Game on July 9, 2023 at 01:43, 6 players
1. 144 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 37 pts roocatcher
3. 36 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


11F 30 56 


M7 103 159 


14B 104 263 


8L 42 305 


12K 36 341 


A11 60 401 


O12 33 434 


10B 24 458 


14J 26 484 


N5 26 510 


O1 31 541 


D7 32 573 


G3 65 638 


F2 40 678 


8A 27 705 


H1 31 736 


B2 26 762 


4A 48 810 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
GLOBEMAN 1 6:00 -666 144 1.7107 roocatcher 0 2:16 -773 37
roocatcher 0 2:16 -773 37 2.7258 sunshine12 0 3:03 -774 36
sunshine12 0 3:03 -774 36 3.7633 lazy.lion 1 1:47 -779 31
lazy.lion 1 1:47 -779 31 4.7720 enzotiger 0 1:46 -782 28
enzotiger 0 1:46 -782 28 5.7595 bumpkin 0 1:21 -794 16
bumpkin 0 1:21 -794 16 Group: intermediate
1.6827 GLOBEMAN 1 6:00 -666 144
On 1st draw, RELIVE H8 26 --- RELIVE to experience again [v]
Other tops: EVILER H3 26, VEILER H4 26, VELURE H4 26
Other moves: VILER H4 24, EVILER H4 20, EVILER H7 20, EVILER H8 20, LEVIER H3 20
On 2nd draw, FAI(R)WAY 11F 30 --- FAIRWAY the mowed part of a golf course between tee and green [n]
Other tops: AN(Y)WAY G4 30, WAYFA(R)E 13B 30
Other moves: AWAY G6 29, A(L)WAY G5 29, A(S)WAY G5 29, N(O)WAY G5 29, YA(R)FA 14F 29
On 3rd draw, EXPO(S)IT M7 103 --- EXPOSIT to expound [v]
Other moves: EXPI(A)TOR 8A 101, EXPO(S)IT 14D 82, POXIE(S)T M6 82, PO(N)TIFEX F6 77, POXIE(S)T 14C 76
On 4th draw, MATCHES 14B 104 --- MATCH to set in competition or opposition [v]
Other moves: MACHETES 13B 84, MATCHES N1 84, SCHEMATA K4 80, MATCHES I3 77, MACHETES 13D 70
On 5th draw, EXAM 8L 42 --- EXAM an examination [n]
Other moves: BEMA 15A 38, MABE 15A 38, VANE 15A 33, VENA 15A 33, NABE 15A 32
On 6th draw, NOILY 12K 36 --- NOIL a kind of short fiber [adj] --- NOILY pertaining to a noil [adj]
Other tops: POLONY 12A 36
Other moves: YONI 15A 33, OILY 12L 32, POINTY D10 30, POLITY D10 30, POLO 15A 30
On 7th draw, WHOSE A11 60 --- WHOSE the possessive case of who [pron]
Other tops: WHOSO A11 60
Other moves: HOWSO 14J 54, WERSH 14J 54, WHOSE 14J 54, WHOSO 14J 54, WOOSH 14J 54
On 8th draw, YARK O12 33 --- YARK to wrench violently [v]
Other tops: YANK O12 33, YIRK O12 33
Other moves: KINARA C9 30, OAK 13A 30, KA 13C 26, KI 13C 26, TYRAN O11 24
On 9th draw, BUNCE 10B 24 --- BUNCE to disguise pilfering by overcharging customers [v]
Other moves: BEGIN 13G 23, BEGUN 13G 23, BINGE 10B 23, BEGUINE L2 22, BEIGE 13G 22
BE 13C 18 roocatcher
On 10th draw, DAGS 14J 26 --- DAG a hanging end or shred [n] --- DAG to remove clotted tufts of wool from a sheep [v]
Other tops: DOGS 14J 26, GADS 14J 26, GODS 14J 26
Other moves: DOOS 14J 25, DOTS 14J 25, GATS 14J 25, GOAS 14J 25, GOOS 14J 25
D*G* 9ADAGO 9A 19 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 11th draw, RELAID N5 26 --- RELAY to put down new flooring [v]
Other moves: DEAIR N6 22, LAID N7 22, RAID N7 22, AID N8 19, DOULEIA C8 18
ROILED I4 17 sunshine12
On 12th draw, BATTEN O1 31 --- BATTEN to fasten with strips of wood [v]
Other tops: BANNET O1 31
Other moves: BENET 13G 25, ABET 13F 22, BENE 13G 20, BETA 13G 20, BETE 13G 20
BANNET O1 31 GLOBEMAN, lazy.lion
On 13th draw, QUINOS D7 32 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QIS 12D 30, QUOIST 3J 30, SQUIRE 5J 30, SQUIRT 3J 30, QUAD C12 28
QUAD C12 28 GLOBEMAN, enzotiger
On 14th draw, ROOTIER G3 65 --- ROOTY full of roots [adj]
Other tops: ROOTIER I3 65
Other moves: ROTURIER 8A 24, ROTI E4 19, TORI E4 19, LOOR 10H 17, LOOT 10H 17
RIT E6 16 bumpkin
On 15th draw, JUNTA F2 40 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other moves: JA N2 38, JAG F2 32, JUG F2 32, GAUJE C8 31, JAUNTEE L2 31
On 16th draw, FRAUD 8A 27 --- FRAUD criminal deception [n]
Other moves: OAF 13A 26, FAD H1 25, FID H1 25, FIR E6 25, ARF I7 24
On 17th draw, OVEN H1 31 --- OVEN an enclosed compartment in which substances are heated [n] --- OVEN to cook in an oven [v]
Other tops: VINO H1 31
Other moves: VOGUIER B2 26, GIEN H1 25, VID E6 24, GUINEA 2J 22, VEG I7 22
On 18th draw, GUILDER B2 26 --- GUILDER a monetary unit of the Netherlands [n]
Other moves: GUILED I4 25, GODLIER B2 22, GOLDIER B2 22, DELUGE L3 20, GID E6 20
On 19th draw, ZING 4A 48 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other moves: IONIZE L3 42, ZIP C1 39, ZIG C1 35, GINZO M1 33, ZIP M3 33
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