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Game on July 29, 2023 at 19:32, 8 players
1. 206 pts Pacific
2. 171 pts LongJump22
3. 156 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afgilmu   H4    30    30   famuli
 2. adeijnt   4H    32    62   fanjet
 3. aeglrsu   M1    70   132   gestural
 4. aabeehn   1J    39   171   beegah
 5. ?adeorz   L7    98   269   zedoary
 6. aaenrst   8A    77   346   asternal
 7. ?ilnovw   B1    80   426   wolvings
 8. adhorsw  13H    86   512   showyard
 9. cefgino   O8    42   554   confide
10. adegkou  15L    87   641   kaed
11. cgioptt  12D    32   673   ptotic
12. ginostt   1A   167   840   swotting
13. begioxy  14I    64   904   exo
14. eegiruu   N5    25   929   reg
15. deiinpy   2J    36   965   yede
16. eiilmuy   G6    32   997   myal
17. eipruuv  15E    39  1036   viper
18. iiinoqu  11B    38  1074   quoin

Remaining tiles: biiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9655 FilePacific     1  2:59  -868  206     1.9655 Pacific     1  2:59  -868  206 
  2.6823 FileLongJump22  4  3:25  -903  171            Group: advanced
  3.7772 FileHollyIvy    1  1:38  -918  156     1.7772 HollyIvy    1  1:38  -918  156 
  4.6666 FileJavelin22   3  5:16  -925  149            Group: intermediate
  5.6591 FileShotPut22   3  5:47  -925  149     1.6823 LongJump22  4  3:25  -903  171 
  6.6689 FileDiscus22    1  1:37  -950  124     2.6666 Javelin22   3  5:16  -925  149 
  7.6637 FileHammer22    0  3:28  -993   81     3.6591 ShotPut22   3  5:47  -925  149 
  8.  -  FileUUUUUU1122  1  1:00 -1044   30     4.6689 Discus22    1  1:37  -950  124 
                                             5.6637 Hammer22    0  3:28  -993   81 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  UUUUUU1122  1  1:00 -1044   30 

On 1st draw, FAMULI H4 30 --- FAMULUS a servant or attendant [n]
Other moves: FILUM H4 28, FILUM H8 26, FUGAL H4 26, AIMFUL H3 24, AIMFUL H4 24
FAMULI H4 30 LongJump22, UUUUUU1122, Javelin22, ShotPut22

On 2nd draw, FANJET 4H 32 --- FANJET a type of jet engine [n]
Other tops: JADE I3 32, JEDI I3 32, TAJINE G1 32
Other moves: JANE G5 30, JANE I3 30, JAM 6F 28, DJIN G2 27, TAJINE 5G 26
FANJET 4H 32 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22

On 3rd draw, GESTURAL M1 70 --- GESTURAL pertaining to or consisting of gestures (expressive bodily motions) [adj]
Other moves: MAULGRES 6H 65, GRANULES J1 63, TRAGULES M4 62, LEAGUERS L3 60, GALEAS 5G 38
GESTURAL M1 70 LongJump22

On 4th draw, BEEGAH 1J 39 --- BEEGAH an Indian land measure [n]
Other tops: BHAGEE 1J 39
Other moves: BHAJAN K1 36, BHAJEE K1 36, BLAH 8L 36, HEBEN 2J 36, HEJAB K2 34
BEEGAH 1J 39 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22

On 5th draw, ZEDOAR(Y) L7 98 --- ZEDOARY the medicinal root of a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: RAZO(R)ED 2E 79, (R)AZORED 2E 79, ZEDOAR(Y) 2D 73, RAZO(R)ED N7 72, (R)AZORED N7 71
ZEDOAR(Y) L7 48 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Hammer22

On 6th draw, ASTERNAL 8A 77 --- ASTERNAL not connected to the sternum [adj]
Other moves: ANESTRA G6 71, SANTERA N8 71, SANTERA I7 68, ANESTRA 2D 67, SANTERA 2D 67

On 7th draw, WOLVIN(G)S B1 80 --- WOLVING the hunting for wolf pelts [n]
Other moves: IN(D)EW 2J 37, SOWLIN(G) B8 34, ANI(S) N1 28, (G)LOW N7 28, (P)LOW N7 28

On 8th draw, SHOW(Y)ARD 13H 86 --- SHOWYARD a yard for cattle shows [n]
Other moves: SHADOWER D2 80, ROADSHOW 2A 73, HARROWS E5 52, WASHED 2I 49, WASHER 2I 45
ROADSHOW 2A 73 Pacific
WELSH 8K 33 Hammer22

On 9th draw, CONFIDE O8 42 --- CONFIDE to reveal in trust or confidence [v]
Other moves: COIFED O8 39, COIF K8 38, CONF K8 38, COIF 14G 37, COIGNED O7 36
COIF 14G 37 Discus22

On 10th draw, KAED 15L 87 --- KAE to serve [v]
Other moves: OAKED 15K 78, AKED 15L 75, AGUED 15K 72, GAED 15L 69, GAUD 15L 69
KAED 15L 87 Discus22
GOAD 15L 69 Pacific

On 11th draw, PTOTIC 12D 32 --- PTOSIS a drooping of the upper eyelid [adj] --- PTOTIC pertaining to ptosis [adj]
Other moves: OP A1 31, PISCO H11 30, TWIG 1A 30, TIP 14H 28, TOP 14H 28

On 12th draw, SWOTTING 1A 167 --- SWOT to study hard [v] --- SWOTTING the act of swotting [n]
Other moves: SNOTTING J3 65, SNOTTING F2 63, TOOTSING 2A 61, WOTTING 1B 36, TWIGS 1A 33
SWOTTING 1A 117 HollyIvy

On 13th draw, EXO 14I 64 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX 14I 58, IBEX 11E 46, EXO 2M 43, BOGY K8 41, GOBY K8 41
EXO 14I 64 Pacific

On 14th draw, REG N5 25 --- REG a regulation [n]
Other moves: EGER 15F 24, GJU K3 22, JIG K4 22, JUG K4 22, GUR 15G 21

On 15th draw, YEDE 2J 36 --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: DENY K8 35, PYE 2I 33, DYE 2I 32, NYE 2I 31, YAP G7 31

On 16th draw, MYAL G6 32 --- MYAL of African witchcraft [adj]
Other moves: YAM G7 31, LIMEY 11F 28, MULEY 11F 28, MY K10 28, LYE 14M 27

On 17th draw, VIPER 15E 39 --- VIPER a venomous snake [n]
Other moves: VIER 15F 30, PIER 15F 27, PUER 15F 27, PUIR 15F 27, PER 15G 24
VIPER 15E 39 HollyIvy

On 18th draw, QUOIN 11B 38 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: QUIN 11C 36, QUOIN 13B 36, QI F14 31, QUINIE D3 30, QUINE D4 28

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