Game on July 24, 2023 at 11:21, 8 players
1. 326 pts Chelsea
2. 165 pts LongJump22
3. 90 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 9H 25 51
3. 5E 64 115
4. 4A 50 165
5. 3B 28 193
6. N6 79 272
7. O3 33 305
8. A4 48 353
9. O11 44 397
10. B9 83 480
11. 15A 42 522
12. 11B 70 592
13. 12A 32 624
14. F7 65 689
15. J2 33 722
16. H11 24 746
17. 13B 32 778
18. M3 43 821
19. 12K 30 851
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7441 Chelsea 3 7:02 -525 326 1.7441 Chelsea 3 7:02 -525 326
2.6800 LongJump22 4 3:32 -686 165 Group: intermediate
3.6856 Javelin22 2 2:58 -761 90 1.6800 LongJump22 4 3:32 -686 165
4.6731 ShotPut22 2 3:36 -761 90 2.6856 Javelin22 2 2:58 -761 90
5.6738 Discus22 1 3:06 -777 74 3.6731 ShotPut22 2 3:36 -761 90
6.6472 Hammer22 1 1:20 -782 69 4.6738 Discus22 1 3:06 -777 74
7. - UUUUUU1120 1 1:58 -803 48 5.6472 Hammer22 1 1:20 -782 69
8. - VVVVVV1117 1 1:19 -825 26 Group: not rated
1. - UUUUUU1120 1 1:58 -803 48
2. - VVVVVV1117 1 1:19 -825 26
On 1st draw, VANDA H4 26 --- VANDA a tropical orchid [n]
Other tops: VANDA(L) H4 26, VANDA(S) H4 26
Other moves: AVAUN(T) H3 24, VAND(A) H4 24, VAN(E)D H4 24, VA(N)DA H4 24, V(A)NDA H4 24
VANDA(L) H4 26 LongJump22, VVVVVV1117
VANDA H4 26 Javelin22, ShotPut22
AVAUN(T) H3 24 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, SPHENE 9H 25 --- SPHENE a mineral [n]
Other tops: PHENES 9C 25
Other moves: INPHASE 5D 24, PEAHENS 5F 24, PENSIVE 4C 24, PISH 9F 24, SHEEP 9H 24
PHENES 9C 25 LongJump22
SHEEP 9H 24 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, EXHALE(S) 5E 64 --- EXHALE to expel air or vapor [v]
Other tops: EXHALE(D) 5E 64
Other moves: RELAXE(D) 5E 52, RELAXE(R) 5E 52, RELAXE(S) 5E 52, (R)ELAXER 5E 52, HEX 8M 44
EXHALE(D) 5E 64 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
HEX 8M 44 Chelsea
On 4th draw, QUARE 4A 50 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: QUEAN 4A 50, QUENA 4A 50, QUERN 4A 50
Other moves: MANQUE 4J 41, MARQUE 4J 41, QUARE 4B 39, QUENA 4B 39, MARQUEE M3 38
QUARE 4A 50 Chelsea, LongJump22
On 5th draw, GEEP 3B 28 --- GEEP an artificial cross of a sheep and a goat [n]
Other moves: LEGGE 3C 26, PEG 3C 26, GLEG 3B 25, PELE 3C 25, PELT 3C 25
PEG 3C 26 Chelsea, Discus22
PELT 3C 25 Hammer22
On 6th draw, BOOST(E)D N6 79 --- BOOST to increase [v]
Other moves: B(I)ODOTS N3 75, BE(A)STHOOD J4 66, BEAST(H)OOD C2 62, Q(U)ODS A4 42, (A)DOBOS 8J 41
Q(U)ODS A4 42 Chelsea
On 7th draw, RANINE O3 33 --- RANINE of the underside of the tongue [adj]
Other tops: NARINE O3 33, NERINE O3 33
Other moves: ARENE O4 30, INANE O4 30, RAINE O4 30, AVENIR 4G 28, INANER O10 28
EARN O5 24 Chelsea
On 8th draw, QUITED A4 48 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v]
Other moves: QUIDS A4 45, QUIETS A4 45, QUITES A4 45, QUEST A4 42, QUIET A4 42
QUITED A4 48 Discus22, Chelsea, UUUUUU1120
On 9th draw, FOOTY O11 44 --- FOOTY paltry [adj]
Other tops: FISTY O11 44
Other moves: SOFTY O11 41, OOFY O12 37, FOIST O11 35, FOOTS O11 35, NIFTY 6H 35
FOOTY O11 44 Chelsea, Hammer22
On 10th draw, AGENTRY B9 83 --- AGENTRY the office or duties of an agent [n]
Other moves: GANNETRY L6 76, GANNETRY L7 76, (S)ERGEANTY K5 74, GYRANT 14J 28, AERY 10I 27
On 11th draw, BYKE 15A 42 --- BYKE to swarm [v]
Other moves: KYRIE 15A 39, BIKIE C7 37, BIRKIE C6 36, BYRNIE 15A 36, KYNE 15A 36
On 12th draw, ELASTICS 11B 70 --- ELASTIC a stretchable material [n]
Other moves: CLADISTS 7E 63, CITALS E10 30, CLASTS E10 30, SCAILS E10 30, TICALS E10 30
On 13th draw, GNAW 12A 32 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other moves: AM 10I 28, EM 10I 28, MAE 10J 28, MEU 10J 28, UM 10I 28
On 14th draw, FRUITION F7 65 --- FRUITION the accomplishment of something desired [n]
Other moves: FORINT 14J 34, INION 6D 29, UNION 6D 29, FIN 6J 28, FIR 6J 28
On 15th draw, JIVER J2 33 --- JIVER one that jives [n]
Other moves: AJIVA 4K 31, RAJ N2 31, JIVE J2 30, JUVE J2 30, RAJ M11 29
On 16th draw, CLOOT H11 24 --- CLOOT a cloven hoof [n]
Other tops: COLOR H11 24, CROOL H11 24
Other moves: LID E13 23, LOD E13 23, LORIOT M2 23, TID E13 23, TOD E13 23
On 17th draw, TREMOLO 13B 32 --- TREMOLO a vibrating musical effect [n]
Other moves: AM 10I 28, EM 10I 28, MAE 10J 28, MA 10J 25, ME 10J 25
On 18th draw, MIAOW M3 43 --- MIAOW to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: AMA 10I 31, AM 10I 28, MAA 10J 28, OM 10I 28, MOW M5 27
On 19th draw, AZIDO 12K 30 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [adj] --- AZIDO relating to azide [adj]
Other tops: ADZ M12 30
Other moves: ZA N2 27, NAZI L9 26, CZAR 8C 25, DUCI M11 24, ZIT 14M 24
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