cosey
 6. agknors   2J    40   333   kroons
 7. adiistu   O1    27   360   tsadis
 8. aacinot   8J    21   381   latina
 9. ehiptuz  14F    39   420   upsize
10. addemno  15A    41   461   dodman
11. ehmotuw  15K    47   508   theow
12. eginott   3D    67   575   tentigo
13. aeinvwy   H1    45   620   waive
14. efilnor   4A    30   650   folie
15. aelmqru  13B    37   687   qualm
16. abinruy   B1    38   725   briony
17. acdegjo  14N    41   766   jo
18. acdegiv   A6    41   807   advice
19. eggirux   1A    63   870   ibex

Remaining tiles: ggru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7284 FileChelsea     2 13:24  -511  359     1.7284 Chelsea     2 13:24  -511  359 
  2.6754 FileLongJump22  1  2:38  -628  242            Group: intermediate
  3.6847 FileShotPut22   2  2:12  -758  112     1.6754 LongJump22  1  2:38  -628  242 
  4.  -  FileCCCCCC1119  1  1:58  -829   41     2.6847 ShotPut22   2  2:12  -758  112 
  5.6851 FileJavelin22   0  1:15  -840   30     3.6851 Javelin22   0  1:15  -840   30 
  6.6864 FileDiscus22    0  1:29  -840   30     4.6864 Discus22    0  1:29  -840   30 
  7.6643 FileHammer22    0  1:46  -840   30     5.6643 Hammer22    0  1:46  -840   30 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  CCCCCC1119  1  1:58  -829   41 

On 1st draw, RETAPES H8 74 --- RETAPE to tape again [v]
Other tops: REPEATS H2 74
Other moves: REPEATS H3 70, REPEATS H4 70, REPEATS H6 70, REPEATS H7 70, REPEATS H8 70
REPEATS H2 74 LongJump22
PESTER H4 22 Chelsea

On 2nd draw, RO(B)INIA I9 73 --- ROBINIA an plant of the locust genus [n]
Other moves: RO(B)INIAS 14A 68, SI(G)NORIA 14H 64, ANTIRIO(T) 10F 61, AN(T)IRIOT 10A 61, TRI(T)ONIA 10H 61
RO(B)INIAS 14A 68 LongJump22
PAIRIN(G) 12H 16 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, BULLER(S) J5 71 --- BULLER to seethe [v]
Other moves: BULL(I)ER J4 70, BULL(I)ER J3 63, BULLER(S) J3 62, RUBELL(A) J3 62, RUL(A)BLE G2 62
BULL(I)ER J4 70 LongJump22
BE J14 23 Chelsea

On 4th draw, FEH K4 31 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: EF J13 30, FEH G7 30, FE J14 29, ENLIVEN 13C 28, FIVE K2 28
EF J13 30 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22, Hammer22
FEH G7 30 Chelsea

On 5th draw, COSEY L1 44 --- COSEY a covering for a teapot [n]
Other moves: CYTES L1 41, CITY L1 40, COSY L1 40, COYS L2 39, SCYE L2 39
COSEY L1 44 Chelsea

On 6th draw, KROONS 2J 40 --- KROON a former monetary unit of Estonia [n]
Other moves: SKA J13 39, KAONS 2J 38, KRONA 2J 38, KROON 2J 38, ANORAKS 15I 36
KRONA 2J 38 Chelsea

On 7th draw, TSADIS O1 27 --- TSADI a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: TSADI O1 24, TSADI M4 23, ADENITIS 13F 22, STAID M5 18, STUD G6 17

On 8th draw, LATINA 8J 21 --- LATINA a female Latin American [n]
Other tops: ATOC G6 21, LATINO 8J 21
Other moves: ENACTION 13H 20, TOC G7 20, ANTIC N6 19, ATOCIA N4 19, ATONIC N4 19
TACO 3G 16 Chelsea

On 9th draw, UPSIZE 14F 39 --- UPSIZE to increase in size [v]
Other moves: ZEP G7 38, UNZIP N1 36, SIZE 14H 33, PHIZ M6 32, HOTE M1 31
ZEP G7 38 Chelsea

On 10th draw, DODMAN 15A 41 --- DODMAN a snail [n]
Other moves: NOMADE L10 39, DAEMON 15A 38, MADDEN 15A 38, DOMED L10 37, MONDE L11 37
AMEND L10 35 Chelsea

On 11th draw, THEOW 15K 47 --- THEOW a slave [n]
Other moves: METHO 15K 37, MOUTH 15K 37, HEM 14B 35, HOM 14B 35, WEM 14B 35
THEW G6 31 Chelsea

On 12th draw, TENTIGO 3D 67 --- TENTIGO morbid lasciviousness [n]
Other moves: TENTIGO G2 63, GENTOO B10 22, GENTOO N10 22, ONIE 14A 22, EGO 14M 21
EGO 14M 21 Chelsea

On 13th draw, WAIVE H1 45 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: NAIVE H1 36, VEINY H1 36, WAVEY 2A 35, VIEWY 13K 34, WAVEY 13K 34
WAIVE H1 45 Chelsea

On 14th draw, FOLIE 4A 30 --- FOLIE folly [n]
Other tops: FELON 4A 30, FILER 4A 30, FINER 4A 30, FLIER 4A 30, FOREL 4A 30, FORLEND C9 30, FREON 4A 30
Other moves: INFER 6D 28, LIFER 6D 28, FENI 4A 26, FER 6F 26, FILE 4A 26

On 15th draw, QUALM 13B 37 --- QUALM a feeling of doubt or misgiving [n]
Other moves: MARQUE M10 34, ARMFUL A1 33, FLAMER A4 33, FULMAR A4 33, QUALM D11 32

On 16th draw, BRIONY B1 38 --- BRIONY a climbing plant [n]
Other tops: BARONY B1 38
Other moves: FAIRY A4 33, UNIFY A1 33, BIRYANI M7 32, IRONY B2 32, FUBAR A4 30

On 17th draw, JO 14N 41 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: JA 14N 41
Other moves: JA 12D 38, JADE 13K 34, G*DJ* 13K 32, G*DJ* 13K 32, JAG 13K 32
JO 14N 41 ShotPut22

On 18th draw, ADVICE A6 41 --- ADVICE recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct [n]
Other moves: CAVED 6D 32, GIVED 6D 31, ABIDE 1A 30, VICED 6D 30, AVID 6E 29
ADVICE A6 41 ShotPut22, CCCCCC1119

On 19th draw, IBEX 1A 63 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: EX 7L 36, XI 7M 36, XU 7M 36, NIXER N8 28, NIXE N8 27

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