Game on July 30, 2023 at 13:34, 11 players
1. 213 pts LongJump22
2. 132 pts ShotPut22
3. 132 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 78 78
2. 2H 32 110
3. K2 74 184
4. 8J 36 220
5. L1 31 251
6. O8 104 355
7. G7 46 401
8. F8 45 446
9. 12A 32 478
10. N10 52 530
11. 14J 34 564
12. 13I 40 604
13. 1L 26 630
14. 15G 28 658
15. 11E 32 690
16. B8 40 730
17. A2 95 825
18. C6 32 857
19. 2A 24 881
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6827 LongJump22 2 4:02 -668 213 1.7816 SQUAW1 0 2:42 -812 69
2.6652 ShotPut22 0 4:07 -749 132 2.7772 HollyIvy 0 1:23 -839 42
3.6712 Javelin22 0 5:29 -749 132 3.7706 sicilianc5 0 1:44 -839 42
4.6571 Hammer22 1 2:51 -801 80 4.7845 moonmonkey 1 0:27 -849 32
5.7816 SQUAW1 0 2:42 -812 69 5.7662 Mycophot 1 0:47 -849 32
6.6741 Discus22 1 3:13 -827 54 Group: intermediate
7. - UUUUUU1122 1 1:49 -829 52 1.6827 LongJump22 2 4:02 -668 213
8.7772 HollyIvy 0 1:23 -839 42 2.6652 ShotPut22 0 4:07 -749 132
9.7706 sicilianc5 0 1:44 -839 42 3.6712 Javelin22 0 5:29 -749 132
10.7845 moonmonkey 1 0:27 -849 32 4.6571 Hammer22 1 2:51 -801 80
11.7662 Mycophot 1 0:47 -849 32 5.6741 Discus22 1 3:13 -827 54
Group: not rated
1. - UUUUUU1122 1 1:49 -829 52
On 1st draw, SUBATOM H2 78 --- SUBATOM a component of an atom [n]
Other tops: SUBATOM H6 78
Other moves: SUBATOM H3 74, SUBATOM H4 74, SUBATOM H7 74, SUBATOM H8 74, SUBATOM H5 72
SUBATOM H6 78 LongJump22
SUBATOM H6 28 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22
SUBATOM H2 28 Hammer22
On 2nd draw, SAPSAGO 2H 32 --- SAPSAGO a hard green cheese [n]
Other moves: PAGAN I3 31, GAPOS I5 28, PAGANS G5 27, GAPO I5 26, NAPAS G5 26
GAPOS I5 28 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 3rd draw, SHINB(O)NE K2 74 --- SHINBONE the tibia [n]
Other moves: (C)HINBONE 7C 66, (S)HINBONE 7C 66, H(A)IN 1L 43, B(A)NE 1L 35, B(A)NI 1L 35
SHINB(O)NE K2 74 LongJump22
H(A)IN 1L 43 ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 4th draw, ENDEWS 8J 36 --- ENDEW to endow [v]
Other moves: FEED L4 34, ENDEWS 10F 33, NEWED G5 32, NEWED I5 32, SEWED I5 32
ENDEWS 10F 33 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 5th draw, FAIN L1 31 --- FAIN joyful [adj] --- FAIN to delight in [v]
Other tops: NAIF L1 31
Other moves: NEIF 9J 25, OLEFIN J6 25, REIF 9J 25, FIBROIN 4F 24, R(O)OF 7J 24
On 6th draw, SPUNKIL(Y) O8 104 --- SPUNKILY in a spunky manner [adv] --- SPUNKY plucky [adv]
Other moves: SKULPIN(S) O8 98, UPLINK(S) 10E 90, (S)KULPIN G6 84, LINKUP(S) 10E 82, UPLINK(S) 9B 81
On 7th draw, JAW G7 46 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: J*WJEW G7 46
Other moves: HAJ G5 45, HEJRA G7 40, JAR G7 40, HAJ G7 38, JA G7 38
On 8th draw, DOZE F8 45 --- DOZE to sleep lightly [v]
Other tops: TOZED F8 45
Other moves: ZO 1N 44, TOZE F8 43, DOZEN 11K 30, LOZEN 11K 28, ZOEAL 5E 28
On 9th draw, TOITED 12A 32 --- TOIT to saunter [v]
Other tops: INTOED 12A 32, OINTED 12A 32, TINTED 12A 32
Other moves: OINTED 12D 31, TINED 12D 31, TINTED 12D 31, TONED 12D 31, DITONE 12B 29
On 10th draw, XU N10 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: TUX 3G 36, TAX 13C 35, BRUX 6K 29, JAWAN G7 28, RETAX 11E 28
XU N10 52 Hammer22, UUUUUU1122
On 11th draw, HOSTEL 14J 34 --- HOSTEL to stay overnight as hostels when travelling [v]
Other moves: HOOTS B10 32, THETES 11B 31, HOTTEST A6 30, HOTTEST A9 30, HOTTIES A9 30
On 12th draw, FOGIE 13I 40 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: GONEF 15G 37, GONIF 15G 37, FOGIE 15G 34, FOGIE 15F 32, NEIF 15H 31
On 13th draw, FAIR 1L 26 --- FAIR free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice [adj] --- FAIR to make smooth [v]
Other tops: FAIL 1L 26, PALEA J2 26
Other moves: AGE M1 25, ALAE I4 24, ALAR I4 24, ARIL I4 24, AURELIA 11C 22
FAIL 1L 26 Discus22
On 14th draw, ERGOT 15G 28 --- ERGOT a fungus [n]
Other moves: EGER I4 26, OGEE I4 26, GROT 15H 25, ERUGO 15F 24, TRUGO 15F 24
On 15th draw, TELERAN 11E 32 --- TELERAN a system of air navigation [n]
Other moves: LATERAL I1 31, JAWAN G7 28, AGENT M1 27, HIANT 3K 27, AGEN M1 25
On 16th draw, ANYMORE B8 40 --- ANYMORE at the present time [adv]
Other moves: YEOMAN B10 38, VARMENT A6 36, MAY 10H 35, MAY I5 35, VATMEN A10 33
On 17th draw, DECRIAL A2 95 --- DECRIAL the act of decrying [n]
Other moves: RADICEL A2 92, RADICLE A2 92, RADICLE A3 91, RADICLE C3 83, DECRIAL C2 74
CARED A4 42 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 18th draw, CAVY C6 32 --- CAVY a short-tailed rodent [n]
Other moves: IVY C7 29, AY 10I 28, AY I6 28, ICY C7 27, CAVY 14D 25
CAVY C6 32 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 19th draw, DEVOIR 2A 24 --- DEVOIR an act of civility or respect [n]
Other tops: DEVOUR 2A 24, DOVIER 2A 24
Other moves: UTERI A11 23, CRUIVE 4A 22, AGE M1 20, CIVIE 4A 20, COVER 4A 20
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