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Game on July 24, 2023 at 12:53, 12 players
1. 209 pts LongJump22
2. 141 pts ShotPut22
3. 115 pts Javelin22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeorstv   H8    26    26   starve
 2. ?ainoru  11D    78   104   quarrion
 3. eegiprs  13G    80   184   perigees
 4. aeiinsy  10J    33   217   yeans
 5. ?iilost  14B    80   297   pilotis
 6. adeiopr   8A    86   383   parodies
 7. ddefiou  15A    36   419   defi
 8. adeelru  13A    24   443   lad
 9. anoqttu   F6    37   480   quinoa
10. abefglt  12L    30   510   feat
11. achlort   A1    98   608   calthrop
12. deilmot   G3    32   640   delime
13. bbegiot   H1    27   667   obit
14. egikmrv   I1    27   694   rev
15. aeggijn   J1    37   731   ageing
16. nootuwz   N6    34   765   zoons
17. acehuww   8K    54   819   ewhow
18. abcejtu   2A    38   857   abject
19. aknuuxy   3C    45   902   ax

Remaining tiles: kmnuuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6538 FileLongJump22  3  3:34  -693  209     1.7857 SQUAW1      1  2:47  -790  112 
  2.6731 FileShotPut22   1  4:53  -761  141     2.7631 HollyIvy    1  0:42  -875   27 
  3.6856 FileJavelin22   2  5:23  -787  115     3.7601 sicilianc5  1  0:59  -875   27 
  4.7857 FileSQUAW1      1  2:47  -790  112     4.7699 Mycophot    1  1:14  -875   27 
  5.6738 FileDiscus22    0  0:58  -872   30     5.7771 moonmonkey  1  1:31  -875   27 
  6.7631 FileHollyIvy    1  0:42  -875   27            Group: intermediate
  7.7601 Filesicilianc5  1  0:59  -875   27     1.6538 LongJump22  3  3:34  -693  209 
  8.7699 FileMycophot    1  1:14  -875   27     2.6731 ShotPut22   1  4:53  -761  141 
  9.7771 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:31  -875   27     3.6856 Javelin22   2  5:23  -787  115 
 10.6472 FileHammer22    1  0:33  -876   26     4.6738 Discus22    0  0:58  -872   30 
 11.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  0:52  -876   26     5.6472 Hammer22    1  0:33  -876   26 
 12.  -  FileVVVVVV1117  1  1:16  -876   26            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  0:52  -876   26 
                                             2.  -  VVVVVV1117  1  1:16  -876   26 

On 1st draw, STARVE H8 26 --- STARVE to die from lack of food [v]
Other tops: AVERTS H3 26, AVOSET H3 26, OVATES H3 26, STROVE H8 26, VASTER H4 26, VOTERS H4 26
Other moves: VARES H4 24, VERSO H4 24, VERST H4 24, VERTS H4 24, VESTA H4 24
AVERTS H3 26 Hammer22, SSSSSS1111, VVVVVV1117, Javelin22, LongJump22

On 2nd draw, (Q)UARRION 11D 78 --- QUARRION a kind of cockatiel [n]
Other tops: (Q)UARRION 11E 78
Other moves: RAINOU(T) 14H 76, (M)AINOUR 14B 76, RAINOU(T)S 8A 74, SU(T)ORIAN 8H 74, (M)AINOURS 8A 74
(Q)UARRION 11D 78 LongJump22
(Q)UARRION 11D 28 Javelin22
(Q)UARRION 11E 28 ShotPut22

On 3rd draw, PERIGEES 13G 80 --- PERIGEE the point in the orbit of a celestial body which is nearest to the earth [n]
Other moves: PERIGEES 13C 78, PERIGEES 13B 76, SPEERING K5 72, SPREEING K5 72, PIERAGES F7 65
SPREEING K5 72 LongJump22
PRISE L8 28 ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 4th draw, YEANS 10J 33 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other moves: EASY 10G 32, YEAS 10F 32, YEAN 10J 30, YEAN 12L 30, YEAS 10J 30
YEANS 10J 33 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22

On 5th draw, (P)ILOTIS 14B 80 --- PILOTIS columns underneath the first floor eg for a car park [n]
Other tops: (C)OLITIS 14B 80
Other moves: IOLIT(E)S 14B 79, I(D)OLISTS 8A 74, SOILI(E)ST 8H 74, SOLI(C)ITS 8A 74, S(C)IOLIST 8H 74
STARVE(R)S H8 30 Discus22

On 6th draw, PARODIES 8A 86 --- PARODY to imitate a serious literary work for comic effect [v]
Other moves: PARODIES N3 63, DIASPORE 8E 62, REDIP 15A 38, PADI 15A 31, DRAP 12L 30

On 7th draw, DEFI 15A 36 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other moves: DEIF 12L 34, FEOD 12L 34, FEUD 12L 34, FID 14J 34, FIDO 15A 34

On 8th draw, LAD 13A 24 --- LAD a boy or youth [n]
Other tops: RAD 13A 24
Other moves: DUAL 14J 23, DUAR 14J 23, DUEL 14J 23, DULE 14J 23, DURA 14J 23

On 9th draw, QUINOA F6 37 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other tops: QUANTA B6 37, QUINTA F6 37
Other moves: QUANT B6 36, QUATS N6 34, AQUA B5 33, QUAT B6 33, QUIN F6 33

On 10th draw, FEAT 12L 30 --- FEAT a notable act or achievement [n] --- FEAT skillful [adj] --- FEAT to cover with feathers [v]
Other tops: FEAL 12L 30
Other moves: BAEL 12L 26, BEAT 12L 26, BEEF L12 26, FAE 12L 26, FATE 14L 25

On 11th draw, CALTHROP A1 98 --- CALTHROP a spiny plant [n]
Other moves: THORACAL B2 80, THORACAL B4 67, TROCHAR C2 26, CHORTEN K5 24, LARCHEN K5 24

On 12th draw, DELIME G3 32 --- DELIME to free from lime [v]
Other moves: DIEL 14J 28, DIM 14J 28, DIME G5 28, DOM 14J 28, ODEUM 7C 28

On 13th draw, OBIT H1 27 --- OBIT a date of death [n]
Other tops: BOET H1 27
Other moves: GOBBIER C2 26, GEIT H1 24, GIBBER C3 24, GIBBET 4C 24, GOBBET 4C 24

On 14th draw, REV I1 27 --- REV to increase the speed of [v]
Other tops: RIEM B2 27
Other moves: KI 14N 26, MIRKER C3 26, HIKER 5A 24, MAIK B7 24, MARK B7 24
REV I1 27 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 15th draw, AGEING J1 37 --- AGEING the process of growing old [n]
Other moves: JAGGIER C2 34, AGING J1 32, GAEING J2 32, JAGGER C3 32, JIGGER C3 32

On 16th draw, ZOONS N6 34 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: OUZO K5 33, ZOON 9L 30, ZOOT 9L 30, ZOO 9L 29, TOWN 14J 28

On 17th draw, EWHOW 8K 54 --- EWHOW expressing regret [interj]
Other moves: WAWE O5 52, WHOW 8L 51, WHA O7 49, CHOW 8L 45, CAHOW 8K 42
WAWE O5 52 ShotPut22

On 18th draw, ABJECT 2A 38 --- ABJECT sunk to a low condition [adj] --- ABJECT to cast down [v]
Other moves: HEJAB 5A 34, TACO 7K 26, JUBA O3 25, TAUBE K4 23, ACUATE 2A 20

On 19th draw, AX 3C 45 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: JAXY C2 42, JYNX C2 42, JUNKY C2 38, YUKE K5 35, KY 14N 32

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