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Game on July 28, 2023 at 11:49, 6 players
1. 223 pts LongJump22
2. 96 pts Javelin22
3. 93 pts ShotPut22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiklrs   H3    84    84   skirled
 2. ?aelmtw   5E    36   120   waliest
 3. adeflmo   4A    37   157   defoam
 4. ?agoors   8A    80   237   bargoose
 5. aceghmq   3A    40   277   ahem
 6. bcnoruv   6B    40   317   bronc
 7. eiinstu   9H    61   378   disunite
 8. aceeotv   O3    48   426   evocate
 9. eegloru   A1    21   447   grade
10. adgnpsu  10K    34   481   punas
11. ailortv  11G    31   512   viator
12. aeeilnp   N7    26   538   petaline
13. afgintu  14G    64   602   fantigue
14. adehiin  15C    47   649   hained
15. deiruxz  14B    40   689   rez
16. deiqtuy  A10    70   759   equity
17. diloowx  B10    61   820   xi
18. bdloowy  11E    26   846   obviator

Remaining tiles: djlowy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6678 FileLongJump22  1  2:21  -623  223     1.6678 LongJump22  1  2:21  -623  223 
  2.6747 FileJavelin22   0  3:24  -750   96     2.6747 Javelin22   0  3:24  -750   96 
  3.6698 FileShotPut22   0  2:46  -753   93     3.6698 ShotPut22   0  2:46  -753   93 
  4.  -  FileUUUUUU1120  0  1:58  -779   67     4.6582 Discus22    0  1:27  -812   34 
  5.6582 FileDiscus22    0  1:27  -812   34     5.6394 Hammer22    0  1:49  -812   34 
  6.6394 FileHammer22    0  1:49  -812   34            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  UUUUUU1120  0  1:58  -779   67 

On 1st draw, SKIRLED H3 84 --- SKIRL to produce a shrill sound [v]
Other moves: SKIRLED H6 78, SKIRLED H2 76, SKIRLED H4 76, SKIRLED H7 76, SKIRLED H8 76
SKIRLED H3 84 LongJump22
SKIRLED H3 34 Javelin22, ShotPut22, Discus22, Hammer22

On 2nd draw, WALIE(S)T 5E 36 --- WALY excellent [adj]
Other moves: LAMITE(R) 5E 32, METI(C)AL 5E 32, MATL(O)WS 3B 30, SWAL(L)ET 3H 26, SWA(L)LET 3H 26
MATL(O)WS 3B 30 LongJump22, Javelin22

On 3rd draw, DEFOAM 4A 37 --- DEFOAM to remove foam from [v]
Other moves: FEMORA 6D 36, FAMED 6B 35, FEODAL 4A 35, DEFOAMS 3B 32, FEDORA 6D 30
DEFOAMS 3B 32 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 4th draw, (B)ARGOOSE 8A 80 --- BARGOOSE a type of goose [n]
Other tops: (C)ARGOOSE 8A 80
Other moves: DRAGOO(N)S A4 77, GADROO(N)S A2 77, OREGA(N)OS B2 70, GOS(P)ODAR 9C 63, GADROO(N)S 9F 62
DRAGOO(N)S A4 77 LongJump22
DRAGOO(N)S A4 27 ShotPut22

On 5th draw, AHEM 3A 40 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: EGMA 3C 40
Other moves: CHAM 6C 36, HEM 3B 35, AHEM 6C 34, HAEM 6C 34, HAM 6D 33

On 6th draw, BRONC 6B 40 --- BRONC a wild horse [n]
Other moves: CORN 6F 29, COR 6F 26, BRAD A1 21, COARB B6 21, CONVO E7 20

On 7th draw, DISUNITE 9H 61 --- DISUNITE to separate [v]
Other moves: STEIN 2B 37, STEN 2B 31, ST 2B 22, ST 2A 20, INSIDE 9D 19

On 8th draw, EVOCATE O3 48 --- EVOCATE to evoke [v]
Other moves: EVOCATE O9 45, OCTAVE O4 36, AVOCET O5 33, COATEE O4 33, COVET O6 30

On 9th draw, GRADE A1 21 --- GRADE to arrange in steps or degrees [v]
Other tops: GLADE A1 21
Other moves: AEROGEL B8 20, AUREOLE B8 18, EGAD A1 18, GLAD A1 18, GOAD A1 18

On 10th draw, PUNAS 10K 34 --- PUNA a cold, arid plateau [n]
Other moves: DAS 10M 26, SAD 10M 26, STANDUP N8 26, NAS 10M 24, SPANGS 3H 24

On 11th draw, VIATOR 11G 31 --- VIATOR a traveller [n]
Other moves: LIVOR 11H 29, VALOR 11H 29, VROT 11I 27, TAILOR 11G 25, VOR 11J 25

On 12th draw, PETALINE N7 26 --- PETALINE resembling a petal [adj]
Other tops: LEAP 12L 26, LEEP 12L 26
Other moves: PANEL F10 25, KNEEL 4H 23, NEAP 2C 23, NEEP 2C 23, OLPAE F8 23

On 13th draw, FANTIGUE 14G 64 --- FANTIGUE anxiety [n]
Other moves: FANG O12 49, FUNG O12 49, TUFA O12 34, FAIN 12H 30, FATING F10 30

On 14th draw, HAINED 15C 47 --- HAIN to save [v]
Other moves: HAED 15H 46, HEAD 15H 46, HEID 15H 46, HAEN 15H 42, HAIN 15H 42

On 15th draw, REZ 14B 40 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other moves: BRAIZE B6 37, ADZE B8 34, ZED 14B 34, ADZ B8 33, ZED(S) J2 33

On 16th draw, EQUITY A10 70 --- EQUITY fairness or impartiality [n]
Other moves: QUYTE A11 67, QUITE A11 58, YETI A12 46, YITE A12 46, DEITY A11 43

On 17th draw, XI B10 61 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EXODOI 10A 32, DOUX M12 31, OXID(S) J1 28, DOXIE 3K 26, EXO 10A 26

On 18th draw, OBVIATOR 11E 26 --- OBVIATOR one that obviates [n]
Other moves: BLOW(S)Y J1 23, YOW N1 23, GLOBY D8 22, GOOBY D8 22, LOID 12L 22

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