Game on July 30, 2023 at 15:50, 6 players
1. 193 pts LongJump22
2. 157 pts ShotPut22
3. 157 pts Discus22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 84 84
2. G7 41 125
3. 13C 24 149
4. 12A 39 188
5. A8 33 221
6. B6 34 255
7. 11E 40 295
8. L10 35 330
9. 7E 64 394
10. C3 45 439
11. M1 74 513
12. 5F 68 581
13. 4A 44 625
14. 14C 45 670
15. 1J 39 709
16. A1 24 733
17. 15J 27 760
18. 2F 45 805
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6827 LongJump22 3 2:18 -612 193 1.6827 LongJump22 3 2:18 -612 193
2.6652 ShotPut22 2 4:29 -648 157 2.6652 ShotPut22 2 4:29 -648 157
3.6741 Discus22 2 5:42 -648 157 3.6741 Discus22 2 5:42 -648 157
4.6571 Hammer22 2 2:28 -727 78 4.6571 Hammer22 2 2:28 -727 78
5.6712 Javelin22 0 1:39 -757 48 5.6712 Javelin22 0 1:39 -757 48
6. - UUUUUU1122 1 1:58 -760 45 Group: not rated
1. - UUUUUU1122 1 1:58 -760 45
On 1st draw, TOUZLES H7 84 --- TOUZLE to dishevel [v]
Other tops: TOUZLES H2 84, TOUZLES H3 84, TOUZLES H4 84, TOUZLES H6 84, TOUZLES H8 84
Other moves: TOUZLES H5 82, ZLOTE H4 48, LUTZES H3 32, LUTZES H4 32, LUTZES H7 32
TOUZLES H8 84 LongJump22
ZLOTE H4 48 ShotPut22, Discus22, Javelin22
On 2nd draw, SIX G7 41 --- SIX a number [n]
Other moves: ZEX 10H 35, IBEXES 12D 30, EXILES 12D 26, EXILES 12H 26, EXINES 12D 26
SIX G7 41 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Discus22
On 3rd draw, FATNESS 13C 24 --- FATNESS the state of being fat [n]
Other moves: FASTENS 13B 22, FATNESS 13B 22, FEASES 13C 20, FEASTS 13C 20, FESTAS 13C 20
On 4th draw, YLEM 12A 39 --- YLEM hypothetical matter from which the elements are derived [n]
Other moves: MAY 14D 35, LYME 14B 32, AYE 14E 31, LAY 14D 31, LEY 14D 31
MAY 14D 35 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Discus22
On 5th draw, BANDY A8 33 --- BANDY having crooked legs [adj] --- BANDY to throw to and fro [v]
Other moves: JANNS F10 30, JINNS F10 30, BADS 11A 28, NINJA F11 28, DAISY A8 27
BANDY A8 33 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Discus22, Hammer22
On 6th draw, J(E)ED B6 34 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JE(E)D B6 33, DEEJA(Y) 12G 31, JEA(N) B6 31, JEA(T) B6 31, J(E)ANED F10 31
On 7th draw, COLLEGE 11E 40 --- COLLEGE a school of higher learning [n]
Other moves: CIEL 14D 23, COLE C5 23, GOEL C5 22, GOLE C5 22, GOEL 14D 21
On 8th draw, CROWEA L10 35 --- CROWEA an Australian shrub with pink flowers [n]
Other moves: CARGO C5 32, CROWEA C1 31, CRAW L10 29, CREW L10 29, CROW L10 29
On 9th draw, FESTINATE 7E 64 --- FESTINATE [v]
Other moves: NEAFE C4 34, FEAT M12 33, FEEN M12 33, FEET M12 33, FENI M12 33
On 10th draw, OMRAH C3 45 --- OMRAH a Muslim lord [n]
Other tops: HOMER 8K 45, HOMIE 8K 45, MAHOE 8K 45
Other moves: HAREM 8K 43, HARIM 8K 43, HERMA 8K 43, HORME 8K 43, IHRAM C3 41
On 11th draw, VERDITER M1 74 --- VERDITER a blue or green pigment [n]
Other tops: DIVERTER M1 74
Other moves: VIDE D1 35, DRIER D2 34, DRIVER N7 32, TIRRED N2 32, TRIER D2 32
On 12th draw, RIGATONI 5F 68 --- RIGATONI a tubular pasta [n]
Other moves: IGNORANT J1 65, ROGATION 3B 61, BANDYING A8 45, GAVOT 1K 30, GARNI 8K 27
On 13th draw, KIMBO(E)D 4A 44 --- KIMBO to set akimbo [v]
Other moves: DO(E)K D3 42, KNIV(E)D 1J 42, BIRK(S) 8K 40, BORK(S) 8K 40, BOR(A)K 8K 40
On 14th draw, SPAY 14C 45 --- SPAY to remove the ovaries of [v]
Other moves: SPEAN M11 44, SYEN M11 43, PEAKY A1 42, PESKY A1 42, PUNKY A1 42
On 15th draw, HEAVEN 1J 39 --- HEAVEN the sky [n]
Other moves: HAVEN 1K 36, HEVEA 1K 36, HOVEA 1K 36, HOVEN 1K 36, HEROE 8K 35
On 16th draw, LURK A1 24 --- LURK to wait in concealment [v]
Other tops: LIRK A1 24, TURK A1 24
Other moves: LITRE 2I 18, RITUAL 15H 18, LIER 2K 16, RIEL 2K 16, TIER 2K 16
On 17th draw, AVAUNT 15J 27 --- AVAUNT to depart [v] --- AVAUNT used as an order of dismissal [interj]
Other tops: AVANTI 15J 27
Other moves: WADI 4K 25, WADT 4K 25, WENA 2L 25, WETA 2L 25, TAWAI 15K 24
On 18th draw, QUIPO 2F 45 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: QUOIN N11 28, QUIN N12 26, QUIT O12 23, OP 14I 22, PO M12 22
QUIPO 2F 45 Hammer22, UUUUUU1122
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