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Game on July 19, 2023 at 12:42, 7 players
1. 267 pts LongJump22
2. 174 pts Pacific
3. 170 pts Hammer22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaiinr   H7    64    64   antiair
 2. ?bdeowz   I1    79   143   blowzed
 3. aeegnos   2E    62   205   gasolene
 4. aeinopr   9G    62   267   atropine
 5. degiprt   K5    52   319   gripped
 6. aglrstu   N8    72   391   gestural
 7. acefikr   1L    60   451   feck
 8. adiilrt   1A    32   483   iridal
 9. denttuy  15L    36   519   yeld
10. aefnnor   L7    35   554   naifer
11. himstuv   O7    51   605   mush
12. bchooqt   3C    44   649   booth
13. elovwxy   4B    48   697   vex
14. elnotty   N1    38   735   clotty
15. aeiilmt   5E    32   767   miltz
16. aceeios   G7    25   792   cease
17. aeinqtu  13A    86   878   antiquer
18. aijnouv  A12    66   944   java

Remaining tiles: inoouw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.6684 FileLongJump22  4  3:35  -677  267     1.9356 Pacific     1  6:18  -770  174 
  2.9356 FilePacific     1  6:18  -770  174            Group: intermediate
  3.6567 FileHammer22    1  5:15  -774  170     1.6684 LongJump22  4  3:35  -677  267 
  4.6819 FileShotPut22   1  3:16  -806  138     2.6567 Hammer22    1  5:15  -774  170 
  5.6744 FileDiscus22    0  4:22  -815  129     3.6819 ShotPut22   1  3:16  -806  138 
  6.  -  FileWWWWWW1127  1  1:59  -896   48     4.6744 Discus22    0  4:22  -815  129 
  7.6758 FileJavelin22   0  1:37  -903   41     5.6758 Javelin22   0  1:37  -903   41 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  WWWWWW1127  1  1:59  -896   48 

On 1st draw, AN(T)IAIR H7 64 --- ANTIAIR directed against attacking aircraft [adj]
Other tops: AN(T)IAIR H3 64, AN(T)IAIR H4 64, AN(T)IAIR H6 64, AN(T)IAIR H8 64, (D)IARIAN H2 64, (D)IARIAN H3 64, (D)IARIAN H6 64, (D)IARIAN H7 64, (D)IARIAN H8 64
Other moves: AN(T)IAIR H2 62, AN(T)IAIR H5 62, (D)IARIAN H4 62, (D)IARIAN H5 62, AIRIN(G) H3 12
AN(T)IAIR H7 64 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, B(L)OWZED I1 79 --- BLOWZED blowzy [adj]
Other tops: B(L)OWZED G1 79
Other moves: B(L)OWZE G3 55, ZOE(A) G7 49, (T)OWZE G4 49, BO(N)ZE G4 48, BO(O)ZE G4 48
B(L)OWZED G1 79 LongJump22
ZOE(A) G7 49 Discus22

On 3rd draw, GASO(L)ENE 2E 62 --- GASOLENE a liquid fuel [n]
Other moves: OBANGS 1H 33, GAZONS 5G 32, EANS J4 30, ENGOBES 1E 30, EONS J4 30
GASO(L)ENE 2E 62 LongJump22
GAZES 5G 30 Hammer22

On 4th draw, A(T)ROPINE 9G 62 --- ATROPINE a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade [n]
Other moves: APRON 1K 39, OPERA 1K 39, OPINE 1K 39, EPIZOAN 5F 36, EPIZOA 5F 34
A(T)ROPINE 9G 62 LongJump22
OPINE 1K 39 Discus22, Hammer22

On 5th draw, GRIPPED K5 52 --- GRIP to grasp [v]
Other moves: TRIPPED K5 48, PIED 8L 41, PIRATED 11E 40, DIPT 8L 38, PERI 8L 38
PIED 8L 41 Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22

On 6th draw, GESTURAL N8 72 --- GESTURAL pertaining to or consisting of gestures (expressive bodily motions) [adj]
Other moves: GASTRULA 11A 68, TRAGULES N3 65, GAULTERS N4 63, GASTRULA F1 61, GALUTS O4 37
GLAURS O4 37 ShotPut22

On 7th draw, FECK 1L 60 --- FECK to copulate [v] --- FECK value FECKS [n]
Other moves: FAIK 1L 54, FAKE 1L 54, FICKLE 15J 54, FIKE 1L 54, FIRK 1L 54
FECK 1L 60 ShotPut22, Hammer22
FICKLE 15J 54 Pacific

On 8th draw, IRIDAL 1A 32 --- IRIDAL pertaining to the iris of the eye [adj]
Other moves: RADII O4 30, LITAI O4 27, DALI O5 24, DARI O5 24, ALB 1G 23

On 9th draw, YELD 15L 36 --- YELD barren, not giving milk [adj]
Other tops: NUDELY 15J 36
Other moves: YEDES 10J 35, YELT 15L 33, YULE 15L 33, DULY 15L 30, NETTLY 15J 30

On 10th draw, NAIFER L7 35 --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other tops: FAINER L7 35
Other moves: FORANE 3H 33, OOF J8 31, AFRO O5 30, FANO O5 30, FARO O5 30

On 11th draw, MUSH O7 51 --- MUSH to travel over snow with a dog sled [v]
Other moves: TUSH O7 45, MUSTH 3C 44, HIST O7 42, ISH O8 42, MUIST O6 42

On 12th draw, BOOTH 3C 44 --- BOOTH a small enclosure [n]
Other moves: COOTCH N1 42, OOH H1 35, BHOOT 3F 32, HO 2N 30, OCH 3E 30
OOH H1 35 Pacific

On 13th draw, VEX 4B 48 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: VOX 4B 48, WEX 4B 48, WOX 4B 48, YEX 4B 48
Other moves: LEX 4B 42, LOX 4B 42, EX 4C 40, OX 4C 40, YEX 3K 37
VEX 4B 48 Pacific
WEX 4B 48 WWWWWW1127

On 14th draw, CLOTTY N1 38 --- CLOTTY tending to clot [adj]
Other moves: EYOT 5C 32, LYNE 5C 32, LYTE 5C 32, TYNE 5C 32, TYTE 5C 32

On 15th draw, MILTZ 5E 32 --- MILTZ Jewish cookery [n]
Other moves: MEATAL G7 28, LEAM M3 27, TEAM M3 27, MAE M3 22, MEAL G7 22

On 16th draw, CEASE G7 25 --- CEASE to stop [v]
Other moves: CIAOS 6B 23, OBA 1H 23, OBE 1H 23, CAAS G7 22, CEAS G7 22

On 17th draw, ANTIQUER 13A 86 --- ANTIQUER one that antiques [n]
Other tops: QUAINTER 13A 86
Other moves: QUEAN 6B 44, QUIET 6B 44, QUA 14J 37, QUAI 6B 37, QUINTAR 13B 34
QUA 14J 37 Pacific

On 18th draw, JAVA A12 66 --- JAVA coffee [n]
Other moves: JIAO 12A 63, JIAO M3 49, JAI M3 42, JAI 12A 39, JA M3 38

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