Game on August 8, 2023 at 02:27, 7 players
1. 144 pts roocatcher
2. 116 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 84 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 70 70
2. G7 41 111
3. 11D 130 241
4. 6H 78 319
5. M2 78 397
6. I6 36 433
7. 2J 32 465
8. 12D 38 503
9. 8K 39 542
10. 5C 29 571
11. 13H 76 647
12. O11 39 686
13. 4A 52 738
14. 15H 101 839
15. A4 48 887
16. 5J 23 910
17. B6 28 938
18. 3B 94 1032
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6782 roocatcher 1 6:07 -888 144 1.7238 sunshine12 0 3:34 -948 84
2.6841 GLOBEMAN 0 3:54 -916 116 2.7603 enzotiger 0 2:48 -980 52
3.7238 sunshine12 0 3:34 -948 84 3.7633 lazy.lion 0 1:02 -983 49
4.7603 enzotiger 0 2:48 -980 52 4.7306 FangTooth 0 0:48 -1009 23
5.7633 lazy.lion 0 1:02 -983 49 5.7415 bumpkin 0 1:24 -1009 23
6.7306 FangTooth 0 0:48 -1009 23 Group: intermediate
7.7415 bumpkin 0 1:24 -1009 23 1.6782 roocatcher 1 6:07 -888 144
2.6841 GLOBEMAN 0 3:54 -916 116
On 1st draw, ARABLES H7 70 --- ARABLE land suitable for cultivation [n]
Other tops: ARABLES H2 70, ARABLES H3 70, ARABLES H4 70, ARABLES H6 70, ARABLES H8 70
Other moves: ARABLES H5 68, ABASER H3 22, ABEARS H3 22, BALERS H4 22, BELARS H4 22
On 2nd draw, TAJ G7 41 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other tops: JET G7 41
Other moves: JA G9 38, JA G7 36, TAJ G5 35, BEJANT 10H 31, WENA I7 30
On 3rd draw, EQUALITY 11D 130 --- EQUALITY the state of being equal [n]
Other moves: QUALITY 11E 76, EQUITY I4 47, QUEY I6 45, EQUITY I2 42, QUIETLY 11C 38
On 4th draw, PRETOLD 6H 78 --- PRETELL to tell beforehand [v]
Other moves: DROPLETS 13A 74, DROPLET F2 72, DROPLET I2 69, PRETOLD I1 69, DROPLET I1 66
On 5th draw, AUNTLIKE M2 78 --- AUNTLIKE resembling an aunt [adj]
Other moves: UNAKITES 13A 76, UNAKITE F1 68, KAINITE I9 45, KAINIT I9 44, KAIE I9 38
On 6th draw, ROMP I6 36 --- ROMP to play boisterously [v]
Other moves: MAID I9 32, PAID I9 32, ADAPT 5I 29, GAID I9 28, GAMA L1 28
On 7th draw, VINAS 2J 32 --- VINA a stringed instrument of India [n]
Other tops: VENAE 2J 32
Other moves: ENVIES 5C 31, ENVOIS 5C 31, NEIVES 5C 31, NIEVES 5C 31, OVINES 5C 31
On 8th draw, FIG 12D 38 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other moves: FIN 12D 35, EIGNE 12D 32, FAIN 12C 31, EIKON 8K 30, GOAF 12A 30
On 9th draw, WAKER 8K 39 --- WAKER one that wakens [n]
Other tops: WAKEN 8K 39
Other moves: AVENIR N9 36, AWNIER N9 36, SWARVE 13H 32, WAITER 5J 32, WANTER 5J 32
WAKER 8K 39 roocatcher
On 10th draw, MOIRES 5C 29 --- MOIRE a fabric having a wavy pattern [n]
Other tops: MISTER 5J 29
Other moves: EMIRS 5D 27, MERIS 5D 27, MESTO 5J 27, MIRES 5D 27, MOERS 5D 27
QIS E11 12 roocatcher
On 11th draw, SECURI(T)Y 13H 76 --- SECURITY the state of being secure [n]
Other moves: CR(A)Y 4A 35, CRIM(P)Y C2 32, CRUM(B)Y C2 32, CRUM(M)Y C2 32, CRUM(P)Y C2 32
CR(A)Y 4A 35 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, FAYED O11 39 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: FAYNE O11 36, FATTED 5J 34, FAT(T)ED N10 34, FAU(T)ED N10 34, FEUD 4A 34
On 13th draw, Z(O)ON 4A 52 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n] --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other tops: (O)UZO 4B 52
Other moves: OUZ(O) 4B 51, ZO(O)N 4A 51, ZO(O)N 4D 51, Z(O)ON 4D 51, ZOU(K) 4A 50
Z(I)N 6B 36 sunshine12
On 14th draw, OVERCLAD 15H 101 --- OVERCLAD overdressed [adj]
Other moves: CLOZE A1 48, COLZA A1 48, CRAZE A1 48, CROZE A1 48, ZOEAL A4 42
CRAZE A1 48 sunshine12
On 15th draw, ZOBUS A4 48 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZATIS A4 42, ZOIST A4 42, SITZ A1 39, ABUTS 13A 32, BAITS 13A 32
ZATIS A4 42 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, NETTIE 5J 23 --- NETTIE an internet aficionado [n]
Other tops: TENTIE 5J 23
Other moves: GEOMANT C2 22, INEQUALITY 11B 22, NGAIO L2 21, TANTI 5J 21, GNOMAE C2 20
GAT 10B 14 lazy.lion, enzotiger
On 17th draw, AHIND B6 28 --- AHIND behind [adv]
Other moves: WHID 10A 26, HWAN 10A 24, WHIN 10A 24, WHOM C2 24, NAH 4M 23
NAH 4M 23 FangTooth
NAW 4M 23 bumpkin
On 18th draw, THOLING 3B 94 --- THOLE to endure [v]
Other moves: HOING 3C 41, HOLING 3C 41, HONGI 3C 39, THONG 3B 38, THOLI 3B 36
THONG 3B 38 enzotiger
HONG 3C 35 lazy.lion
HOM C3 16 roocatcher
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