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Game on July 31, 2023 at 11:22, 8 players
1. 227 pts Chelsea
2. 188 pts LongJump22
3. 176 pts Discus22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeistu   H4    22    22   beauts
 2. aeeglno   9F    62    84   gasolene
 3. ?aaefko   K5    52   136   oakleaf
 4. ?aegios   N8    78   214   isagoge
 5. ailmnrt   5A    70   284   tramline
 6. addeenp   D3    80   364   dampened
 7. abiistv  15J    50   414   vibist
 8. aefioru   O4    42   456   fuero
 9. adeiorz   J4    67   523   adz
10. ehilnpu   L3    36   559   help
11. eegiltu   M1    29   588   guile
12. cinoort   A3    33   621   octroi
13. adimnrw   1G    42   663   warming
14. ejnorwy   C7    41   704   yowe
15. eijnqtx  O10    38   742   tix
16. eenstuv  B10    28   770   steven
17. chnoqru   F2    36   806   quoin
18. cdhirty  15A    39   845   inch

Remaining tiles: djrrty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7489 FileChelsea     1  6:55  -618  227     1.7489 Chelsea     1  6:55  -618  227 
  2.6836 FileLongJump22  3  3:00  -657  188            Group: intermediate
  3.6790 FileDiscus22    3  4:10  -669  176     1.6836 LongJump22  3  3:00  -657  188 
  4.6725 FileJavelin22   2  6:21  -692  153     2.6790 Discus22    3  4:10  -669  176 
  5.6679 FileShotPut22   2  3:51  -711  134     3.6725 Javelin22   2  6:21  -692  153 
  6.6596 FileHammer22    2  3:33  -749   96     4.6679 ShotPut22   2  3:51  -711  134 
  7.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  0:48  -823   22     5.6596 Hammer22    2  3:33  -749   96 
  8.  -  FileUUUUUU1122  1  1:57  -823   22            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  0:48  -823   22 
                                             2.  -  UUUUUU1122  1  1:57  -823   22 

On 1st draw, BEAUTS H4 22 --- BEAUT something beautiful [n]
Other moves: BAITS H4 20, BASTE H4 20, BASTI H4 20, BATES H4 20, BEAST H4 20
BEAUTS H4 22 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111, ShotPut22, Javelin22, UUUUUU1122

On 2nd draw, GASOLENE 9F 62 --- GASOLENE a liquid fuel [n]
Other moves: ELONGATE 8B 60, ENGAOL G5 24, ENGAOL I5 24, AGEE G6 20, ENGLOBE 4C 20
GASOLENE 9F 62 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, OAK(L)EAF K5 52 --- OAKLEAF an oak fungus [n]
Other moves: FAE(N)A 8K 34, (P)OAKA 8K 33, (P)OAKE 8K 33, KN(I)FE L8 32, AFA(R) 8L 29
FANK(L)E L7 26 LongJump22

On 4th draw, ISA(G)OGE N8 78 --- ISAGOGE a type of introduction to a branch of study [n]
Other tops: ISAGO(G)E N8 78, SOI(L)AGE N9 78
Other moves: AGO(N)ISE N4 71, I(M)AGOES N3 71, (H)OAGIES N3 71, AGO(N)IES N3 67, GOA(L)IES N3 67
SOI(L)AGE N9 78 LongJump22
SOI(L)AGE N9 28 ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 5th draw, TRAMLINE 5A 70 --- TRAMLINE a line for a tram [n]
Other moves: TRAMLINE 14G 66, MENTORIAL 5G 61, MILT O12 39, MINA O12 39, MINT O12 39
MATIN O4 36 Javelin22

On 6th draw, DAMPENED D3 80 --- DAMPEN to moisten [v]
Other moves: DEPEND O3 42, PANED O4 42, PENDED O3 42, PENED O4 42, NEAPED O3 39
PANED O4 42 ShotPut22

On 7th draw, VIBIST 15J 50 --- VIBIST one who plays the vibraphone [n]
Other moves: TIBIAS O10 48, VIBIST O3 42, VISIT O4 42, VITAS O4 42, VAST 15L 41

On 8th draw, FUERO O4 42 --- FUERO a code of law [n]
Other moves: FERIA C9 36, FEUAR C9 36, FOUER C9 36, REIF O5 36, ARF O6 33
FUERO O4 42 ShotPut22

On 9th draw, ADZ J4 67 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: RIZ J4 65, ROZITED A1 54, ZAIRE L1 50, TOAZED A5 48, ROZET A1 45
ADZ J4 67 Javelin22

On 10th draw, HELP L3 36 --- HELP to give assistance to [v]
Other tops: PLINTH A1 36
Other moves: ELHI J8 34, HEP L4 34, HEP C7 33, HIP C7 33, HUP C7 33
HELP L3 36 Hammer22
HEP L4 34 Chelsea

On 11th draw, GUILE M1 29 --- GUILE to beguile [v]
Other tops: GLEET M1 29, GUILT M1 29
Other moves: LIEGE N2 28, ELITE M1 27, GELT M2 27, GILT M2 27, GITE M2 27
GITE M2 27 Chelsea
GUTTLE A3 24 Hammer22, Discus22

On 12th draw, OCTROI A3 33 --- OCTROI a tax on certain articles brought into a city [n]
Other moves: CONTORT A2 30, COOING 1H 30, CORING 1H 30, COTING 1H 30, INCUR 2J 30
OCTROI A3 33 Discus22
COTING 1H 30 Chelsea

On 13th draw, WARMING 1G 42 --- WARM to raise the temperature [v] --- WARMING the action of making warm [n]
Other moves: DRAWING 1G 39, MAWING 1H 39, WARDING 1G 39, DAWING 1H 36, MRIDANG 1G 36
WARMING 1G 42 Discus22, Chelsea

On 14th draw, YOWE C7 41 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other moves: J*W 2F 39, JOW 2F 39, JOY 2F 39, WEY 2H 39, WEY C7 37
WEY 2H 39 Discus22
JOW 2F 39 Chelsea

On 15th draw, TIX O10 38 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: NIX O10 38
Other moves: XI O12 37, JET 2F 33, ILEX E4 30, NIX B1 29, TEX B1 29
TIX O10 38 Discus22
JET 2F 33 Chelsea

On 16th draw, STEVEN B10 28 --- STEVEN a voice [n]
Other moves: NEVES B10 26, NEVUS B10 26, SEVEN B10 26, VEENA C1 24, EVEN 2E 22
EVES 2E 22 Chelsea

On 17th draw, QUOIN F2 36 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: HO A14 26, VOUCH 13B 26, QUICH F3 25, CHON 2E 24, HERON 12A 24
QUOIN F2 36 Hammer22

On 18th draw, INCH 15A 39 --- INCH to move very slowly [v]
Other moves: HERDIC 12A 32, VICHY 13B 32, YECH 12A 32, HIYA C2 31, HERY 12A 28

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