Game on August 26, 2023 at 19:19, 10 players
1. 446 pts SQUAW1
2. 205 pts Pacific
3. 195 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 72 72
2. 3H 32 104
3. 4L 32 136
4. O3 36 172
5. 2I 55 227
6. 1D 48 275
7. 5E 48 323
8. G9 37 360
9. 12A 78 438
10. A8 176 614
11. 13H 79 693
12. O12 42 735
13. E8 82 817
14. 6F 34 851
15. B9 36 887
16. C4 67 954
17. N10 38 992
18. 12K 37 1029
19. 11J 42 1071
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.7797 SQUAW1 4 12:24 -625 446 1.9604 Pacific 2 3:17 -866 205
2.9604 Pacific 2 3:17 -866 205 Group: advanced
3.6561 LongJump22 4 3:13 -876 195 1.7797 SQUAW1 4 12:24 -625 446
4.7726 sicilianc5 4 5:57 -886 185 2.7726 sicilianc5 4 5:57 -886 185
5.7549 HollyIvy 4 7:47 -886 185 3.7549 HollyIvy 4 7:47 -886 185
6.6528 Discus22 1 6:31 -933 138 Group: intermediate
7.6633 Javelin22 3 3:29 -937 134 1.6561 LongJump22 4 3:13 -876 195
8.6741 ShotPut22 2 4:13 -953 118 2.6528 Discus22 1 6:31 -933 138
9.6600 Hammer22 2 4:17 -958 113 3.6633 Javelin22 3 3:29 -937 134
10. - DOUBLES4x 1 1:52 -1023 48 4.6741 ShotPut22 2 4:13 -953 118
5.6600 Hammer22 2 4:17 -958 113
Group: not rated
1. - DOUBLES4x 1 1:52 -1023 48
On 1st draw, SPIRA(E)A H3 72 --- SPIRAEA a flowering shrub [n]
Other tops: AIR(G)APS H7 72, AP(O)RIAS H3 72, AP(P)AIRS H3 72, A(P)PAIRS H2 72, PARIA(H)S H4 72, PARIA(L)S H4 72, PARIA(N)S H4 72, PIRA(N)AS H4 72, PIRA(Y)AS H4 72, PI(C)ARAS H4 72, PI(T)ARAS H4 72, RAP(H)IAS H2 72
Other moves: AIR(G)APS H2 68, AIR(G)APS H3 68, AIR(G)APS H4 68, AIR(G)APS H6 68, AIR(G)APS H8 68
PIRA(N)AS H4 72 LongJump22
PARIA(H)S H4 72 Pacific
PIRA(N)AS H4 22 ShotPut22, Discus22
On 2nd draw, SWIVET 3H 32 --- SWIVET a state of nervous excitement [n]
Other tops: VINEWS 3C 32
Other moves: INWOVE I7 30, WOVENS 3C 26, NEWT I5 25, NEWT I7 25, WENT I7 25
SWIVET 3H 32 LongJump22, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 3rd draw, RACH 4L 32 --- RACH a white streak on an animal's face [n]
Other moves: AH 2I 31, CASH N1 31, CUSH N1 31, SUCH N3 30, SAUCH N3 29
On 4th draw, DHOBIS O3 36 --- DHOBI a person who does laundry in India [n]
Other moves: BATHOS O1 33, BOSHTA O1 33, HABITS O4 33, ASCOT N2 31, AVOIDS K2 30
DHOBIS O3 36 LongJump22, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 5th draw, AX 2I 55 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: TAXA I7 41, LAX I7 40, RAX I7 40, TAX I7 40, AXAL I8 37
AX 2I 55 Pacific, LongJump22, sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Javelin22
On 6th draw, MYELIN 1D 48 --- MYELIN a fatty substance that encases certain nerve fibers [n]
Other tops: MYELON 1D 48
Other moves: LEMONY 1D 45, LIMEY 1E 39, MEINY 1E 39, MONEY 1E 39, ELMY 1F 36
MYELIN 1D 48 Hammer22, ShotPut22
On 7th draw, HEMIONE 5E 48 --- HEMIONE an Asiatic wild ass [n]
Other moves: EVOHE K2 42, EVOE K2 34, MONTH G5 34, HEME G7 33, HEME I7 33
HEMIONE 5E 48 ShotPut22, DOUBLES4x
On 8th draw, JIGS G9 37 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other moves: JIG G9 36, JEERS L1 33, REJIGS F4 30, JIGS 4B 29, REJIG F4 29
JIGS G9 37 SQUAW1, Discus22
On 9th draw, PROTENSE 12A 78 --- PROTENSE time extension [n]
Other moves: PEREON 2A 33, POTEEN 2A 33, PREEN 2B 31, REPENT I7 31, REPONE I7 31
On 10th draw, CALYPTE(R) A8 176 --- CALYPTER a hood-shaped organ of flowers [n]
Other moves: CAL(O)TYPE A6 92, E(U)CALYPT A6 92, ACYL(A)TE N8 90, (A)CYLATE N8 89, ACETO(X)YL C8 80
E(X)ACTLY N8 78 Pacific
E(U)CALYPT A6 42 Discus22
On 11th draw, FLUORID 13H 79 --- FLUORID a compound of fluorine [n]
Other moves: FORD 6F 36, FURR 6F 34, UFO 2E 34, DIF 6D 33, DOF 6D 33
On 12th draw, BEDU O12 42 --- BEDU a nomadic Arab [n]
Other tops: BEDS O12 42, BEGS O12 42
Other moves: BEST O12 39, BETS O12 39, BUSED O11 39, DEBS O12 39, DEBT O12 39
On 13th draw, RESKEWED E8 82 --- RESKEW to rescue [v]
Other tops: SKEWERED E8 82
Other moves: SKEED 2B 44, DEKES I7 42, SWEED 2B 42, DEKE I7 41, SKEWED 6A 40
WEEKS 4A 37 SQUAW1, Discus22
On 14th draw, FARE 6F 34 --- FARE to get on or succeed [v]
Other tops: FERN 6F 34
Other moves: FATTEN 4A 33, NEF 6D 32, NEF F12 32, TEF 6D 32, EF 2E 31
FARE 6F 34 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 15th draw, GOORAL B9 36 --- GOORAL a goat antelope [n]
Other moves: GALOOT 2A 31, LAGOON 2A 31, GALOOT 4A 29, GLOAT 2B 29, DONGOLA 15E 27
DONGOLA 15E 27 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 16th draw, TINNIER C4 67 --- TINNY of or resembling tin [adj]
Other moves: TINIER 2A 29, INDITER 15C 27, TINIER 4A 25, TINNER 4A 25, ENDRIN 15C 24
INDITER 15C 27 Hammer22
(E)E 8H 1 sicilianc5
(E)N 8H 1 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, QUAD N10 38 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: AQUA 2B 35, AQUA B4 34, AQUA N6 34, QUAG B2 33, QUA B5 31
QUAD N10 38 SQUAW1, Hammer22
On 18th draw, ZO 12K 37 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: GONZO K9 30, OUZO K10 26, ZO D3 26, ZOON K11 26, ZOOT K11 26
ZO 12K 37 SQUAW1, Javelin22
On 19th draw, TAV 11J 42 --- TAV a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: VAG 11J 42
Other moves: VAN 11J 39, VAT 11J 39, GNAT 11I 37, GUAN 11I 37, NAG 11J 36
TAV 11J 42 Javelin22
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