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Game on July 23, 2023 at 10:51, 7 players
1. 234 pts LongJump22
2. 193 pts Discus22
3. 177 pts ShotPut22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeinopr   H4    22    22   proine
 2. ?aaeftx   5D   118   140   aftertax
 3. ?ajmnov   4A    49   189   jambo
 4. ahinnos   A1    45   234   shoji
 5. eeglmnt   B2    36   270   meane
 6. ceilnot   D4    76   346   balection
 7. aadilno   4H    32   378   paladin
 8. eefknrr   3K    43   421   reke
 9. abelorv   9F    69   490   overable
10. aeenrst  13B    77   567   eastern
11. agirtyy   O1    39   606   yay
12. adiorst  14H    72   678   astroid
13. cginopz  15C    69   747   cozing
14. dfioptu  15L    50   797   foid
15. deegrtu   8A    30   827   truced
16. hipstuv  B10    38   865   hives
17. begiuuw  10J    30   895   we
18. bgilqtu  11G    44   939   quilt
19. bggpuuw   8M    25   964   pub

Remaining tiles: gguw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.6823 FileLongJump22  4  2:38  -730  234     1.9378 Pacific     1  2:27  -913   51 
  2.6686 FileDiscus22    2  4:45  -771  193            Group: intermediate
  3.6746 FileShotPut22   1  4:30  -787  177     1.6823 LongJump22  4  2:38  -730  234 
  4.6459 FileHammer22    1  3:35  -851  113     2.6686 Discus22    2  4:45  -771  193 
  5.6672 FileJavelin22   0  1:48  -896   68     3.6746 ShotPut22   1  4:30  -787  177 
  6.9378 FilePacific     1  2:27  -913   51     4.6459 Hammer22    1  3:35  -851  113 
  7.  -  FileUUUUUU1120  1  1:56  -920   44     5.6672 Javelin22   0  1:48  -896   68 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  UUUUUU1120  1  1:56  -920   44 

On 1st draw, PROINE H4 22 --- PROINE to prune [v]
Other tops: PANIER H4 22, PERNIO H4 22, PIONER H4 22, PORINA H4 22
Other moves: PAEON H4 20, PAIRE H4 20, PAREO H4 20, PERAI H4 20, PIANO H4 20
PIONER H4 22 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, AFTER(T)AX 5D 118 --- AFTERTAX remaining after payment of taxes [adj]
Other tops: AF(T)ERTAX 5D 118
Other moves: A(N)TEFIXA 7C 80, ANTEF(I)XA 8G 67, FAXE(D) I7 54, FAXE(S) I7 54, FAX I7 53
AF(T)ERTAX 5D 118 LongJump22
AF(T)ERTAX 5D 68 Discus22, ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 3rd draw, JAM(B)O 4A 49 --- JAMBO an African salutation [n]
Other moves: M(O)JO 4B 47, J(A)VA 4A 46, MOJ(O) 4B 46, (B)ANJO 4A 45, JAM(B)O 4J 44
JAM(B)O 4A 49 LongJump22, Discus22

On 4th draw, SHOJI A1 45 --- SHOJI a paper screen used as a partition or door in a Japanese house [n]
Other tops: JOHNS A4 45
Other moves: NINJAS A1 39, HINS 6J 37, HISN 6J 37, HIN 6J 36, HIS 6J 36
SHOJI A1 45 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Discus22

On 5th draw, MEANE B2 36 --- MEANE to lament [v]
Other tops: MEANT B2 36
Other moves: LEGMEN 4J 31, TEGMEN 4J 31, MEAN B2 30, MEAT B2 30, MENGE 4J 29
LEGMEN 4J 31 Discus22, Hammer22
TEGMEN 4J 31 ShotPut22

On 6th draw, (B)ALECTION D4 76 --- BALECTION
Other moves: ELECTION 9F 65, LECTION I9 64, LECTION C6 63, COTELINE 9A 62, COTELINE 9E 62
LENTIC 4J 33 ShotPut22

On 7th draw, PALADIN 4H 32 --- PALADIN a knightly champion [n]
Other moves: DOLINA 4J 28, LADINO 4J 27, PILAO 4H 26, ALAND 4K 25, DIAL 6J 25

On 8th draw, REKE 3K 43 --- REKE to be concerned about [v]
Other moves: KEF G7 41, KEF 3M 34, FENCER 8A 33, KEEF G7 33, KERF G7 33

On 9th draw, OVERABLE 9F 69 --- OVERABLE excessively able [adj]
Other moves: OVENABLE N1 38, VELCRO 8A 33, BEVOR E11 30, ABOVE C10 28, ABLER C9 27

On 10th draw, EASTERN 13B 77 --- EASTERN being to, toward, or in the east [adj]
Other moves: ABSENTER K8 70, ALTERNES L8 70, SERENATE M6 68, TELERANS L7 68, RESONATE 11A 66

On 11th draw, YAY O1 39 --- YAY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: GAYETY B10 34, GENTY N2 34, YAGER B10 34, GAY O1 33, RENAY N2 32

On 12th draw, ASTROID 14H 72 --- ASTROID a four cusped geometrical figure [n]
Other moves: ASTROID 12H 71, ASTEROID M6 70, DILATORS L7 70, ROSCID 8A 30, DIOTAS 10J 28

On 13th draw, COZING 15C 69 --- COZE to chat [v]
Other moves: ZIP 15F 57, ZING 15E 54, ZIG 15F 51, COPING 15C 48, PICONG 15C 48

On 14th draw, FOID 15L 50 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other moves: FOP 15M 32, FOUET B10 32, DOIT 15L 31, UPTIED B9 30, FID 15M 29
FOID 15L 50 Hammer22

On 15th draw, TRUCED 8A 30 --- TRUCE to suspend hostilities by mutual agreement [v]
Other moves: DEG 10H 28, DERE 10H 27, EDGE 8L 27, DENGUE N2 26, DENTURE N2 26

On 16th draw, HIVES B10 38 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: SOTH 6G 33, PISH 10C 32, PITH 10C 32, SHA 2M 31, HENTS N2 30
PITH 10C 32 Hammer22

On 17th draw, WE 10J 30 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: WEB 8M 29, WIG 8M 26, BE 10J 24, BI 10J 24, WET E11 24
WE 10J 30 Pacific

On 18th draw, QUILT 11G 44 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other moves: BUILT 11G 30, GUILT 11G 28, GILT 11H 26, GLIB 11K 26, BLENT N1 25
QI 7G 21 Pacific

On 19th draw, PUB 8M 25 --- PUB a public bar [n] --- PUB to go to a public bar, PUBBED, PUBBING, PUBS [v]
Other moves: BUG 8M 22, PUG 8M 22, BUT E11 20, PUT E11 20, BA 2N 18

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