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Game on July 29, 2023 at 14:22, 7 players
1. 230 pts LongJump22
2. 128 pts Discus22
3. 108 pts ShotPut22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?almnoo   H2    72    72   lampoon
 2. aeoostw   I3    32   104   woose
 3. agiimno   J1    28   132   imago
 4. addeegi   1J    27   159   ideaed
 5. agijnps   G7    99   258   japings
 6. abgstuz   F7    40   298   stub
 7. aeegort   O1    83   381   derogate
 8. ?adefny   K5   108   489   nyaffed
 9. aeikrsz   N6   102   591   karzies
10. aelntuw   M3    41   632   unlaw
11. behilnr  O12    48   680   herb
12. aeilnqv  14J    34   714   vainer
13. efilort  13A    72   786   floriest
14. einrrtu  A10    30   816   turfen
15. ceioptu  H10    32   848   toutie
16. chiilpr  J10    32   880   hic
17. cdiipty  D10    32   912   cyprid
18. ilqrtvx  13L    37   949   qi

Remaining tiles: lrtvx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6762 FileLongJump22  4  2:55  -719  230     1.6762 LongJump22  4  2:55  -719  230 
  2.6665 FileDiscus22    0  4:05  -821  128     2.6665 Discus22    0  4:05  -821  128 
  3.6591 FileShotPut22   2  3:25  -841  108     3.6591 ShotPut22   2  3:25  -841  108 
  4.6627 FileJavelin22   2  4:24  -841  108     4.6627 Javelin22   2  4:24  -841  108 
  5.6637 FileHammer22    0  1:25  -852   97     5.6637 Hammer22    0  1:25  -852   97 
  6.  -  FileUUUUUU1121  0  1:59  -914   35            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileJohubeca    0  1:51  -918   31     1.  -  UUUUUU1121  0  1:59  -914   35 
                                             2.  -  Johubeca    0  1:51  -918   31 

On 1st draw, LAM(P)OON H2 72 --- LAMPOON to ridicule in a satirical composition [v]
Other tops: LO(C)OMAN H8 72, (T)OOLMAN H8 72, (W)OOLMAN H8 72
Other moves: LAM(P)OON H3 68, LAM(P)OON H4 68, LAM(P)OON H6 68, LAM(P)OON H7 68, LAM(P)OON H8 68
LAM(P)OON H2 72 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, WOOSE I3 32 --- WOOSE a wimp [n]
Other moves: WAES I3 27, WOES I3 27, WOOS I3 27, AWETOS 3H 26, SWEAT G6 26
WOOSE I3 32 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 3rd draw, IMAGO J1 28 --- IMAGO an adult insect [n]
Other tops: AIMING G5 28
Other moves: MAGI J2 27, AMNIO J1 26, IMAGO G6 26, MANI J2 25, MANO J2 25

On 4th draw, IDEAED 1J 27 --- IDEAED provided with ideas [adj]
Other moves: IDEAED G6 22, MOGGED 4H 22, IGAD G6 21, DEAD K5 20, DEED K5 20
IDEAED 1J 27 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 5th draw, JAPINGS G7 99 --- JAPING the act of joking [n]
Other moves: JAPINGS 9B 79, JAPING G7 47, JAPS G7 44, JAP G7 43, JAGS G7 42
JAPINGS G7 99 LongJump22
JAPINGS G7 49 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22

On 6th draw, STUB F7 40 --- STUB to strike accidentally against a projecting object [v]
Other moves: ZIGS 10F 34, ZIG 10F 33, ZITS 10F 33, ZIT 10F 32, SUBA F8 31
ZIGS 10F 34 Discus22

On 7th draw, DEROGATE O1 83 --- DEROGATE to detract [v]
Other moves: MEAGRE 2J 33, MARGE 2J 28, MERGE 2J 28, GOATEE E9 25, MATER 2J 25

On 8th draw, NYAF(F)ED K5 108 --- NYAFF to yelp [v]
Other tops: NYA(F)FED K5 108
Other moves: NYAF(F)ED N8 82, NYA(F)FED N8 82, NYA(F)FED 9I 80, NYAF(F)ED 9I 76, FAD(D)Y N6 45
FENDY N6 45 Discus22, Hammer22
FAN N6 31 Johubeca

On 9th draw, KARZIES N6 102 --- KARZY a lavatory [n]
Other moves: KAZI N4 79, ZERKS N6 75, ZERK N6 72, SAZ N4 68, ZEAS N6 68
KARZIES N6 52 Hammer22

On 10th draw, UNLAW M3 41 --- UNLAW to annul [v]
Other moves: WALNUT J10 35, WANLE J10 34, WALE J10 31, WANE J10 31, WANT J10 31

On 11th draw, HERB O12 48 --- HERB a flowering plant with a nonwoody stem [n]
Other moves: RHINE O11 47, HEIL O12 42, HEIR O12 42, HERL O12 42, HERN O12 42

On 12th draw, VAINER 14J 34 --- VAIN filled with undue admiration for oneself [adj]
Other moves: VEALING 12A 30, ALEVIN L9 24, LEAVING 12A 24, NAEVI M11 24, NAIVE M11 24

On 13th draw, FLORIEST 13A 72 --- FLORY showy [adj]
Other moves: FER J10 30, FET J10 30, FIE J10 30, FIL J10 30, FIR J10 30

On 14th draw, TURFEN A10 30 --- TURFEN of turf [adj]
Other tops: RETURF A8 30
Other moves: INFER A11 27, REFIT A11 27, RIFER A11 27, RIFTE A11 27, UNFIT A11 27

On 15th draw, TOUTIE H10 32 --- TOUTIE petulant [adj]
Other tops: POETIC E9 32
Other moves: EPIC J9 28, PICTURE D8 28, OPTIC L11 27, COP E9 26, COPIER D8 26

On 16th draw, HIC J10 32 --- HIC used to represent a hiccup [interj]
Other tops: HIP J10 32
Other moves: HI J10 29, PHI 13K 29, CHIP L12 28, PIC J10 26, LICHI L10 25

On 17th draw, CYPRID D10 32 --- CYPRID a type of barnacle [n]
Other moves: PYRIC D11 30, PYIC L12 28, DIRTY D11 26, TRYP D12 24, PYIC E11 22

On 18th draw, QI 13L 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: XI 13L 31, XI L3 31, EX F13 25, MIX 2J 24, OX C13 18

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