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Game on August 18, 2023 at 08:00, 7 players
1. 319 pts Chelsea
2. 263 pts LongJump22
3. 188 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cehostv   H4    34    34   vetch
 2. eeinstu   4H    20    54   venites
 3. beiknou   3K    38    92   kibe
 4. abdeims   I8    71   163   imbased
 5. aeeglnt  11E    32   195   etalage
 6. diorrrt   5B    70   265   torrider
 7. ?aghiow   B2    42   307   warthog
 8. aeioprw   D3    84   391   airpower
 9. ?aglnoo   A7    86   477   galloon
10. deefnou   6F    40   517   feted
11. noqsuuz   O1    47   564   zos
12. einoqtu   F8    71   635   quotient
13. ademrtv   A1    37   672   vade
14. aclstuu  15C    33   705   scutal
15. ainprtu   5K    41   746   pant
16. filmnru   N2    40   786   nestful
17. ajmnruy   C9    39   825   yamun
18. iijorrx   O7    41   866   roji

Remaining tiles: iirxy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7281 FileChelsea     2  8:57  -547  319     1.7281 Chelsea     2  8:57  -547  319 
  2.6550 FileLongJump22  2  6:18  -603  263            Group: intermediate
  3.6565 Filefatcat      0  5:20  -678  188     1.6550 LongJump22  2  6:18  -603  263 
  4.  -  FileEEEEEE1119  1  1:39  -832   34     2.6565 fatcat      0  5:20  -678  188 
  5.6766 FileDiscus22    0  1:22  -835   31     3.6766 Discus22    0  1:22  -835   31 
  6.6640 FileShotPut22   0  1:27  -837   29     4.6640 ShotPut22   0  1:27  -837   29 
  7.6586 FileJavelin22   0  1:48  -837   29     5.6586 Javelin22   0  1:48  -837   29 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EEEEEE1119  1  1:39  -832   34 

On 1st draw, VETCH H4 34 --- VETCH a climbing plant [n]
Other tops: VETCH H8 34
Other moves: HOVES H4 30, COVETS H4 28, VOCES H4 28, CHEST H4 26, CHOSE H4 26

On 2nd draw, VENITES 4H 20 --- VENITE the ninety fifth Psalm [n]
Other tops: TENSIVE 4C 20
Other moves: EVENTS 4G 18, EVITES 4G 18, STIEVE 4D 18, VENITE 4H 18, VENUES 4H 18

On 3rd draw, KIBE 3K 38 --- KIBE a sore caused by cold (a chilblain) [n]
Other tops: KNOB 3H 38, KNUB 3H 38
Other moves: BUNKO 3E 34, KEB 3K 34, BIKE 3F 33, BOKE 3F 33, BUKE 3F 33
KIBE 3K 38 Chelsea

On 4th draw, IMBASED I8 71 --- IMBASE to lower [v]
Other moves: BEMADS 5G 47, BEMAD 5G 42, BEMAS 5G 38, EDEMAS 5F 38, DAES 5K 37

On 5th draw, ETALAGE 11E 32 --- ETALAGE a shop window display [n]
Other tops: ELEGANT 11E 32, GALEATE 11E 32
Other moves: NAG 5K 31, TAG 5K 31, GENET 5G 30, EATEN H11 28, LATEEN J6 28

On 6th draw, TORRIDER 5B 70 --- TORRID extremely hot [adj]
Other tops: TORRIDER 13C 70
Other moves: TORRIDER E5 68, TIEROD 5F 34, LIROT H11 26, DORR 2L 25, DORT 2L 25
OD 5J 24 Chelsea

On 7th draw, WA(R)THOG B2 42 --- WARTHOG an African wild hog [n]
Other moves: G(R)OWTH B1 40, WAHO(O) 4A 40, WAH(O)O 4A 39, W(R)AITH B1 38, W(R)OATH B1 38
HOW H13 35 Chelsea

On 8th draw, AIRPOWER D3 84 --- AIRPOWER the military strength of a nation's air force [n]
Other moves: PAWER A7 43, WARP A7 41, LAWER H11 38, LOWER H11 38, PESEWA N2 38
PAWER A7 43 Chelsea

On 9th draw, GA(L)LOON A7 86 --- GALLOON an ornamental braid [n]
Other tops: GAL(L)OON A7 86
Other moves: LAGOON(S) A7 85, GON(D)OLAS 12B 76, LAGOON(S) 2E 67, (B)OLOGNA C9 67, (D)ONGOLA C9 67
GAL(L)ON A7 33 Chelsea

On 10th draw, FETED 6F 40 --- FETE to honor with a celebration [v]
Other moves: FONDUE C9 39, FEUED C9 37, FONDU C9 37, FOUND C9 37, DOF 2L 35
DOF A1 31 Chelsea

On 11th draw, ZOS O1 47 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: QUOIFS F2 38, ZO A1 38, QUODS 14F 37, QUOIF F2 37, DZOS 14I 34
ZOS O1 47 Chelsea

On 12th draw, QUOTIENT F8 71 --- QUOTIENT the number resulting from the division of one number by another [n]
Other moves: QUOIF F2 37, EQUID 14E 35, TOQUE C9 35, QUID 14F 34, QUOD 14F 34
QUOTIENT F8 71 LongJump22
EQUID 14E 35 Chelsea
QUID 14F 34 fatcat

On 13th draw, VADE A1 37 --- VADE to pass away [v]
Other tops: LAMED H11 37
Other moves: DAME A1 35, LAMER H11 34, MADE A1 34, ADVERT 15A 33, MARTED C9 33
DAME A1 35 LongJump22
MATED 15D 33 fatcat

On 14th draw, SCUTAL 15C 33 --- SCUTAL pertaining to a scute [adj]
Other tops: SALT 5K 33
Other moves: CLAST L8 29, SAL 5K 28, SAT 5K 28, TAS 5K 28, CULTUS 15C 27
SCAT 14A 20 fatcat
LACS 2H 19 LongJump22

On 15th draw, PANT 5K 41 --- PANT to breathe quickly and with difficulty [v]
Other moves: PAN 5K 36, PAT 5K 36, RANT 5K 33, INPUT B10 30, PESAUNT N2 30
PAINT C9 29 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
PEST N2 20 fatcat

On 16th draw, NESTFUL N2 40 --- NESTFUL enough to fill a nest [n]
Other moves: MURLINS C9 33, FILUM 12K 31, DINFUL 14I 24, DRUMLIN 14I 24, FLIM 12D 24
FILUM 12K 31 LongJump22, Discus22
FILM 12K 23 fatcat

On 17th draw, YAMUN C9 39 --- YAMUN the residence of a Chinese official [n]
Other moves: RAJ O7 38, MANY O7 37, MARY O7 37, MAY O7 34, ARMY O8 33
MANY O7 37 LongJump22
MANLY 8K 33 fatcat

On 18th draw, ROJI O7 41 --- ROJI a Japanese garden design [n]
Other moves: OX O8 33, XI 12K 27, XI J13 25, ROJI 12K 24, GOX J11 22
ROJI O7 41 LongJump22
OX O8 33 Chelsea
XI J13 25 fatcat

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