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Game on July 15, 2023 at 09:51, 9 players
1. 528 pts Chelsea
2. 208 pts moonmonkey
3. 205 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ademrtz   H4    50    50   zerda
 2. ?eemost   5D    86   136   stereome
 3. aeeloot   4H    38   174   zooeae
 4. fiklmno   M3    44   218   menfolk
 5. adefipv   8L    39   257   flip
 6. abdijos   4A    46   303   jiaos
 7. aeeloru   I8    61   364   aureole
 8. ?abertt  11D    86   450   abetters
 9. adegiin  13H    70   520   gliadine
10. acgnosv  O10    45   565   covens
11. bdeiirx  12B    50   615   dixie
12. adehqtu  15F    51   666   quad
13. acegilt   A4    42   708   jetlag
14. behlnop  10D    40   748   lope
15. ahinnrt   B1    28   776   tahini
16. birsuwy   3I    30   806   bys
17. hinnrru   A1    26   832   uh
18. ciruvwy   N1    25   857   wry
19. cinrrtu  15F    22   879   quadric
20. ginnuvw   B8    21   900   guv

Remaining tiles: innrtw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7316 FileChelsea     4  9:45  -372  528     1.7316 Chelsea     4  9:45  -372  528 
  2.7616 Filemoonmonkey  2  3:23  -692  208     2.7616 moonmonkey  2  3:23  -692  208 
  3.6635 FileLongJump22  3  4:23  -695  205     3.7653 Mycophot    1  3:03  -768  132 
  4.7653 FileMycophot    1  3:03  -768  132            Group: intermediate
  5.6769 FileShotPut22   2  4:06  -776  124     1.6635 LongJump22  3  4:23  -695  205 
  6.6558 FileDiscus22    2  4:42  -776  124     2.6769 ShotPut22   2  4:06  -776  124 
  7.6710 FileJavelin22   1  0:43  -850   50     3.6558 Discus22    2  4:42  -776  124 
  8.6627 FileHammer22    1  1:19  -850   50     4.6710 Javelin22   1  0:43  -850   50 
  9.  -  FileCCCCCC1119  0  1:53  -856   44     5.6627 Hammer22    1  1:19  -850   50 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  CCCCCC1119  0  1:53  -856   44 

On 1st draw, ZERDA H4 50 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: MAZED H4 40, MAZED H8 38, MAZER H4 38, DAZER H4 34, MAZED H5 34
ZERDA H4 50 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22, Hammer22, Discus22

On 2nd draw, STE(R)EOME 5D 86 --- STEREOME mechanical tissue in plants [n]
Other tops: E(R)OTEMES 5D 86
Other moves: ME(S)TESO 9C 79, MESTE(S)O 9C 78, OME(L)ETS 9B 78, EMOTE(R)S 9B 77, MESTE(S)O 9F 76
E(R)OTEMES 5D 86 LongJump22
(R)EMOTES 9B 26 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, ZOOEAE 4H 38 --- ZOOEA the larval stage of crabs [n]
Other tops: ZOOEAL 4H 38
Other moves: ZLOTE 4H 36, ZOEAE 4H 36, ZOEAL 4H 36, ZOOEA 4H 36, ZOEA 4H 21
ZOOEAL 4H 38 LongJump22, Discus22, ShotPut22
ZOEAE 4H 36 Chelsea

On 4th draw, MENFOLK M3 44 --- MENFOLK the men of a family or community [n]
Other moves: MONK 3I 35, FINKS D1 32, FOLKS D1 32, MELIK M3 32, FOLK 3L 31
MONK 3I 35 Chelsea
FOLK 3L 31 LongJump22

On 5th draw, FLIP 8L 39 --- FLIP flippant [adj] --- FLIP to throw with a brisk motion [v]
Other tops: FLAP 8L 39
Other moves: FLED 8L 36, FAILED 8J 33, FLEA 8L 33, PILAF 8K 33, VAILED 8J 33
FLAP 8L 39 Chelsea
FLIP 8L 39 moonmonkey

On 6th draw, JIAOS 4A 46 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JABS 10J 46, JIBS 10J 46, JOBS 10J 46
Other moves: JIAO 4A 42, JIAOS D1 40, JIBED F2 35, JOBED F2 35, JABS 9E 32
JOBS 10J 46 Chelsea
JIAOS 4A 46 moonmonkey

On 7th draw, AUREOLE I8 61 --- AUREOLE to surround with a halo [v]
Other tops: AUREOLE G8 61, AUREOLED 7A 61
Other moves: AUREOLAE 8B 59, JARUL A4 36, JOUAL A4 36, JOULE A4 36, JURAL A4 36
JOULE A4 36 moonmonkey, Chelsea, ShotPut22, Discus22

On 8th draw, ABETTER(S) 11D 86 --- ABETTER one who abets [n]
Other tops: BAR(B)ETTE 11E 86, BAR(R)ETTE 11E 86, BATTERE(D) 11E 86, BATTERE(R) 11E 86, BATTER(I)E 11E 86, BATTE(L)ER 11E 86, BATTE(N)ER 11E 86, BATTE(R)ER 11E 86, BA(R)RETTE 11E 86, BER(R)ETTA 11E 86, BE(R)RETTA 11E 86, TRABE(A)TE 11E 86, TR(A)BEATE 11E 86, (B)ARBETTE 11E 86, (D)RABETTE 11E 86
Other moves: BATTER(S) 15C 84, TABRET(S) 15C 84, TERAB(Y)TE 14B 80, TABORET(S) 12F 74, TABO(U)RET 12F 74
JAB(B)ER A4 42 moonmonkey
BARE H12 38 Chelsea

On 9th draw, GLIADINE 13H 70 --- GLIADINE a simple protein [n]
Other moves: JADING A4 45, G*DJ* A1 42, GAIJIN A1 42, AIDING 15G 39, GAINED 15D 39
JADING A4 45 moonmonkey, Chelsea

On 10th draw, COVENS O10 45 --- COVEN a group of witches [n]
Other moves: CONGAS 15D 44, JONGS A4 39, GASCON 15G 38, AVENS O11 36, CONGAS 12A 36
COVENS O10 45 Chelsea
CONGAS 15D 44 Mycophot, CCCCCC1119

On 11th draw, DIXIE 12B 50 --- DIXIE a camp-kettle [n]
Other moves: IBEX 12C 47, DIXI 12B 46, IBEX 12A 46, DIXI 12D 45, JIBED A4 45
IBEX 12A 46 Mycophot
JIBED A4 45 Chelsea

On 12th draw, QUAD 15F 51 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: JEHAD A4 48, HADJ A1 45, THUJA A1 45, QAT 10B 42, HATED 13A 41
QUAD 15F 51 Chelsea

On 13th draw, JETLAG A4 42 --- JETLAG the disruption of body rhythms after a flight through several time zones [n]
Other moves: CADGE B10 30, CATE 13A 29, CITE 13A 29, CADET B10 28, CADIE B10 28
JETLAG A4 42 Mycophot
CATE 13A 29 Chelsea

On 14th draw, LOPE 10D 40 --- LOPE to run with a steady, easy gait [v]
Other tops: LOBE 10D 40
Other moves: PHEON 3C 39, LOB 10D 37, LOP 10D 37, HOPE 3C 36, BELON 10B 35
HOP 3I 32 Chelsea

On 15th draw, TAHINI B1 28 --- TAHINI a paste of sesame seeds [n]
Other moves: AHI 3B 27, HAT 12K 25, HIT 12K 25, HAN 3B 24, HI 3C 23
HAT 12K 25 Chelsea

On 16th draw, BYS 3I 30 --- BY a pass in certain card games [n]
Other moves: BUDIS B10 28, STUB 1A 27, BY 3I 26, SWY N1 25, WETS G9 25

On 17th draw, UH A1 26 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other moves: HI 12K 21, HIN 13A 19, NTH 1A 18, RIA C2 18, HIN 14K 16

On 18th draw, WRY N1 25 --- WRY contorted [adj] --- WRY to contort [v]
Other tops: IVY N1 25
Other moves: CRY N1 23, ICY N1 23, QUADRIC 15F 22, TYG H11 20, YO 12H 20

On 19th draw, QUADRIC 15F 22 --- QUADRIC a type of geometric surface [n]
Other tops: INDUCT B10 22
Other moves: CIT 13A 17, CRIT O3 17, CUIT O3 17, C*NT O3 17, CURN O3 17

On 20th draw, GUV B8 21 --- GUV a governor [n]
Other moves: VIN 13A 19, WIG B8 19, WIN 13A 19, HAVING 2A 17, HAWING 2A 17

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