Game on July 17, 2023 at 12:39, 10 players
1. 539 pts Chelsea
2. 214 pts Pacific
3. 166 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


I5 51 81 


J4 42 123 


K1 43 166 


1F 80 246 


2B 47 293 


2J 45 338 


J9 31 369 


11D 86 455 


1A 39 494 


3B 31 525 


O1 39 564 


H11 27 591 


13J 29 620 


N10 32 652 


D8 74 726 


O6 31 757 


F4 79 836 


14H 41 877 


15A 42 919 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Chelsea 4 18:16 -380 539 1.9262 Pacific 3 4:06 -705 214
Pacific 3 4:06 -705 214 Group: advanced
LongJump22 4 2:38 -753 166 1.7370 Chelsea 4 18:16 -380 539
ShotPut22 3 4:23 -783 136 Group: intermediate
Hammer22 2 4:50 -796 123 1.6680 LongJump22 4 2:38 -753 166
Javelin22 1 1:11 -868 51 2.6780 ShotPut22 3 4:23 -783 136
Discus22 1 1:30 -868 51 3.6626 Hammer22 2 4:50 -796 123
8. -
WWWWWW1126 1 1:08 -889 30 4.6666 Javelin22 1 1:11 -868 51
9. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:30 -889 30 5.6616 Discus22 1 1:30 -868 51
10. -
AAAAAA1119 1 1:59 -889 30 Group: not rated
1. - WWWWWW1126 1 1:08 -889 30
2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:30 -889 30
3. - AAAAAA1119 1 1:59 -889 30
On 1st draw, WAWES H4 30 --- WAWE a wave [n]
Other tops: WAWAS H4 30
Other moves: WAMES H4 28, WAWAS H8 24, WAWES H8 24, WAMES H8 22, WAWAS H5 22
WAWAS H4 30 LongJump22, WWWWWW1126, SSSSSS1111, AAAAAA1119
On 2nd draw, MOXIE I5 51 --- MOXIE spirit or courage [n]
Other moves: OXIME I6 49, OXIM I6 48, EXILE I6 45, EXO I6 42, LEX I5 42
MOXIE I5 51 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Pacific, Discus22, Hammer22
On 3rd draw, SIK J4 42 --- SIK excellent (Australian texting slang) [adj]
Other tops: TAK J4 42
Other moves: GASTS G3 36, SKAGS 10E 35, SKAGS 10I 35, IKATS 10E 34, KATIS J2 34
TAK J4 42 LongJump22, Hammer22, ShotPut22
SKAGS 10E 35 Pacific
WOK 6H 20 Chelsea
On 4th draw, TYROES K1 43 --- TYRO a beginner or novice [n]
Other tops: ROSETY K3 43, STOREY K2 43
Other moves: TREYS K4 41, YORES K3 41, RESTY K5 39, TREY K4 39, YORE K3 39
TYROES K1 43 LongJump22, ShotPut22
ROSE K3 33 Chelsea
On 5th draw, A(M)ULETIC 1F 80 --- AMULETIC of amulets [adj]
Other tops: (B)ACULITE 1E 80
Other moves: (P)ECULIA J8 70, CAULI(N)E J8 69, AU(R)ICLE J9 64, (P)ECULIA G8 62, SILICA(T)E 8H 36
(B)ACULITE 1E 30 Hammer22
CAU(S)E 10F 28 Chelsea
On 6th draw, LAIGH 2B 47 --- LAIGH a lowland [n] --- LAIGH sunken [adj]
Other tops: ANIGH 2B 47, GALAH 2B 47
Other moves: AAHING 2A 35, HALING 2A 35, AHING 2B 33, HAG 2F 32, AGHA 2D 30
HAG 2F 32 Chelsea
On 7th draw, MYT(H)I 2J 45 --- MYTHUS a type of traditional story [n]
Other moves: TE(A)M 1A 34, TE(E)M 1A 34, T(E)EM 1A 34, MYT(H) 2J 29, TYT(H)E 2J 27
(S)MITE 10I 26 Chelsea
On 8th draw, DJIN J9 31 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: ADJOIN C2 30, JOIN 3A 30, JIN 3A 26, JOE 3A 26, JADE C1 24
JIN 3A 26 Chelsea
On 9th draw, TERAGLIN 11D 86 --- TERAGLIN an edible marine fish of Australia [n]
Other tops: ALERTING 11E 86, ALTERING 11E 86, RELATING 11E 86, TANGLIER 11E 86
Other moves: TRANGLE 13G 83, TANGLER 13H 81, ARGENTAL C2 72, INTEGRAL D2 70, TRIANGLE 11H 68
ALERTING 11E 86 Pacific
ATE K10 21 Chelsea
On 10th draw, HEND 1A 39 --- HEND to seize [v]
Other moves: HOPED 12A 37, PEND 1A 36, PHONED 12B 35, HOPER 12A 34, HONED 12A 33
HOPED 12A 37 Chelsea
On 11th draw, FEG 3B 31 --- FEG a segment of an orange (also FIG) [n]
Other tops: BEFOGS 13E 31, GEOS 3C 31
Other moves: EGOS 3C 30, GOAFS H11 30, FABS 13G 29, FOBS 13G 29, FES 3B 28
SAFE 13J 27 Chelsea
On 12th draw, ECOD O1 39 --- ECOD a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: COPED 12A 33, COPER 12A 30, GOFER H11 30, CORED 12A 29, PORED 12A 29
GOFER H11 30 Chelsea
On 13th draw, GARBO H11 27 --- GARBO a dustman [n]
Other tops: GRAIP H11 27, GROUP H11 27
Other moves: BAPU 10E 25, BIRO 12A 22, BORA 12A 22, BRIO 12A 22, BURA 12A 22
GROUP H11 27 Chelsea
On 14th draw, NOVAS 13J 29 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other moves: NOVA 13J 27, SOVRAN 13E 27, SANTON 13J 25, SONANT 13J 25, NOVAS 12A 24
VAST L9 24 Chelsea
On 15th draw, FEIST N10 32 --- FEIST a small dog of mixed breed [n]
Other tops: BEFIT 12A 32, FIEST N10 32, FOIST N10 32
Other moves: IF 14J 28, BEIN 14H 26, BETON 12A 26, BONIE 12A 26, FENI 12A 26
FEIST N10 32 Chelsea
On 16th draw, LITTERED D8 74 --- LITTER to scatter rubbish about [v]
Other moves: RETITLED D7 70, RETILED M5 68, TREED O8 36, LEIRED O6 29, RELIED O6 29
TIRLED O6 29 Chelsea
On 17th draw, UPROAR O6 31 --- UPROAR a state of noisy excitement and confusion [n] --- UPROAR to make a scene of noisy excitement and confusion [v]
Other moves: PORTA O6 26, PRUTA O6 26, OUPA C12 25, PRAT O8 25, PARLOR 8A 24
PRAT O8 25 Chelsea
On 18th draw, BAPTIZER F4 79 --- BAPTIZER one who baptizes [n]
Other moves: AZIDE 15A 45, BRAIZE F10 43, AIZLE 8A 42, ZEAL 8A 39, BRAZER 13C 36
ZEAL 8A 39 Chelsea
On 19th draw, BUY 14H 41 --- BUY to purchase [v]
Other tops: BAY 14H 41, BOY 14H 41
Other moves: YO 14J 40, YU 14J 40, YOU N6 33, AYU N5 31, ANY N4 30
BAY 14H 41 Chelsea
On 20th draw, QUOD 15A 42 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other tops: QUAD 15A 42
Other moves: QAT 10B 32, QUEAN 14B 32, QUENA 14B 32, AQUA 5C 26, QUA 5D 24
QUAD 15A 42 Pacific, Chelsea
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