Game on July 31, 2023 at 12:06, 13 players
1. 200 pts Pacific
2. 137 pts LongJump22
3. 115 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 26 26 


8A 80 106 


G7 26 132 


3G 28 160 


A1 104 264 


D1 92 356 


E2 43 399 


2J 45 444 


1G 35 479 


4L 37 516 


O4 39 555 


B6 31 586 


A10 33 619 


11K 35 654 


B1 22 676 


M7 110 786 


14G 74 860 


H12 57 917 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 2 6:03 -717 200 1.9655 Pacific 2 6:03 -717 200
LongJump22 3 2:56 -780 137 Group: advanced
SQUAW1 1 2:11 -802 115 1.7823 SQUAW1 1 2:11 -802 115
Javelin22 1 4:12 -806 111 2.7706 sicilianc5 1 0:16 -860 57
ShotPut22 1 2:36 -854 63 3.7662 Mycophot 1 0:47 -860 57
HighJump22 0 1:49 -857 60 4.7174 Discus22 1 1:23 -884 33
sicilianc5 1 0:16 -860 57 5.7772 HollyIvy 0 1:46 -893 24
Mycophot 1 0:47 -860 57 Group: intermediate
9. -
UUUUUU1122 1 1:57 -878 39 1.6836 LongJump22 3 2:56 -780 137
Discus22 1 1:23 -884 33 2.6725 Javelin22 1 4:12 -806 111
Hammer22 1 1:46 -884 33 3.6679 ShotPut22 1 2:36 -854 63
12. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:11 -891 26 4.6520 HighJump22 0 1:49 -857 60
HollyIvy 0 1:46 -893 24 5.6552 Hammer22 1 1:46 -884 33
Group: not rated
1. - UUUUUU1122 1 1:57 -878 39
2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:11 -891 26
On 1st draw, ABBOTS H3 26 --- ABBOT the superior in a monastery [n]
Other moves: BABUS H4 24, BOABS H4 24, BOBAS H4 24, BUBAS H4 24, ABBOTS H4 22
On 2nd draw, SU(B)GENUS 8A 80 --- SUBGENUS a subdivision of a genus [n]
Other tops: (F)UNGUSES 8A 80
Other moves: SU(B)GENUS 8H 77, SUBGENU(S) 4F 70, SUBGENU(S) 5F 70, (S)UBGENUS 4F 70, (S)UBGENUS 5F 70
On 3rd draw, SUQ G7 26 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: GEED I3 24, DEER I3 22, DEES I3 22, GEES I3 22, GREED I2 22
On 4th draw, PARADER 3G 28 --- PARADER one that parades [n]
Other moves: DEAR I3 22, REAP I3 22, DREAR I2 20, GRAPED D8 20, READ I3 20
On 5th draw, KLOOCHES A1 104 --- KLOOCH a North American Indian woman [n]
Other moves: HECK 4L 48, OKEH 2I 47, KEECH L1 38, OKE 2I 38, KO 2J 35
On 6th draw, D(E)WAXING D1 92 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: DEWAXIN(G) L2 88, DEWAXIN(G) E7 86, WAX(E)D 4J 57, INDEXA(L) E5 56, WAX(E)N 4J 55
D(E)WAXING D1 92 Pacific
On 7th draw, HORI E2 43 --- HORI a Maori (derogatory term) [n]
Other moves: HOTE C2 39, HIT E4 37, HERO 2J 35, HIRE 2J 35, HORE 2J 35
On 8th draw, DEFOG 2J 45 --- DEFOG to remove fog from [v]
Other moves: FADE 2J 37, FADO 2J 37, FAD 2J 34, FED 2J 34, BEGAD 4H 32
On 9th draw, GAVOT 1G 35 --- GAVOT a French dance [n]
Other moves: GAPO 4L 33, APT C1 32, OPT C1 32, D*G*DAGO 4L 31, VAG 1M 30
On 10th draw, NEIF 4L 37 --- NEIF the fist or hand [n]
Other tops: REIF 4L 37
Other moves: EF 4L 28, NEF 4L 27, REF 4L 27, REIN 4L 25, UNIFIER B8 24
On 11th draw, FLAVOUR O4 39 --- FLAVOUR to impart a special taste to [v]
Other moves: FAVOUR O4 36, FLAVOR O4 36, FOVEAL O4 36, FAUVE O4 33, FAVEL O4 33
FLAVOUR O4 39 LongJump22, Pacific, UUUUUU1122
On 12th draw, MAURIS B6 31 --- MAURI (Maori) the soul [n]
Other moves: IMARIS 11J 30, MAURI B6 30, AIMS B1 28, AMIAS 11K 28, AMIRS 11K 28
IMARIS 11J 30 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 13th draw, MENIAL A10 33 --- MENIAL a domestic servant [n]
Other tops: MALINE A10 33, MEALIE A10 33, MEANIE A10 33, MELENA A10 33
Other moves: AMENE A11 32, AMINE A11 32, EMAIL A11 32, MALINE N9 28, MEALIE N9 28
MEALIE A10 33 LongJump22, ShotPut22
MEANIE A10 33 Discus22
MENIAL A10 33 Hammer22
AMINE A11 32 Pacific
On 14th draw, DEITY 11K 35 --- DEITY a god or goddess [n]
Other tops: DIRTY 11K 35
Other moves: YIRD B1 34, Y*DYID B1 30, JET 5J 27, EEJIT E7 26, DREY 11L 25
DIRTY 11K 35 LongJump22
On 15th draw, AINE B1 22 --- AINE elder (masculine form) [adj]
Other moves: LIANE 12J 21, AINEE 12H 19, ALIEN 12H 19, ALIEN 12I 19, ELAIN 12H 19
On 16th draw, ZEOLITIC M7 110 --- ZEOLITE a mineral [adj] --- ZEOLITIC pertaining to zeolite [adj]
Other moves: AZOTIC 14A 46, COZIE 12H 45, COZIE 10H 41, TOZIE 10H 39, ZOECIA 6J 39
ZEOLITIC M7 60 HighJump22
ZIT 10J 37 Pacific
On 17th draw, ITERANCE 14G 74 --- ITERANCE repetition [n]
Other moves: INERTIAE 13A 68, ARENITE 12E 61, RETINAE 12E 61, TRAINEE 12E 61, INERTIAE 13H 59
ITERANCE 14G 24 Javelin22, HollyIvy
On 18th draw, JUTE H12 57 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: JETTY H11 48, JUTTY H11 48, WYTE H12 42, JUTE 15E 41, WYTE 15E 38
JUTE H12 57 SQUAW1, sicilianc5, Mycophot, Javelin22
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