Game on July 16, 2023 at 07:10, 9 players
1. 190 pts Chelsea
2. 144 pts LongJump22
3. 91 pts babsbedi
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5E 44 66 


6J 41 107 


N3 65 172 


O10 38 210 


8L 39 249 


O1 52 301 


15H 131 432 


7C 69 501 


9D 66 567 


14B 74 641 


4A 56 697 


A1 48 745 


10I 57 802 


15A 43 845 


4H 30 875 


11I 31 906 


8A 30 936 


13B 30 966 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 3 6:14 -776 190 1.7341 Chelsea 3 6:14 -776 190
LongJump22 2 2:40 -822 144 Group: intermediate
babsbedi 0 4:40 -875 91 1.6653 LongJump22 2 2:40 -822 144
ShotPut22 1 0:42 -909 57 2.6833 babsbedi 0 4:40 -875 91
Discus22 1 1:03 -909 57 3.6811 ShotPut22 1 0:42 -909 57
Hammer22 0 1:01 -927 39 4.6572 Discus22 1 1:03 -909 57
Javelin22 0 1:21 -927 39 5.6651 Hammer22 0 1:01 -927 39
8. -
CCCCCC1119 1 0:50 -944 22 6.6742 Javelin22 0 1:21 -927 39
9. -
AAAAAA1119 1 1:28 -944 22 Group: not rated
1. - CCCCCC1119 1 0:50 -944 22
2. - AAAAAA1119 1 1:28 -944 22
On 1st draw, CLONAL H4 22 --- CLON a group of asexually derived organisms [adj] --- CLONAL pertaining to a clon [adj]
Other moves: CANOE H4 20, CELLA H4 20, CELLO H4 20, CLEAN H4 20, CLONE H4 20
On 2nd draw, EYELIAD 5E 44 --- EYELIAD an amorous glance [n]
Other moves: ABYE I5 30, BAYED G6 28, ABY I5 27, BYE I6 27, YEAD I7 27
On 3rd draw, HEJRA 6J 41 --- HEJRA the flight of Mohammed from Mecca [n]
Other moves: HEJRA 4A 40, HEJRA 4J 38, JAW 4J 38, J*WJEW 4J 38, HAJ 6J 37
On 4th draw, PELAGICS N3 65 --- PELAGIC a creature that lives in the open sea [n]
Other moves: PELAGICS 8E 64, CLIPES O1 55, SPLICE O6 46, SEPIC O6 43, SPICE O6 43
On 5th draw, TABERD O10 38 --- TABERD a medieval peasant's overcoat [n]
Other moves: ABED O1 36, BEAD O1 36, BRAD O1 36, BRED O1 36, AGED O1 33
On 6th draw, KUIA 8L 39 --- KUIA an elderly Maori woman [n]
Other tops: KAIL 8L 39, (S)KAIL 8K 39
Other moves: KULT(U)R 14J 38, K(U)LTUR 14J 38, KAI(D) 8L 36, KAI(E) 8L 36, KAI(F) 8L 36
On 7th draw, PROF O1 52 --- PROF a professor [n]
Other tops: OYEZ 4L 52
Other moves: PREZ 4L 50, FORZE 4J 47, FORZE 4A 44, FROZE 4A 44, FOZY 4B 43
On 8th draw, ANT(I)QUED 15H 131 --- ANTIQUE to give the appearance of age to [v]
Other moves: ANT(I)QUER 14H 86, QUA(I)NTER 14H 86, (P)ETANQUE 13H 84, (P)ETANQUE E4 82, ANT(I)QUE G9 79
On 9th draw, SEININGS 7C 69 --- SEINING the act of seining [n]
Other moves: GNEISS 14F 22, GENII 14F 20, KINGS L8 20, KINES L8 18, NISEIS 14E 18
On 10th draw, TRAWLNET 9D 66 --- TRAWLNET the large net used in trawling [n]
Other moves: WATER M2 34, TW*TTWAT M1 30, WEAN M1 30, WEAR M1 30, TRANECT 4C 29
On 11th draw, OUTWO(R)E 14B 74 --- OUTWEAR to last longer than [v]
Other moves: E(N)OW 8A 42, T(R)OW 8A 42, (M)EOW 8A 42, (S)TOW 8A 42, EW(E) 10E 32
On 12th draw, ZIRAM 4A 56 --- ZIRAM a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ZONA 15A 49, ZORI 15A 49, RITZ D12 46, IZAR M1 42, NIZAM 4B 41
On 13th draw, BONZE A1 48 --- BONZE a Buddhist priest [n]
Other tops: ZIBET A4 48, ZINEB A4 48
Other moves: BONIE 15A 36, BENET 3B 29, BENE 15A 28, BENI 15A 28, BETE 15A 28
ZIBET A4 48 LongJump22
On 14th draw, OXID 10I 57 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: AXOID B1 53, AX 10I 52, OX 10I 52, XI 10J 52, FAIX B2 49
OXID 10I 57 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Discus22, Chelsea
On 15th draw, HYTE 15A 43 --- HYTE insane [adj]
Other moves: THROE 15A 42, HOTE 11I 39, EYOT 11H 36, RYOT 11H 36, RYOT 6A 36
HOTE 11I 39 LongJump22, Hammer22, Javelin22
HOE 11I 34 Chelsea
On 16th draw, CADIS 4H 30 --- CADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: SAID 6A 29, VIVDAS 11D 29, DAISY F1 28, VAN M2 28, SAIN 6A 27
SAID 6A 29 babsbedi
DIV 11K 25 Chelsea
On 17th draw, MOE 11I 31 --- MOE a wry face [n]
Other moves: FOU 13B 30, EMO 10E 28, MOU 13B 27, UFO 13A 27, ME 10F 25
MOE 11I 31 Chelsea
OF B1 24 babsbedi
On 18th draw, VRIL 8A 30 --- VRIL electric fluid represented as the common origin of the forces in matter [n]
Other tops: VIOL 8A 30
Other moves: ROIN 6A 27, RUIN 6A 27, INRO 6C 24, VENTURI D6 22, LOU 13B 21
VOTE D12 14 babsbedi
NO 10F 13 Chelsea
On 19th draw, FOU 13B 30 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other moves: FOIN B2 28, UFO 13A 27, GNU 13B 24, IF B1 24, OF B1 24
FOU 13B 30 Chelsea
OF B1 24 babsbedi
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