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Game on August 20, 2023 at 11:11, 12 players
1. 647 pts LongJump22
2. 542 pts Chelsea
3. 214 pts Pacific

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adhoqrt   H4    26    26   hoard
 2. ?aeorrt   5E    78   104   sororate
 3. ?aeiltu   8A    77   181   untailed
 4. einorst   M3    76   257   oestrin
 5. aelnswy   D7    78   335   laneways
 6. bdeegno  10D    68   403   edgebone
 7. eiloqsu   L8    58   461   qis
 8. adeikly   N9    91   552   kaylied
 9. efglnov  C13    32   584   feg
10. cehinoo  15K    45   629   chode
11. cennors   O3    88   717   conners
12. aioprtz   L1    54   771   zaire
13. beituuv   1L    45   816   zebu
14. aeilttu  11C    33   849   twaite
15. agoptuw   K9    30   879   wept
16. afiloux  M11    54   933   fax
17. adlmpuv  H10    39   972   bemaul
18. dijnouv  G13    36  1008   jo
19. dgimnov  I12    28  1036   mid
20. iinopuv  15A    21  1057   vig
21. ginopuv   4A    23  1080   pingo

Remaining tiles: uv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.6781 FileLongJump22  7  7:52  -433  647     1.9576 Pacific     3  5:49  -866  214 
  2.7250 FileChelsea     5  9:44  -538  542            Group: advanced
  3.9576 FilePacific     3  5:49  -866  214     1.7250 Chelsea     5  9:44  -538  542 
  4.3785 Filelezaryne    0  8:47  -946  134     2.7645 sicilianc5  2  2:14  -955  125 
  5.7645 Filesicilianc5  2  2:14  -955  125     3.7776 HollyIvy    2  3:09  -955  125 
  6.7776 FileHollyIvy    2  3:09  -955  125     4.7728 queen66     0  1:14 -1045   35 
  7.6740 FileShotPut22   1  3:01  -993   87     5.7629 moonmonkey  0  1:34 -1045   35 
  8.6486 FileJavelin22   1  3:34  -993   87            Group: intermediate
  9.6791 FileHammer22    0  1:55 -1038   42     1.6781 LongJump22  7  7:52  -433  647 
 10.6776 FileDiscus22    0  0:50 -1045   35     2.6740 ShotPut22   1  3:01  -993   87 
 11.7728 Filequeen66     0  1:14 -1045   35     3.6486 Javelin22   1  3:34  -993   87 
 12.7629 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:34 -1045   35     4.6791 Hammer22    0  1:55 -1038   42 
                                             5.6776 Discus22    0  0:50 -1045   35 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3785 lezaryne    0  8:47  -946  134 

On 1st draw, HOARD H4 26 --- HOARD to gather and store away [v]
Other moves: QAT H6 24, QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24, TORAH H8 24, HOARD H8 22
HOARD H4 26 LongJump22, sicilianc5, HollyIvy

On 2nd draw, (S)ORORATE 5E 78 --- SORORATE the marriage of a man usually with his deceased wife's sister [n]
Other tops: RATOO(N)ER 5D 78, RATOO(N)ER 5E 78
Other moves: TARRO(W)ED 8A 77, (G)ARROTED 8A 77, (M)ORTARED 8A 77, (P)ARROTED 8A 77, (P)RORATED 8A 77
RATOO(N)ER 5E 78 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, U(N)TAILED 8A 77 --- UNTAILED not tailed [adj]
Other tops: DUTIA(B)LE 8H 77, LI(Q)UATED 8A 77
Other moves: (S)ITULAE 9H 67, (S)ITULAE M5 65, ELU(V)IATE L5 64, (S)I(M)ULATE E5 62, (S)UITA(B)LE E5 62
LI(Q)UATED 8A 77 LongJump22
TALE L2 8 lezaryne

Other moves: OESTRIN 9F 74, TERSION M2 74, STONIER 9H 69, ANOESTRI D8 68, ARSONITE D8 68
OESTRIN 9F 74 LongJump22
TORSE M2 18 lezaryne

On 5th draw, LANEWAYS D7 78 --- LANEWAY a narrow passageway [n]
Other moves: LANEWAYS J4 74, WALTY 6J 44, WANTY 6J 44, WILY 8L 42, WINY 8L 42
WINY 8L 42 Chelsea, LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Hammer22
YAWLS J4 19 lezaryne

On 6th draw, EDGEBONE 10D 68 --- EDGEBONE the bone of the rump in cattle [n]
Other tops: EDGEBONE 10A 68
Other moves: EDGEBONE G8 65, BODING 8J 36, BOGIED 8J 36, DEBE E10 36, BONGED L8 35
BODING 8J 36 Chelsea
BONGED L8 35 LongJump22, Discus22, queen66, moonmonkey
DING 8L 24 lezaryne

On 7th draw, QIS L8 58 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BISQUE H10 54, BOSQUE H10 54, QI L8 44, SQUEAL J1 37, SUQ L10 37
QIS L8 58 LongJump22, Chelsea, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
LIES 8L 15 lezaryne

On 8th draw, KAYLIED N9 91 --- KAYLIED
Other moves: BEYLIK H10 57, BLEAKY H10 48, LADYKI(N) B2 48, (N)AKEDLY B8 48, ALKIE C11 45
KEYED 4J 44 LongJump22
KAY C13 40 Chelsea
YAK J4 20 lezaryne

On 9th draw, FEG C13 32 --- FEG a segment of an orange (also FIG) [n]
Other tops: FOG C13 32
Other moves: FOEN C12 31, BELONG H10 30, DOGE E10 30, FEG M11 30, FEN C13 30
FOG C13 32 LongJump22, Chelsea
FOGS 14A 16 lezaryne

On 10th draw, CHODE 15K 45 --- CHIDE to scold [v]
Other tops: CHIDE 15K 45
Other moves: HIDE 15L 36, COHOE L1 35, OHO O13 34, CHINE L1 32, HENT 6J 32
CHIDE 15K 45 LongJump22, Chelsea, ShotPut22, Javelin22
HIES 14A 14 lezaryne

On 11th draw, CONNERS O3 88 --- CONNER one that cons [n]
Other moves: CONNES O4 41, CRONES O4 41, NONCES O4 35, ONCERS O4 35, RECONS O4 35
CONNERS O3 88 LongJump22
CONNES O4 41 Chelsea
CRONES O4 41 sicilianc5, HollyIvy

On 12th draw, ZAIRE L1 54 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: TOPAZ 4B 44, ZA 9I 44, ZO 9I 44, ZITE 4J 43, ZOEA L3 43
ZAIRE L1 54 Pacific
ZOEA L3 43 LongJump22
ZAG 15A 39 Chelsea

On 13th draw, ZEBU 1L 45 --- ZEBU an Asian ox [n]
Other moves: ZITE 1L 39, BEVUE K9 31, DEB E10 26, VERTUE G3 24, BEET K9 23
ZEBU 1L 45 Pacific, Chelsea
I(N) B7 1 LongJump22

On 14th draw, TWAITE 11C 33 --- TWAITE a British species of shad [n]
Other moves: WAITE 11D 31, BATLET H10 27, BATTEL H10 27, BATTLE H10 27, BATTUE H10 27
BATTLE H10 27 Chelsea, Pacific
A(S) E4 1 LongJump22

On 15th draw, WEPT K9 30 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other moves: WO 6J 28, OW 6E 27, PEW K9 27, GETUP K9 26, WETA K9 26
WO 6J 28 Chelsea
O(S) E4 1 LongJump22

On 16th draw, FAX M11 54 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: XI 6J 52, OX 6E 51, BEFOUL H10 45, AX M12 38, FLUXIO(N) B2 36
XI 6J 52 Pacific
OX 6E 51 Chelsea
U(S) E4 1 LongJump22

On 17th draw, BEMAUL H10 39 --- BEMAUL to maul [v]
Other tops: BEDLAM H10 39
Other moves: BELDAM H10 36, BELAUD H10 30, PAD 12F 25, PALM 12F 24, VESPA 14B 24
MA 6J 22 Chelsea
U(S) E4 1 LongJump22

On 18th draw, JO G13 36 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JIG 15A 33, JOG 15A 33, JUG 15A 33, DJI(N)N B5 28, JIRD I3 28
JO G13 36 Chelsea, Pacific

On 19th draw, MID I12 28 --- MID the middle [n]
Other moves: OM I12 26, MI 6J 22, MI I12 22, MO 6J 22, MI F14 21

On 20th draw, VIG 15A 21 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other tops: OP 6E 21, VUG 15A 21
Other moves: PAVIN J4 18, PIG 15A 18, PRION 7G 18, PROIN 7G 18, PUG 15A 18

On 21th draw, PINGO 4A 23 --- PINGO a low mound of earth formed by expansion of underlying frost [n]
Other moves: OP 6E 21, PESO 14B 20, GIPON 4B 19, PRONG 7G 19, GORP G3 18

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