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Game on August 17, 2023 at 13:01, 11 players
1. 347 pts Chelsea
2. 211 pts LongJump22
3. 204 pts Discus22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. anoprsy   H4    30    30   yapons
 2. bdeiirt   5F    72   102   diatribe
 3. behiotv   I7    33   135   boh
 4. aacelor   L3    76   211   albacore
 5. ?eeimnn   J7    77   288   enamine
 6. ?aeegqt   3I    46   334   qanat
 7. aekrrsw  13H    82   416   wreakers
 8. eeelnot  H11    27   443   etwee
 9. eilnoos  12A    68   511   looniest
10. demostx   N9    58   569   oxters
11. aaggimu   O6    37   606   agami
12. cdeorvw  A10    39   645   wolved
13. ghiiltu   2J    27   672   hi
14. adfginu   D6    67   739   unfading
15. aegiotz   1K    74   813   azote
16. giilpry  11C    31   844   pily
17. dfgituv   8A    33   877   guff
18. cdilrtu   4B    31   908   crudity
19. ijlnruv   6N    25   933   ja

Remaining tiles: ilnruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7294 FileChelsea     3  7:38  -586  347     1.7294 Chelsea     3  7:38  -586  347 
  2.6607 FileLongJump22  4  2:38  -722  211     2.7193 sunshine12  1  3:16  -806  127 
  3.6664 FileDiscus22    4  7:53  -729  204     3.7318 bumpkin     1  2:30  -843   90 
  4.6518 FileHammer22    4  9:06  -729  204     4.7603 enzotiger   1  1:29  -900   33 
  5.6553 FileShotPut22   3  5:10  -743  190     5.7508 lazy.lion   0  0:26  -919   14 
  6.  -  FileEEEEEE1119  2  3:52  -801  132            Group: intermediate
  7.7193 Filesunshine12  1  3:16  -806  127     1.6607 LongJump22  4  2:38  -722  211 
  8.7318 Filebumpkin     1  2:30  -843   90     2.6664 Discus22    4  7:53  -729  204 
  9.7603 Fileenzotiger   1  1:29  -900   33     3.6518 Hammer22    4  9:06  -729  204 
 10.6616 FileJavelin22   1  1:10  -903   30     4.6553 ShotPut22   3  5:10  -743  190 
 11.7508 Filelazy.lion   0  0:26  -919   14     5.6616 Javelin22   1  1:10  -903   30 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EEEEEE1119  2  3:52  -801  132 

On 1st draw, YAPONS H4 30 --- YAPON an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: PYRANS H3 30
Other moves: PANSY H8 28, PAYORS H4 28, PORNY H8 28, PROSY H8 28, PROYNS H4 28
PYRANS H3 30 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22, Hammer22
PANSY H8 28 Chelsea

On 2nd draw, DIATRIBE 5F 72 --- DIATRIBE a bitter and abusive criticism [n]
Other moves: BETID I3 29, BIDET I5 29, REBID I3 29, BEDIRTY 4B 26, TEIID I3 25
DIATRIBE 5F 72 LongJump22
BIDET I5 29 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, BOH I7 33 --- BOH exclamation used to startle [interj]
Other tops: BOH 4K 33, HOB 4K 33
Other moves: BOTH 4K 32, BOTHIE 4A 31, HOTE 4K 29, HOBBIT L3 28, BOTHIE I7 27
HOB 4K 33 Chelsea, Discus22, Hammer22
BOH 4K 33 LongJump22

On 4th draw, ALBACORE L3 76 --- ALBACORE a marine food fish [n]
Other moves: ACEROLA J9 73, ACEROLA G9 68, COALER G7 32, COALA G7 31, COAL G7 30
ALBACORE L3 76 LongJump22
COALER G7 32 Chelsea, Discus22, Hammer22

On 5th draw, EN(A)MINE J7 77 --- ENAMINE a type of amine [n]
Other moves: EMINEN(T) M9 75, EN(A)MINE M9 73, N(O)MINEE K8 73, EMINEN(T) J9 72, EMINEN(T) K9 72
MIEN M3 24 Chelsea

On 6th draw, QA(N)AT 3I 46 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other tops: QAN(A)T 12H 46, Q(A)NAT 12H 46
Other moves: EQ(U)ATE 6A 41, Q(U)ATE 6B 40, QAT(S) N2 35, EQ(U)ATE 4A 33, QA(I)D F2 33
QA(N)AT 3I 46 Hammer22, Discus22
QAT(S) N2 35 Chelsea

On 7th draw, WREAKERS 13H 82 --- WREAKER one that wreaks [n]
Other moves: WREAKERS 13E 71, SKEWER 13H 36, SWANKER 12G 36, WANKERS 12H 36, KERRIAS 11F 35
KERRIAS 11F 35 Discus22, Hammer22
KA 2J 33 Chelsea

On 8th draw, ETWEE H11 27 --- ETWEE a needle case [n]
Other tops: LOWNE H11 27, NEWEL H11 27, TEWEL H11 27, TOWEL H11 27
Other moves: TWEE H12 24, LONE 14K 22, LOTE 14K 22, NOLE 14K 22, NOTE 14K 22
TOWEL H11 27 Chelsea, Hammer22, Discus22

On 9th draw, LOONIEST 12A 68 --- LOONEY crazy [adj] --- LOONIE crazy [adj]
Other moves: EIDOLONS F3 63, SEIL 14J 27, SLOE 14J 27, SOLEI 14K 26, INSOLE 11J 25
LIONESS O8 24 Chelsea
I(N) K2 1 Discus22, Hammer22

On 10th draw, OXTERS N9 58 --- OXTER the armpit [n] --- OXTER to take under the arm [v]
Other moves: DESOXY 4C 46, OXES 13B 46, SEXT 11C 46, DEX 11C 45, SMOTE 14J 45
OXTERS N9 58 ShotPut22, EEEEEE1119
DEX 11C 45 Chelsea

On 11th draw, AGAMI O6 37 --- AGAMI a crane-like bird [n]
Other moves: AMIA O8 33, GAMA 11C 29, AMI O8 28, AMU O8 28, AGAMI O5 26
AGAMI O6 37 Chelsea

On 12th draw, WOLVED A10 39 --- WOLVE to hunt for wolves [v]
Other moves: CROWED B10 36, WOLVER A10 36, CODROVE B8 34, CROOVE B10 34, CROWD B10 34
CROWED B10 36 ShotPut22

On 13th draw, HI 2J 27 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other tops: HILT 11C 27, HUG 11C 27, LITH 11C 27, UGH 11D 27
Other moves: ELHI M5 26, HUT 13C 26, ETH M5 23, HI B14 23, HIT 11C 23
HI 2J 27 ShotPut22

On 14th draw, UNFADING D6 67 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [adj] --- UNFADING not fading [adj]
Other moves: FAGIN 1K 35, FUNDI 1K 35, FUNGI 1K 35, FAND 13C 33, FUND 13C 33
FUNGI 1K 35 ShotPut22

On 15th draw, AZOTE 1K 74 --- AZOTE nitrogen [n]
Other moves: ZA N6 65, TOAZE 1H 62, TOAZE 1K 47, TOZIE 1K 47, ZA C9 45
ZA N6 65 sunshine12, bumpkin

On 16th draw, PILY 11C 31 --- PILY divided into a number of wedge-shaped heraldic designs [adj]
Other moves: GRIPY 4D 29, YIP 11C 29, GILPY C2 27, GRIPY C2 27, GIP 11C 23
YIP 11C 29 sunshine12
AI K13 2 ShotPut22

On 17th draw, GUFF 8A 33 --- GUFF foolish talk [n]
Other tops: DIFF 8A 33, DUFF 8A 33
Other moves: TIFF 8A 30, TUFF 8A 30, FID 2M 27, GUID C6 25, FIT 2M 24
DUFF 8A 33 sunshine12
DIFF 8A 33 enzotiger
AI K13 2 ShotPut22

On 18th draw, CRUDITY 4B 31 --- CRUDITY the state of being crude [n]
Other moves: DRILY 4D 23, POULT C11 20, DI 10F 18, DUAL K11 18, DUAR K11 18
CITY 4E 14 lazy.lion

On 19th draw, JA 6N 25 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JOBE 7G 21, LIVYER F8 20, INCUR B2 18, POUR C11 18, JIVE 14E 16
JA 6N 25 bumpkin

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