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Game on July 12, 2023 at 23:59, 6 players
1. 274 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 132 pts sunshine12
3. 130 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ginorsy   H6    80    80   signory
 2. ?aalmns   8H    83   163   gamelans
 3. ?achilr  11E    98   261   charlier
 4. eeoqstv  J10    32   293   qis
 5. almnorw   9K    29   322   mowa
 6. beinost   O1    83   405   ebonists
 7. eenoptw   E5    80   485   twopence
 8. ceeinot   N7    34   519   enaction
 9. abeptvy  D12    40   559   bevy
10. adegirz   G1    78   637   agrized
11. dekloru  15D    42   679   youked
12. aegiorx   H1    57   736   xi
13. adeglrt  O12    33   769   dreg
14. adefjno  M13    43   812   joe
15. aefhilt   N1    36   848   fah
16. afnortv   C9    39   887   favor
17. adeeill   B5    25   912   allied
18. aenprtu   A5    36   948   neap
19. eitttuu   M3    20   968   tutu

Remaining tiles: eiirtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6861 FileGLOBEMAN    5  8:26  -694  274     1.7219 sunshine12  1  5:51  -836  132 
  2.7219 Filesunshine12  1  5:51  -836  132     2.7064 roocatcher  2  3:05  -838  130 
  3.7064 Fileroocatcher  2  3:05  -838  130     3.7138 Nibbler     2  3:45  -855  113 
  4.7138 FileNibbler     2  3:45  -855  113     4.7610 bumpkin     1  2:13  -898   70 
  5.7610 Filebumpkin     1  2:13  -898   70     5.7243 FangTooth   1  0:44  -932   36 
  6.7243 FileFangTooth   1  0:44  -932   36            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6861 GLOBEMAN    5  8:26  -694  274 

On 1st draw, SIGNORY H6 80 --- SIGNORY the power of a seignior [n]
Other moves: ROSYING H6 76, SIGNORY H2 76, ROSYING H2 74, ROSYING H3 74, ROSYING H4 74

On 2nd draw, GAM(E)LANS 8H 83 --- GAMELAN a type of orchestra [n]
Other tops: GLA(S)SMAN 8H 83
Other moves: GLAS(S)MAN 8H 80, S(E)AMANLY 12A 76, AM(M)ONALS 10E 67, LAM(I)NAS G1 67, LAN(D)MASS 6B 67

On 3rd draw, CHARLI(E)R 11E 98 --- CHARLIER as in charlier shoe, a light horseshoe [adj]
Other moves: (P)ARH(E)LIC K4 94, CHARLI(E)S O1 89, RHAC(H)IAL M6 88, CHI(V)ALRY 12A 86, (D)IARCHAL M2 84

On 4th draw, QIS J10 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI J10 31, QATS M7 24, QAT M7 23, QI 7G 21, EVES 12L 20

On 5th draw, MOWA 9K 29 --- MOWA a butter tree [n]
Other moves: MAW 9K 26, MOW 9K 26, MIAOW 7G 25, LIMAN 7G 23, WHAMO F10 23

On 6th draw, EBONISTS O1 83 --- EBONIST an ebony worker [n]
Other moves: EBONISTS 6A 68, EBONISTS 6C 64, NANOBES N8 22, BE 10N 21, BETOSS O4 21

On 7th draw, TWOPENCE E5 80 --- TWOPENCE a British coin worth two pennies [n]
Other moves: EWE 10M 34, EWT 10M 34, POW N1 33, W*P N1 33, NOPE N1 28

On 8th draw, ENACTION N7 34 --- ENACTION the passing of a bill into law [n]
Other moves: INCEPT 8A 33, NETOP 8A 24, TEENY 12D 23, CONNE 10B 22, CONTE D1 22
CINE 12B 12 sunshine12

On 9th draw, BEVY D12 40 --- BEVY a group [n]
Other moves: BAYE N1 37, PATY D12 34, PYAT M12 34, PYET M12 34, BAY N1 33
BAYE N1 37 sunshine12

On 10th draw, AGRIZED G1 78 --- AGRIZE to terrify [v]
Other moves: AGRYZED 15A 63, AGRYZE 15A 57, RAZED N1 56, DAZE N1 52, IZAR 7H 52
ZAG M13 50 sunshine12

On 11th draw, YOUKED 15D 42 --- YOUK to itch [v]
Other tops: DOEK O12 42, DOUK O12 42, DREK O12 42, YOLKED 15D 42, YORKED 15D 42
Other moves: ROKED N1 41, YOKED 15D 39, YUKED 15D 39, ROED H1 37, RUED H1 37
DRAKE 1E 30 roocatcher

On 12th draw, XI H1 57 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: VOX 14D 56, OXER O12 50, RAX O13 34, REX O13 34, RAX 14H 31
XI H1 57 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 13th draw, DREG O12 33 --- DREG the sediment of liquors [n]
Other tops: DRAG O12 33
Other moves: RAGED N1 32, DEAL O12 30, DEAR O12 30, DRAT O12 30, RATED N1 29
DRAG O12 33 sunshine12

On 14th draw, JOE M13 43 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JA M13 41, JO M13 41, JAW M7 39, JET 7M 39, FADE N1 34
JOE M13 43 roocatcher, Nibbler

On 15th draw, FAH N1 36 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other moves: FATE N1 31, HALE N1 31, HATE N1 31, AHI N2 27, FAT N1 27
FAH N1 36 Nibbler, FangTooth, bumpkin

On 16th draw, FAVOR C9 39 --- FAVOR to regard with approval [v]
Other moves: FRONT M2 36, FONT M2 34, FORA M2 34, FORT M2 34, FRAT M2 34
FORT M2 34 bumpkin, Nibbler

On 17th draw, ALLIED B5 25 --- ALLY to unite in a formal relationship [v]
Other moves: AILED B6 24, EDILE I1 22, ELIAD D3 22, IDEAL D3 21, LAID B7 21

On 18th draw, NEAP A5 36 --- NEAP a tide of lowest range [n] --- NEAP to tend towards the tide of the smallest range [v]
Other moves: APT A7 35, ERUPT A1 32, PEAT A5 32, TAUPE A1 32, TRAPE A1 32

On 19th draw, TUTU M3 20 --- TUTU a short ballet skirt [n]
Other tops: TITE M3 20
Other moves: ETUI I1 19, TET M3 18, TIE M3 18, TIT M3 18, TUI M3 18

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