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Game on August 17, 2023 at 12:15, 7 players
1. 292 pts Chelsea
2. 262 pts LongJump22
3. 145 pts ShotPut22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acloos   H2    72    72   zocalos
 2. eegiiix   I7    36   108   xi
 3. ?egghir   4H    78   186   chiggers
 4. ceiprss   3B    88   274   persicos
 5. eiiortu   J6    22   296   torii
 6. aikmnrt   B1    48   344   impark
 7. aeinoru   3K    23   367   aurei
 8. aefintv   N2    34   401   terefa
 9. adeeins   O6    87   488   aniseed
10. ainopqy   1A    39   527   pioy
11. adituvy   N9    28   555   ay
12. abehorw   M9    50   605   howbe
13. adenotw  L12    33   638   owed
14. aelnott  K10    30   668   tolane
15. delntuv  15G    33   701   delved
16. abefmru   E3    80   781   subframe
17. dejlntu   D8    43   824   jud
18. aenotuv   F9    35   859   uvea
19. gilnott   D8    30   889   judogi

Remaining tiles: lnnnnqtttz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7312 FileChelsea     1  8:24  -597  292     1.7312 Chelsea     1  8:24  -597  292 
  2.6607 FileLongJump22  2  2:15  -627  262            Group: intermediate
  3.6553 FileShotPut22   2  4:16  -744  145     1.6607 LongJump22  2  2:15  -627  262 
  4.6616 FileJavelin22   2  4:56  -744  145     2.6553 ShotPut22   2  4:16  -744  145 
  5.6664 FileDiscus22    2  2:32  -818   71     3.6616 Javelin22   2  4:56  -744  145 
  6.  -  FileEEEEEE1119  1  1:58  -839   50     4.6664 Discus22    2  2:32  -818   71 
  7.6518 FileHammer22    1  1:36  -853   36     5.6518 Hammer22    1  1:36  -853   36 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EEEEEE1119  1  1:58  -839   50 

On 1st draw, (Z)OCALOS H2 72 --- ZOCALO the public square in a Mexican city or town [n]
Other tops: ALCOO(L)S H2 72, A(L)COOLS H2 72
Other moves: ALCOO(L)S H3 68, ALCOO(L)S H4 68, ALCOO(L)S H6 68, ALCOO(L)S H8 68, A(L)COOLS H4 68
ALCOO(L)S H2 72 LongJump22
ALCOO(L)S H2 22 ShotPut22
A(L)COOLS H2 22 Javelin22

On 2nd draw, XI I7 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EXILE 6E 28, ILEX 6G 27, LEX 6H 26, (Z)EX 2H 25, IXIA 5E 22
XI I7 36 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22, Hammer22

On 3rd draw, CHIGGER(S) 4H 78 --- CHIGGER a parasitic mite [n]
Other moves: (S)HAGGIER 5F 74, (C)HIGGER J8 67, (T)HIGGER J8 67, HEGARI(S) 5E 40, HIRAGE(S) 5E 40
(S)HAGGIER 5F 74 LongJump22

On 4th draw, PERSICOS 3B 88 --- PERSICO a cordial [n]
Other moves: SPICERS G7 80, PRECISES M2 78, SPICERS 9I 74, SPICERS J8 68, CRISPERS N3 66
SPICERS G7 80 LongJump22
SPICERS G7 30 Chelsea

On 5th draw, TORII J6 22 --- TORII the gateway of a Japanese temple [n]
Other moves: IURE 5K 21, TOUR 5J 21, EURO 2A 20, IURE 2A 20, RITE 4A 20
TIRE 4A 20 Chelsea

On 6th draw, IMPARK B1 48 --- IMPARK to confine in a park [v]
Other moves: MAIK 2C 44, NAIK 2C 40, RAIK 2C 40, KAM(S)IN O1 33, KIRTAN D1 30
MAIK 2C 44 ShotPut22, Javelin22
MARK D1 26 Chelsea

On 7th draw, AUREI 3K 23 --- AUREUS a gold coin of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: IURE 5K 21, AUNE 3K 20, ERA(S)ION O1 18, IXIA I6 18, UNAI 3L 18
NARE 4A 16 Chelsea

On 8th draw, TEREFA N2 34 --- TEREFA not kosher [adj]
Other moves: FIVE 1A 33, NIEF 1A 33, TEF 2L 31, FERVENT N2 30, FINITE 1A 30

On 9th draw, ANISEED O6 87 --- ANISEED the seed of the anise used as a flavoring [n]
Other moves: ANISEED O7 79, ANISEED M7 73, ARSENIDE D2 72, DRAISENE D2 70, ANISEED C6 66

On 10th draw, PIOY 1A 39 --- PIOY a home-made firework [n]
Other tops: PINY 1A 39
Other moves: PIONY 1A 33, PYIN N10 33, QI 1A 33, PYA N10 32, QI F2 31

On 11th draw, AY N9 28 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: DAVY N11 28, YA N10 28
Other moves: SUAVITY E3 26, DAVY K10 25, IVY 2J 25, TIVY N11 25, AVIDITY F1 24

On 12th draw, HOWBE M9 50 --- HOWBE yet [conj]
Other moves: HOWBE M7 49, WHARE M9 49, WHEAR M9 49, WHORE M9 49, HOWRE M9 46

On 13th draw, OWED L12 33 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other tops: AWED L12 33
Other moves: ANEW L12 32, ANOW L12 32, WADE 4A 31, WANE 4A 28, WATE 4A 28
DOWN K10 19 Chelsea

On 14th draw, TOLANE K10 30 --- TOLANE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: TONLET K9 29, ALONE K11 26, TALON K10 25, TOLAN K10 25, NOTATED 15F 24
LOTTED 15G 21 Chelsea

On 15th draw, DELVED 15G 33 --- DELVE to search in depth [v]
Other tops: VENDED 15G 33
Other moves: VALET 4A 32, VADE 4A 31, VEDUTE 15J 30, VENTED 15G 30, VULNED 15G 30
VENDED 15G 33 Chelsea

On 16th draw, SUBFRAME E3 80 --- SUBFRAME a frame for the attachment of a finish frame [n]
Other moves: FAME 4A 34, FARE 4A 28, UMBRAE 14B 27, FAME 14F 26, FERBAM 14C 26
FAME 4A 34 Chelsea

On 17th draw, JUD D8 43 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: JUTE D8 42, JET D8 41, JUN D8 41, JUT D8 41, JUNTA 8A 39
JUD D8 43 Javelin22, ShotPut22
JUTE D8 42 Chelsea

On 18th draw, UVEA F9 35 --- UVEA a layer of the eye [n]
Other tops: UVAE F9 35
Other moves: UVA F9 34, VAUNT F10 33, VAUTE F10 33, VITAE F2 31, VANE F10 30
UVEA F9 35 Discus22
VAUNT F10 33 Chelsea

On 19th draw, JUDOGI D8 30 --- JUDOGI a judo costume [n]
Other moves: TIGLON 13C 24, IMPARKING B1 18, TOLING 13D 18, GLIT 2K 17, INGO 11A 17
IMPARKING B1 18 Chelsea

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