Game on July 20, 2023 at 01:36, 7 players
1. 435 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 339 pts sunshine12
3. 233 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 5E 102 130
3. L1 70 200
4. M8 78 278
5. 15G 91 369
6. 14F 29 398
7. L10 30 428
8. 1H 36 464
9. 10B 75 539
10. 2B 70 609
11. 1A 31 640
12. 4C 35 675
13. N8 32 707
14. 11D 30 737
15. 12B 54 791
16. N1 40 831
17. 9G 29 860
18. J4 29 889
19. 13A 28 917
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6927 GLOBEMAN 4 16:34 -482 435 1.7342 sunshine12 3 12:34 -578 339
2.7342 sunshine12 3 12:34 -578 339 2.7243 FangTooth 1 0:16 -863 54
3.6942 Papa_Sloth 2 9:25 -684 233 3.7151 roocatcher 1 1:37 -886 31
4.7243 FangTooth 1 0:16 -863 54 4.7633 lazy.lion 0 0:48 -889 28
5.7151 roocatcher 1 1:37 -886 31 5.7720 enzotiger 0 1:38 -892 25
6.7633 lazy.lion 0 0:48 -889 28 Group: intermediate
7.7720 enzotiger 0 1:38 -892 25 1.6927 GLOBEMAN 4 16:34 -482 435
2.6942 Papa_Sloth 2 9:25 -684 233
On 1st draw, YODLER H4 28 --- YODLER one who yodels [n]
Other moves: DORTY H8 26, LORDY H8 26, REDLY H8 26, TROELY H7 26, YODEL H4 26
On 2nd draw, (D)ECOYING 5E 102 --- DECOY to lure into a trap [v]
Other tops: GYNOECI(A) 5E 102
Other moves: E(X)IGENCY 8H 92, CO(O)EYING 5G 76, C(O)OEYING 5F 76, GYNECOI(D) 5C 76, O(X)YGENIC 5H 76
On 3rd draw, RENEGA(D)E L1 70 --- RENEGADE to become a traitor [v]
Other tops: REENGA(G)E L1 70, RENEGA(T)E L1 70
Other moves: GENERA(L)E L5 68, GENERA(T)E L5 68, (D)EA(D)ENER E5 62, ENA(M)ELER 7C 60, (C)AREENER 9F 60
On 4th draw, EPEIRID M8 78 --- EPEIRID a type of spider [n]
Other moves: EPEIRID K7 75, EPEIRID G7 74, EPEIRID K8 72, EPEIRID G9 65, EPEIRID I9 65
On 5th draw, BAUERAS 15G 91 --- BAUERA an Australian flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: BAUERAS 10B 78, BAUERAS K8 73, SUBAREA K8 71, BAUERAS G8 68, ABASER 15J 38
ABUSER 15J 38 sunshine12
BASER 15K 35 GLOBEMAN, Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, CONGE 14F 29 --- CONGE permission to depart [n] --- CONGE to take leave [v]
Other moves: CERING 1J 27, COINTER 1F 27, CONGER 1G 27, CORING 1J 27, NOTICER 1F 27
CONGER 1G 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CRINE 1K 21 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, WOOD L10 30 --- WOOD to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v]
Other moves: MINNOW 3I 28, NIM N8 28, NOM N8 28, DOOM L10 27, DORMIN 1J 27
On 8th draw, OBVERTS 1H 36 --- OBVERT to turn so as to show a different surface [v]
Other tops: OBSERVE 1H 36, OBVERSE 1H 36, OVERBET 1I 36
Other moves: BEEVES 2J 34, BEVERS 1H 33, BEVORS 1H 33, OBVERT 1H 33, STOB K8 31
BEVERS 1H 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BREVE 1K 30 Papa_Sloth
On 9th draw, GOALIES 10B 75 --- GOALIE a player who defends against goals [n]
Other moves: GOALIES 2B 72, SOILAGE 2B 72, GASOLIER 9A 61, GOALIE N5 26, LASE N11 24
GAS 10F 19 sunshine12
On 10th draw, TAENIAS 2B 70 --- TAENIA a headband worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: SAGINATE B8 68, ENTASIA 2C 65, TANALISE(D) 7D 60, ISTANA 11B 27, TINEAS 11A 25
TEENS 8K 15 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 11th draw, WANT 1A 31 --- WANT to have a desire for [v]
Other tops: WINO 1A 31
Other moves: NOWT 3A 28, TAWA 3A 28, TOWN 3A 28, WAIN 11C 27, WAIT 11C 27
WANT 1A 31 Papa_Sloth
WINO 1A 31 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 12th draw, QUOP 4C 35 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUOD 4C 32, TOPO K9 31, OPT K10 29, DOP K9 28, QUEP 4J 28
QUOIT 11J 28 lazy.lion
On 13th draw, LAM N8 32 --- LAM to flee hastily [v]
Other tops: NAM N8 32, NIM N8 32
Other moves: AM N9 28, MARLIN N5 27, LAM K9 26, NAM K9 26, RAM K9 26
LAM N8 32 Papa_Sloth
RAM 9A 18 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 14th draw, DOTH 11D 30 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other moves: DHOOTI C8 28, HID 11D 26, HOD 11D 26, IDIOT 11B 26, HO K11 25
HO K11 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, enzotiger
On 15th draw, MIZ 12B 54 --- MIZ misery [n]
Other moves: LUZ 12B 50, LUZ 9A 46, GHAZI B10 36, ZILA 6B 35, MIZ J4 34
MIZ 12B 54 FangTooth, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 16th draw, STRAIK N1 40 --- STRAIK to stroke [v]
Other moves: AX M3 31, KA 13G 28, IXIA J5 27, MAXI B12 26, MIXT B12 26
MAXI B12 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MAX B12 24 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, FRITH 9G 29 --- FRITH an inlet of the sea [n]
Other moves: THRU 9F 28, FRUIT 9G 26, FRIT 9G 25, IF 13B 24, UH 9B 21
IF 13B 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
PEH F4 16 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, FIX J4 29 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: RIF 13A 26, FIX O5 24, IF 13B 24, MIX B12 24, MUX B12 24
FIX J4 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MIX B12 24 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, JUN 13A 28 --- JUN a coin of North Korea [n]
Other tops: JIN 13A 28
Other moves: JUNIOR 12H 21, JOB G13 20, VIN 13A 20, MIRV B12 18, JO C9 17
JOB G13 20 Papa_Sloth
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