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Game on August 6, 2023 at 21:42, 7 players
1. 226 pts roocatcher
2. 184 pts sunshine12
3. 180 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abcekno   H8    34    34   nocake
 2. abertux  I11    45    79   taxer
 3. cdeimos   G3    74   153   medicos
 4. adeepry   3F    84   237   empayred
 5. aegioot   5E    36   273   godetia
 6. ?abgiil  15H   149   422   brailing
 7. aehluuy  G11    43   465   hay
 8. aadiprt   8A    42   507   adaption
 9. efiortu   B1    78   585   outfired
10. ?enoovz   A1    69   654   zoa
11. eiinstw   E8    72   726   twiniest
12. befnoou   2J    38   764   fone
13. eghlosw   1K    45   809   gowls
14. eeillmr   O1    83   892   smellier
15. noqsuuv  D10    50   942   suq
16. ahnrtuv   H1    51   993   raphe
17. bdenoru   N6    84  1077   bounder
18. jnntuvv  11K    28  1105   juve

Remaining tiles: nntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6769 Fileroocatcher  0  7:57  -879  226     1.7199 sunshine12  1  3:30  -921  184 
  2.7199 Filesunshine12  1  3:30  -921  184     2.7415 bumpkin     1  3:27  -960  145 
  3.6882 FileGLOBEMAN    1  7:11  -925  180     3.7426 FangTooth   0  3:34  -979  126 
  4.7415 Filebumpkin     1  3:27  -960  145     4.7603 enzotiger   0  5:13 -1023   82 
  5.7426 FileFangTooth   0  3:34  -979  126     5.7633 lazy.lion   0  1:27 -1079   26 
  6.7603 Fileenzotiger   0  5:13 -1023   82            Group: intermediate
  7.7633 Filelazy.lion   0  1:27 -1079   26     1.6769 roocatcher  0  7:57  -879  226 
                                             2.6882 GLOBEMAN    1  7:11  -925  180 

On 1st draw, NOCAKE H8 34 --- NOCAKE a meal made from parched maize [n]
Other tops: BECKON H4 34
Other moves: KOBAN H4 32, BECKON H3 30, BECKON H7 30, BECKON H8 30, BAKEN H4 28

On 2nd draw, TAXER I11 45 --- TAXER one that taxes [n]
Other moves: RAX I11 43, TAX I11 43, BEAUX I5 42, AXE I12 41, BRUX I6 41
TEX I7 38 roocatcher

On 3rd draw, MEDICOS G3 74 --- MEDICO a doctor or medical student [n]
Other tops: MEDICOS I3 74
Other moves: MISCODE J5 71, MISCODE G2 67, MISCODE I2 67, MICATED 11E 48, DORMICE 15G 45
DOMIER 15D 33 roocatcher

On 4th draw, EMPAYRED 3F 84 --- EMPAYRE (Spenser) to impair [v]
Other moves: PAYEE H1 46, DRAPERY 15D 45, PREDY 15H 45, PAYED G11 44, PAYEE G11 43

On 5th draw, GODETIA 5E 36 --- GODETIA a showy annual herb [n]
Other moves: GATE G11 28, GAITER 15D 27, GAPE H1 27, GAT G11 27, GOATIER 15C 27
TOE J12 26 roocatcher

On 6th draw, BRAILI(N)G 15H 149 --- BRAIL to haul in a sail [v]
Other moves: ABIGAIL(S) K5 70, ABLATI(N)G 11E 40, LIBATI(N)G 11E 40, BA(T)GIRL 15D 36, EXIGIBL(E) 13H 34
BEG(S) L2 21 roocatcher

On 7th draw, HAY G11 43 --- HAY to convert into hay (grass, cut and dried for fodder) [v]
Other moves: LAH G11 37, LAY G11 37, AYE G12 34, AYU G12 34, AH G12 33
HILA 6F 32 roocatcher

On 8th draw, ADAPTION 8A 42 --- ADAPTION the act of modifying [n]
Other moves: ATRIP 2B 36, APAID 2B 31, RAPID 2B 31, DIPT F9 30, DIPT F8 27
RAPID 2B 31 roocatcher

On 9th draw, OUTFIRED B1 78 --- OUTFIRE to surpass in firing [v]
Other moves: FETOR 2J 55, TREIF 2B 45, FOUTER 2I 41, FORE 2J 38, FER 2J 34
TREIF 2B 45 roocatcher

On 10th draw, ZO(A) A1 69 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other tops: ZO(S) A1 69, (B)ONZE 1A 69, (B)OOZE 1A 69, (C)OOZE 1A 69, (G)ONZO 1A 69
Other moves: ZO A1 68, Z(O) A1 64, ZOONE(D) 2I 57, AZ(I)ONE C8 48, ZOONE(D) 1A 45
ZO A1 68 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 11th draw, TWINIEST E8 72 --- TWINY resembling twine (a strong string) [adj]
Other moves: WISENT 6F 42, WINES 6F 39, WITES 6F 39, WEENS L1 34, WEETS L1 34
WINES 6F 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 12th draw, FONE 2J 38 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other tops: BUFO 2J 38, FOB 2J 38, FUB 2J 38
Other moves: FEN 2J 34, FOE 2J 34, FON 2J 34, FUN 2J 34, UNBE 2H 33
FINE 6F 32 sunshine12

On 13th draw, GOWLS 1K 45 --- GOWL to cry [v]
Other moves: LOWES 1K 41, LOWSE 1K 41, GOSHT 15A 39, WILES 6F 39, WELSH 14B 38
GOWLS 1K 45 sunshine12, bumpkin

On 14th draw, SMELLIER O1 83 --- SMELLY having an unpleasant odour [adj]
Other moves: ELPEE H1 27, LEME D10 26, LIME D10 26, MERLI(N) N10 26, MILE 6F 26
MIRE 6F 26 FangTooth, lazy.lion, enzotiger

On 15th draw, SUQ D10 50 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QUOIN 10B 36, QI 6N 31, USQUE 13A 28, SUQS 14B 26, QUOIN 6D 25
QI 6N 31 bumpkin, FangTooth

On 16th draw, RAPHE H1 51 --- RAPHE a seamlike ridge between two halves of an organ or part [n]
Other moves: HAPTEN H1 41, HAVER 4D 39, TAVERN 4D 38, HAUNT N6 35, TAVER 4D 33
HAUNT N6 35 FangTooth, bumpkin, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, BOUNDER N6 84 --- BOUNDER one that bounds [n]
Other moves: BOUNDER N7 68, REBOUND N7 66, DOUBT 15A 33, BOUND N6 32, BOURD N6 32
BOUNDER N6 34 bumpkin, FangTooth, enzotiger

On 18th draw, JUVE 11K 28 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: JET 7A 23, JUTE 11K 22, JUTS 14B 22, TAJ C7 22, JOE 7M 18
JUTS 14B 22 enzotiger

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