Game on August 16, 2023 at 02:47, 7 players
1. 177 pts sunshine12
2. 171 pts roocatcher
3. 167 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 54 54
2. 5E 90 144
3. I9 77 221
4. 15I 51 272
5. N8 72 344
6. O5 39 383
7. 13D 65 448
8. 12H 37 485
9. 4J 27 512
10. 12A 34 546
11. 6H 35 581
12. A10 51 632
13. F8 63 695
14. 8A 48 743
15. M13 26 769
16. N2 22 791
17. O1 32 823
18. B14 38 861
19. M1 26 887
20. C7 21 908
21. 4A 20 928
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7297 sunshine12 3 5:43 -751 177 1.7297 sunshine12 3 5:43 -751 177
2.6802 roocatcher 3 8:04 -757 171 Group: intermediate
3.6845 GLOBEMAN 3 7:38 -761 167 1.6802 roocatcher 3 8:04 -757 171
4.6999 Papa_Sloth 2 6:52 -800 128 2.6845 GLOBEMAN 3 7:38 -761 167
5.6814 mousecat 0 0:51 -907 21 3.6999 Papa_Sloth 2 6:52 -800 128
6.6674 Nibbler 0 1:27 -907 21 4.6814 mousecat 0 0:51 -907 21
7. - chunk88 0 0:05 -916 12 5.6674 Nibbler 0 1:27 -907 21
Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:05 -916 12
On 1st draw, ZAF(F)RE H4 54 --- ZAFFRE a blue ceramic colouring [n]
Other tops: ZAF(F)ER H4 54, ZA(F)FER H4 54, ZA(F)FRE H4 54
Other moves: ZAP(P)ER H4 52, ZARF(S) H4 52, ZAR(A)PE H4 52, ZA(P)PER H4 52, Z(A)RAPE H4 52
On 2nd draw, ES(C)APADE 5E 90 --- ESCAPADE an exciting adventure [n] --- ESCAPADE an exciting adventure [v]
Other tops: AP(P)EASED 5D 90, A(P)PEASED 5D 90, PASEA(R)ED 5D 90
Other moves: RE(L)APSED 8H 89, SP(R)EAZED 4C 88, PESADE(S) 10F 87, PE(S)ADES 10B 87, SEPA(L)ED 10H 87
On 3rd draw, HEDONIC I9 77 --- HEDONIC pertaining to pleasure [adj]
Other tops: HEDONIC G9 77
Other moves: ZONED 4H 45, HONED 6J 39, HONIED 6J 38, HONIED 4J 36, HIDE 6J 35
On 4th draw, CROCHES 15I 51 --- CROCHE a knob at the top of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: SCORCH 15H 48, CROCHES 15F 45, COSHER J7 43, COCHES 15G 42, HEROS J10 42
On 5th draw, DATOLITE N8 72 --- DATOLITE a rock formed from boron and calcium silicates [n]
Other moves: FADO 6H 26, FIDO 6H 26, DOPA I3 25, DATTO 6J 24, DITAL 6J 24
On 6th draw, ULTIMO O5 39 --- ULTIMO of or occurring in the preceding month [adj]
Other moves: MOW O7 38, ULTIMO O3 36, LIMO O7 33, MOW 4J 33, WILT 6J 33
On 7th draw, SUIVANTE 13D 65 --- SUIVANTE a lady's maid [n]
Other moves: AVISE 10E 34, VASE 10F 33, VISE 10F 33, VESTA M3 29, VISTA M3 29
On 8th draw, YOURN 12H 37 --- YOURN yours [pron]
Other tops: YOURT 12H 37
Other moves: FEY 6H 34, YETI 6J 33, YITE 6J 33, YEN 6J 32, YET 6J 32
On 9th draw, NEF 4J 27 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: FEEN 4J 26, FEER 4J 26, FERE 12A 26, FERE 4J 26, FERN 4J 26
On 10th draw, KEPI 12A 34 --- KEPI a type of cap [n]
Other tops: KIPE 12A 34, PEKAN 12A 34, PEKIN 12A 34
Other moves: PENK 12C 32, PINK 12C 32, PONK 12C 32, KAIE 12A 30, KANE 12A 30
On 11th draw, FOY 6H 35 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other tops: FAY 6H 35
Other moves: KAYO A12 33, KYAT A12 33, GAMAY 4A 31, KAMA A12 30, YOGA 11B 29
On 12th draw, INKJET A10 51 --- INKJET being a high-speed printing process using jets of ink [adj]
Other moves: KOJI A12 45, JETON 4A 42, JOINT 4A 42, JOINT 6B 36, TAJINE N1 36
On 13th draw, SALUTING F8 63 --- SALUTE to greet with a sign of welcome or respect [v]
Other moves: GUNSEL 10E 29, UNSEAL 10F 28, UNSEAT 10F 28, UNSET 10F 27, SEG 10H 26
On 14th draw, WAIVES 8A 48 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: NAIVES 8A 39, NAVEWS 8A 39, VINEWS 8A 39, WAVIES 8A 39, WOVENS 8A 39
VIEW 4B 25 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 15th draw, BAH M13 26 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other tops: ABORNE N1 26, BORANE 4A 26, BORANE N1 26
Other moves: BORNA N2 24, BORNE N2 24, QADI 8L 24, QUA 11E 24, AEON B11 23
QI C7 21 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, DAINE N2 22 --- DAINE to condescend [v]
Other tops: DENARI 4A 22
Other moves: ARRIDE 4A 21, REDAN E7 21, DENARII C3 20, ERRAND B5 20, RAINE N2 20
EAR B12 19 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
DAUT J10 19 Papa_Sloth
AD 7B 12 chunk88
On 17th draw, MAW O1 32 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: LAW O1 26, RAW O1 26, WIRRA 4A 26, MAUT J10 25, WAI O1 23
MAW O1 32 GLOBEMAN, Papa_Sloth, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 18th draw, XI B14 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: BRUX 11D 31, BOR M1 26, EXO 10I 26, EX 10I 25, OXO 6D 25
XI B14 38 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
EX 10I 25 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, BOR M1 26 --- BOR a neighbour [n]
Other moves: GOR M1 24, QI C7 21, GORGE 4A 20, GREGO 4A 20, OBES O12 20
QI C7 21 GLOBEMAN, mousecat, Papa_Sloth, Nibbler, sunshine12
On 20th draw, QI C7 21 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GORGE 4A 20, GREGO 4A 20, REGGO 4A 18, DOE 11I 17, DOO 11I 17
QI C7 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, Papa_Sloth
On 21th draw, GORGE 4A 20 --- GORGE to stuff with food [v]
Other tops: GREGO 4A 20
Other moves: REGGO 4A 18, DOE 11I 17, DOO 11I 17, GLUG 11D 16, OGLER 4A 16
OE C14 15 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
EXO 14A 10 Papa_Sloth
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