Game on August 20, 2023 at 00:41, 5 players
1. 165 pts roocatcher
2. 90 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 83 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 66 66
2. 11D 94 160
3. L9 86 246
4. E7 71 317
5. 8A 24 341
6. 15F 36 377
7. 14J 25 402
8. O10 36 438
9. M3 83 521
10. N1 42 563
11. 5F 72 635
12. 1I 51 686
13. 2J 38 724
14. 13J 21 745
15. 4D 29 774
16. G9 44 818
17. B7 74 892
18. A12 37 929
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6946 roocatcher 1 9:17 -764 165 1.7199 GLOBEMAN 2 2:26 -839 90
2.7199 GLOBEMAN 2 2:26 -839 90 2.7141 sunshine12 1 4:32 -846 83
3.7141 sunshine12 1 4:32 -846 83 3.7065 FangTooth 0 4:28 -919 10
4. - chunk88 0 0:12 -916 13 Group: intermediate
5.7065 FangTooth 0 4:28 -919 10 1.6946 roocatcher 1 9:17 -764 165
Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:12 -916 13
On 1st draw, TOASTIE H7 66 --- TOASTIE a toasted sandwich [n]
Other moves: OSTIATE H5 64, TOASTIE H5 64, TATIES H3 14, TATIES H4 14, TATIES H7 14
On 2nd draw, SED(A)TIVE 11D 94 --- SEDATIVE a drug that induces a calm state [n]
Other tops: DE(R)IVES 14B 94, E(N)DIVES 14B 94, VIDET(T)ES 11D 94
Other moves: (R)EVISED 14H 93, OVE(R)SIDE 8H 86, DEVISEE(S) 13G 84, DEVI(S)EES 13G 84, DEVEI(N)S 14B 82
SIVE(R) 14H 23 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, BESMUTS L9 86 --- BESMUT to blacken with smut [v]
Other moves: BESMUTS 14B 84, BESMUTS 14F 77, BESMUTS L5 76, BESMUTS G1 66, SEBUM L11 36
BUSES 14F 23 roocatcher
On 4th draw, JACKEROO E7 71 --- JACKEROO someone gaining experience on a cattle station [n]
Other moves: JOCKOS 15G 57, JACKS 15H 54, JOCKS 15H 54, ROJAKS 15G 51, JARKS 15H 48
JACKS 15H 54 roocatcher
On 5th draw, TAIGA 8A 24 --- TAIGA a subarctic evergreen forest [n]
Other tops: AGISTER 15I 24, AIGRETS 15F 24, GAITERS 15F 24, TARGETS 15F 24, TERGA 8A 24, TIRAGES 15F 24, TRIAGES 15F 24
Other moves: GRIKE 10B 23, TAKIEST 10C 23, AGEIST 15H 21, AGITA 8A 21, AGRIA 8A 21
AGISTER 15I 24 roocatcher
On 6th draw, PRIEFES 15F 36 --- PRIEFE a proof [n]
Other tops: PREIFES 15F 36
Other moves: DEIF F11 33, PREIFS 15G 33, PRIEFS 15G 33, AREFIES 15F 30, FAERIES 15F 30
DEIF F11 33 roocatcher
On 7th draw, ENTAIL 14J 25 --- ENTAIL to restrict the inheritance of to a specified line of heirs [v]
Other moves: ENTIA 14J 23, INTEL 14J 23, INTIL 14J 23, UNLIKE 10A 21, ALIKE 10B 20
On 8th draw, GOODLY O10 36 --- GOODLY of pleasing appearance [adj]
Other tops: YOLD O12 36
Other moves: DOURLY O10 33, DROOLY O10 33, GODLY O11 33, GROOLY O10 33, DOOLY O11 30
On 9th draw, BIN(O)CLE M3 83 --- BINOCLE a binocular [n]
Other moves: BI(O)CLEAN B2 76, ICEBLIN(K) C3 76, BAC(U)LINE B7 72, BELACIN(G) B5 65, BIN(N)ACLE B4 65
On 10th draw, WAINED N1 42 --- WAIN to convey [v]
Other moves: WANED N2 40, WINED N2 40, ANEW N3 35, WIDEN N2 34, DAW N4 32
On 11th draw, PETAURINE 5F 72 --- PETAURINE
Other moves: EAT O1 31, EUPAD 13K 29, UPTAKE 10A 27, PAIR O5 26, PAR L4 26
On 12th draw, OUTHOWL 1I 51 --- OUTHOWL to surpass in howling [v]
Other moves: THOWL 1K 45, OHO O1 43, HOWE 1L 42, HOWL 1L 42, EH O1 35
On 13th draw, HEM 2J 38 --- HEM to provide with an edge [v]
Other tops: HOM 2J 38
Other moves: MHO 2I 35, HOE 2J 34, MOORHEN 13C 34, HIM L4 33, HUMOR 12A 32
HOM 2J 38 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
OO 11N 2 FangTooth
On 14th draw, RAUN 13J 21 --- RAUN fish-roe [n]
Other moves: ANAN N8 20, NAIN N9 20, SAINE D11 20, SENNA D11 20, ARNICA 9A 19
RIP F13 13 chunk88
NO 11N 2 FangTooth, roocatcher
On 15th draw, AVOW 4D 29 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: VALOR 12A 28, VIN L4 27, WIN L4 27, LAWN N9 26, SAWN D11 25
On 16th draw, ZE(A) G9 44 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: FEZ 3B 41, SAZ D11 39, SEZ D11 39, ZARF 3A 37, FUZE J4 36
AA B7 2 roocatcher
On 17th draw, DARRAIGN B7 74 --- DARRAIGN to justify [v]
Other moves: DARRAIGN B4 66, DARING I4 31, RARING I4 30, DANG N9 24, GADI N9 24
ZAG 9G 15 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
UN J5 4 FangTooth
AR K4 2 roocatcher
On 18th draw, XU A12 37 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: QUOP F2 35, LUX 8M 30, FIL L4 27, FIN L4 27, YIN L4 27
LUX 8M 30 sunshine12
UR K4 2 FangTooth, roocatcher
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