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Game on August 19, 2023 at 15:45, 10 players
1. 184 pts LongJump22
2. 161 pts queen66
3. 150 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eefpuv   H4    28    28   fever
 2. cdiostu   6G    70    98   oviducts
 3. aaegilr   N4    61   159   gasalier
 4. afgilln   K5    44   203   fulling
 5. aeiortz   O1    51   254   tozie
 6. demorru  O10    40   294   remoud
 7. adenoqr   I3    32   326   qadi
 8. ?beinou  15H    83   409   icebound
 9. aghimnt  14J    38   447   hang
10. iilmoru   J2    28   475   mir
11. aaekpsy   1H    60   535   peaky
12. einortv   8A    83   618   invertor
13. adeorsy   B8    38   656   noyades
14. aehrrss  11A    72   728   harasser
15. ainotux   O7    42   770   xi
16. abenotw  A11    35   805   hoten
17. acloptu   D1    80   885   copulate
18. abeintw  C10    35   920   arew

Remaining tiles: bijntw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.6664 FileLongJump22  3  3:01  -736  184     1.9576 Pacific     0  3:00  -846   74 
  2.7708 Filequeen66     1  6:36  -759  161            Group: advanced
  3.7660 FileHollyIvy    2  4:23  -770  150     1.7708 queen66     1  6:36  -759  161 
  4.7611 Filesicilianc5  2  5:34  -770  150     2.7660 HollyIvy    2  4:23  -770  150 
  5.6620 FileShotPut22   1  4:10  -822   98     3.7611 sicilianc5  2  5:34  -770  150 
  6.6550 FileJavelin22   0  4:29  -824   96            Group: intermediate
  7.6703 FileHammer22    1  1:18  -838   82     1.6664 LongJump22  3  3:01  -736  184 
  8.9576 FilePacific     0  3:00  -846   74     2.6620 ShotPut22   1  4:10  -822   98 
  9.  -  FileEEEEEE1119  0  1:57  -866   54     3.6550 Javelin22   0  4:29  -824   96 
 10.6780 FileDiscus22    0  1:45  -886   34     4.6703 Hammer22    1  1:18  -838   82 
                                             5.6780 Discus22    0  1:45  -886   34 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EEEEEE1119  0  1:57  -866   54 

On 1st draw, FEVE(R) H4 28 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other tops: F(A)UVE H4 28
Other moves: P(R)EVUE H4 26, VEEP(S) H4 26, PEEV(E) H4 24, PE(E)VE H4 24, PE(R)VE H4 24
F(A)UVE H4 28 LongJump22, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, ShotPut22, queen66

On 2nd draw, OVIDUCTS 6G 70 --- OVIDUCT a tube through which ova travel from an ovary [n]
Other moves: FUCOIDS 4H 26, FUCOID 4H 24, COITUS 9C 23, DICOTS 9C 23, DISCO 9F 23
OVIDUCTS 6G 70 LongJump22
FUCOIDS 4H 26 Javelin22

On 3rd draw, GASALIER N4 61 --- GASALIER a gaslight chandelier [n]
Other moves: AURELIA K5 28, FRAGILE 4H 22, GARLIC L1 22, GLACIER L3 22, GRACILE L3 22

On 4th draw, FULLING K5 44 --- FULL to shrink and thicken, as cloth [v]
Other moves: INFALL 8J 39, FAGIN O1 36, GIF O7 35, FALL 8L 33, FILA 8L 33
GIF O7 35 LongJump22, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66

On 5th draw, TOZIE O1 51 --- TOZIE a shawl [n]
Other tops: ROZIT O1 51
Other moves: ZATI O1 46, ZERO O1 46, ZOECIA L3 46, ZORI O1 46, EROTIZE 5B 43
ROZIT O1 51 LongJump22, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
ZERO O1 46 Pacific

On 6th draw, REMOUD O10 40 --- REMOVE to transfer to another place [v]
Other moves: MODE O7 36, MOD O7 31, DROME M9 29, ODEUM L8 29, RODE O7 28
MODE O7 36 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 7th draw, QADI I3 32 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QAID 9I 24, DRACO L3 23, DECO L4 21, LADLE 8K 21, QI 9M 21

On 8th draw, I(C)EBOUND 15H 83 --- ICEBOUND surrounded by ice [adj]
Other tops: UNBOI(L)ED 15H 83, UNI(L)OBED 15H 83
Other moves: BOUN(T)IED 15H 80, UNBO(D)IED 15H 80, BOUN(C)IE(R) 8A 77, QUBI(T) 3I 30, OBE(S) 7F 29
QUINE 3I 28 Pacific
BIN J2 28 queen66

On 9th draw, HANG 14J 38 --- HANG to attach from above only [v]
Other moves: HAM 14J 37, HAIN 14J 36, HAG 14J 35, THAIM M9 34, THIG J1 34
THIG J1 34 queen66, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22

On 10th draw, MIR J2 28 --- MIR a Russian peasant commune [n]
Other moves: MUIR J1 25, LOIR J1 23, MI O7 22, MO O7 22, MI J2 21
MIR J2 28 Hammer22

On 11th draw, PEAKY 1H 60 --- PEAKY sickly [adj]
Other tops: PESKY 1H 60
Other moves: ALKYLS 8J 54, APEAK 1H 54, SPEAK 1H 54, KYPES 1F 48, KYPES 1G 48
SPEAK 1H 54 Hammer22, EEEEEE1119

On 12th draw, INVERTO(R) 8A 83 --- INVERTOR a type of electrical device [n]
Other moves: REVOTING 11D 74, NOVERINT 10E 65, RECOIN L4 30, INVERTED 5B 26, OVERFAR 4D 26

On 13th draw, NOYADES B8 38 --- NOYADE an execution by drowning [n]
Other moves: STYED M5 34, ADORERS E5 32, AYS 9F 32, OYS 9F 32, AVOYERS C7 30

On 14th draw, HARASSER 11A 72 --- HARASSER one that harasses [n]
Other tops: SHEARERS D3 72, SHEARERS D6 72
Other moves: RASHERS 13D 71, SHARERS 13D 68, TRASHERS F8 65, RASHES 7D 46, RESHES 7D 46

On 15th draw, XI O7 42 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: RAX C11 41, AXE 7F 38, XI 12D 38, XI C13 38, AX 9F 36

On 16th draw, HOTEN A11 35 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: WAB A13 31, WEB A13 31, BOW A13 30, BOWED 5E 27, BOTA 12D 26

On 17th draw, COPULATE D1 80 --- COPULATE to have sexual intercourse with [v]
Other tops: COPULATED 5A 80, CUPOLATED 5A 80
Other moves: OUTPLACE D1 76, OCTUPLED 5B 28, COAPTED 5C 26, COUPED 5D 26, COUPLED 5C 26

On 18th draw, AREW C10 35 --- AREW in a row [adv]
Other moves: WITAN E2 33, TWICE 1A 30, WINCE 1A 30, WITE 12D 30, TAWER E4 29

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