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Game on July 18, 2023 at 21:25, 5 players
1. 160 pts LongJump22
2. 156 pts Discus22
3. 150 pts Javelin22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. enopqst   H4    22    22   posnet
 2. aeehijl   6D    31    53   hajis
 3. aeeilno   7C    21    74   eina
 4. aeorwxy   8A    48   122   wex
 5. aeennor   D6    22   144   hie
 6. ?einoqy  10F    39   183   qis
 7. alnorsu   8G    59   242   neurosal
 8. ?depruw   L5    76   318   pursewed
 9. adeilsu   J8    63   381   residual
10. eiknnoy  15H    48   429   kiley
11. ceiostz  M11    46   475   tozes
12. aadilnt  N10    42   517   datal
13. bdginor   E2    38   555   brigand
14. aceehin  11C    33   588   chain
15. eggimnu   M1    26   614   gigmen
16. bcenoru   2H    78   692   bouncier
17. aelmrtt   1F    39   731   realm
18. aeootvy   O1    36   767   trove
19. fioorty   D1    32   799   foot
20. afiorty   1A    39   838   yaff

Remaining tiles: iortv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6676 FileLongJump22  4  3:25  -678  160     1.6676 LongJump22  4  3:25  -678  160 
  2.6613 FileDiscus22    2  6:22  -682  156     2.6613 Discus22    2  6:22  -682  156 
  3.6658 FileJavelin22   2  6:20  -688  150     3.6658 Javelin22   2  6:20  -688  150 
  4.  -  FileWWWWWW1127  1  1:57  -790   48            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  1:03  -816   22     1.  -  WWWWWW1127  1  1:57  -790   48 
                                             2.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  1:03  -816   22 

On 1st draw, POSNET H4 22 --- POSNET a small cooking pot [n]
Other tops: NETOPS H8 22, PONTES H4 22
Other moves: ESTOP H8 20, NETOP H8 20, PENTS H4 20, PEONS H4 20, PESTO H4 20
PONTES H4 22 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111, Javelin22, Discus22

On 2nd draw, HAJIS 6D 31 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other tops: HAJES 6D 31
Other moves: HAJI I1 26, AJEE I2 25, JAI G5 25, JEE G5 25, JAI I3 24
HAJES 6D 31 LongJump22, Discus22
HAJIS 6D 31 Javelin22

On 3rd draw, EINA 7C 21 --- EINA ouch (South African) [interj]
Other tops: LENO 7C 21, LINO 7C 21
Other moves: ENHALO D4 20, INHALE D4 20, AINEE 5A 19, ALIEN 5A 19, EOLIAN G3 19

On 4th draw, WEX 8A 48 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WAX 8A 48, WOX 8A 48, YEX 8A 48
Other moves: RAX 8A 39, REX 8A 39, PEROXY 4H 36, YAW 5C 36, ANOREXY E6 34
WAX 8A 48 LongJump22, WWWWWW1127

On 5th draw, HIE D6 22 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other tops: WEXE 8A 22
Other moves: EOAN 5B 20, NEAR 5B 20, REAN 5B 20, ROAN 5B 20, RONNE 9B 19

On 6th draw, QI(S) 10F 39 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EQ(U)IP 4D 30, PIQ(U)E 4H 30, YEAN(S) E4 28, NO(S)EY 9B 27, NO(S)Y 9B 26
PIQ(U)E 4H 30 Javelin22

On 7th draw, NEUROSAL 8G 59 --- NEUROSAL pertaining to neurosis [adj] --- NEUROSIS a type of emotional disturbance [adj]
Other moves: ANURANS E2 29, LAUANS E3 27, LORANS E3 27, ALANS E4 25, LOANS E4 25
NEUROSAL 8G 59 LongJump22

On 8th draw, PURS(E)WED L5 76 --- PURSEW to follow, in order to overtake or capture [v]
Other tops: PURSEW(E)D L5 76
Other moves: U(N)WARPED M5 68, EXPUR(G)ED C7 40, REWOU(N)D K5 40, EXP(I)RED C7 38, EXPUR(G)E C7 36
EXPUR(G)ED C7 40 Discus22, Javelin22

On 9th draw, RESIDUAL J8 63 --- RESIDUAL something left over [n]
Other moves: DUALISED 12E 61, ALANDS E4 30, ELANDS E4 30, ISLAND E3 30, ADIEUS K10 28

On 10th draw, KILEY 15H 48 --- KILEY a boomerang [n]
Other moves: KYLIE 15H 39, KYLIN 15H 39, KYLOE 15H 39, YOKEL 15F 36, ENLINK 15H 33
KIN 11E 27 Javelin22, Discus22

On 11th draw, TOZES M11 46 --- TOZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: COZIES M1 40, COZES M2 38, EXCITES C7 38, CLOZES N7 37, ZIT 11E 37

On 12th draw, DATAL N10 42 --- DATAL a daily reckoning [n]
Other moves: NATAL N10 36, ALAN N11 30, ANAL N11 30, INLAND E3 30, LAD N12 29
NATAL N10 36 Discus22

On 13th draw, BRIGAND E2 38 --- BRIGAND a bandit [n]
Other moves: RIBAND E3 34, ROBAND E3 34, BRAND E4 32, IBEX C5 31, BAND E5 30

On 14th draw, CHAIN 11C 33 --- CHAIN to bind with a chain (a series of connected rings) [v]
Other moves: CHIN 11D 31, ENARCH 3B 30, INARCH 3B 30, CANEH M2 29, CHAI 11C 29

On 15th draw, GIGMEN M1 26 --- GIGMAN a gig driver [n]
Other tops: GEUM K3 26
Other moves: GUINEA M3 25, GUM K4 24, INGRUM 3B 24, ME 12D 24, MI 12D 24

On 16th draw, BOUNCIER 2H 78 --- BOUNCY tending to bounce [adj]
Other moves: COBURG 1H 36, CHERUB D10 32, BORIC 2J 30, BROGUE 1J 30, BUNGER 1J 30

On 17th draw, REALM 1F 39 --- REALM a kingdom [n]
Other moves: ALME 1H 38, LEAM 1F 34, REAM 1F 34, TEAM 1F 34, TRAM 1F 34

On 18th draw, TROVE O1 36 --- TROVE a valuable discovery [n]
Other tops: HEAVY D11 36, TRAVE O1 36
Other moves: ARTY O1 33, TRAY O1 33, TREY O1 33, TROY O1 33, RYE F1 31

On 19th draw, FOOT D1 32 --- FOOT the terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves [n] --- FOOT to walk [v]
Other moves: FIRRY 3C 30, FORTY 3C 30, FY O14 30, HOOTY D11 30, OOF K4 28

On 20th draw, YAFF 1A 39 --- YAFF to bark [v]
Other moves: ORF C1 34, OFT C1 31, FORAY 3C 30, FORTY 3C 30, FY O14 30

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