Game on August 4, 2023 at 02:12, 7 players
1. 242 pts roocatcher
2. 152 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 127 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 48 48
2. 6F 24 72
3. 4D 32 104
4. 8A 83 187
5. D6 74 261
6. 5J 32 293
7. 3C 29 322
8. O1 51 373
9. A1 74 447
10. M3 28 475
11. 13B 30 505
12. L4 30 535
13. 14F 38 573
14. B10 68 641
15. 15E 45 686
16. 2C 51 737
17. F8 28 765
18. 13I 23 788
19. 15J 24 812
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6760 roocatcher 2 5:56 -570 242 1.7218 sunshine12 1 5:51 -685 127
2.6880 GLOBEMAN 1 6:50 -660 152 2.7720 enzotiger 0 4:02 -739 73
3.7218 sunshine12 1 5:51 -685 127 3.7408 bumpkin 0 0:26 -776 36
4.7720 enzotiger 0 4:02 -739 73 4.7378 FangTooth 0 1:07 -780 32
5.7408 bumpkin 0 0:26 -776 36 5.7633 lazy.lion 0 1:39 -783 29
6.7378 FangTooth 0 1:07 -780 32 Group: intermediate
7.7633 lazy.lion 0 1:39 -783 29 1.6760 roocatcher 2 5:56 -570 242
2.6880 GLOBEMAN 1 6:50 -660 152
On 1st draw, ZLOTE H4 48 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other tops: TROOZ H8 48
Other moves: ROZET H4 30, ROZET H8 30, TROOZ H4 30, ZLOTE H8 30, ROZET H5 28
ZLOTE H4 48 roocatcher
On 2nd draw, PIONY 6F 24 --- PIONY a showy flower [n]
Other moves: PINY G6 23, PINY I6 23, PIOY G6 23, PITY G6 23, PITY I6 23
YO I3 20 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, HA(F)IZ 4D 32 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: ZA(F)TIG 4H 30, G(L)ITZ 4D 28, ZIGA(N) 4H 28, ZATI(S) 4H 26, HAIN I3 24
HAIN I3 24 roocatcher
On 4th draw, TITRABLE 8A 83 --- TITRABLE capable of being titrated [adj]
Other moves: RIBA 5C 29, BRAIL 5A 23, LAB 5C 23, LIB 5C 23, LIBRA 5H 23
RIBA 5C 29 roocatcher
On 5th draw, HORSINGS D6 74 --- HORSING birching of a person mounted on another's back [n]
Other moves: HOSTINGS C5 64, HOSTINGS A5 63, LONGISH 5H 29, SHISO 5B 29, THINGS C8 28
NOH 5C 27 roocatcher
On 6th draw, FAVOUS 5J 32 --- FAVOUS like a honeycomb [adj]
Other moves: FAVUS 5J 30, CAUF 3B 28, FOCUS 5J 28, FUSC 5J 26, FUSC 3A 25
FA E10 19 roocatcher
On 7th draw, OCTET 3C 29 --- OCTET a composition for eight players [n]
Other moves: CUTEST O1 27, CENTS O1 24, CONES O1 24, CONUS O1 24, COTES O1 24
CENTS O1 24 roocatcher
On 8th draw, QAIDS O1 51 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QADIS O1 48, ALOED 2B 40, QADI 2A 39, QAID 10B 34, QAID B6 34
QAIDS O1 51 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 9th draw, EURO(C)RAT A1 74 --- EUROCRAT a senior member of the European Union [n]
Other tops: TA(B)OURER A8 74
Other moves: VA(P)OURER L5 72, (F)AVOURER L3 72, (S)AVOURER L3 72, AVOU(T)RER L4 70, LA(B)OURER G8 59
On 10th draw, DOODY M3 28 --- DOODY childish word for excrement [n]
Other moves: DOEN 2C 25, DANTED C5 24, DYNODE M2 24, NOSEY 9B 23, YO E11 23
YO E11 23 sunshine12
On 11th draw, MISSAW 13B 30 --- MISSEE to see wrongly [v]
Other moves: WAIN 2C 29, MAIN 2C 27, ASWIM 13C 26, MANTIS C5 23, SAIN 2C 23
On 12th draw, OVINE L4 30 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other moves: OVEN L4 26, NOUT 2C 23, TOUN 2C 23, UNTIE 2A 23, OUT 2D 20
NOTE 14F 15 GLOBEMAN, enzotiger
On 13th draw, WEBER 14F 38 --- WEBER a unit of magnetic flux [n]
Other moves: WEEP 14F 35, WEB 14F 34, WEER 14F 33, WEIR 14F 33, WERE 14F 33
WEER 2C 29 enzotiger, lazy.lion
On 14th draw, JAMMED B10 68 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JADE 15E 61, GAMED 15E 56, LAMED 15E 53, GLADE 15D 52, GLEAM 15E 52
JAILED 10B 32 FangTooth
On 15th draw, VLEI 15E 45 --- VLEI a swamp [n]
Other moves: ALEE 15E 36, ILEA 15E 36, EALE 15G 34, LEA 15F 33, LEE 15F 33
ALEE 15E 36 bumpkin, GLOBEMAN
EA 15H 20 sunshine12
On 16th draw, PAIK 2C 51 --- PAIK to beat or strike [v]
Other moves: NAIK 2C 47, PICKAX K8 46, PANICK 13I 43, PAX 12F 36, PANIC 13I 33
PANIC 13I 33 sunshine12
On 17th draw, BOX F8 28 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: ANNEX 11B 24, EXON 13J 24, EXON K8 24, NEXT K8 24, OXEN 13J 24
NOX 13I 16 enzotiger
On 18th draw, RANCEL 13I 23 --- RANCEL a search for stolen goods [n]
Other moves: ANCLE K7 22, NACRE 13I 21, RACER 13I 21, RANCE 13I 21, RECAL 13I 21
ARC K7 13 enzotiger
On 19th draw, TUREEN 15J 24 --- TUREEN a large, deep bowl [n]
Other tops: TENURE 15J 24
Other moves: GURLET N10 22, GENTLER N9 20, GERLE N10 20, GRUNTLE N8 20, TRUG 12G 20
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