Game on August 31, 2023 at 09:34, 9 players
1. 180 pts LongJump22
2. 144 pts Mycophot
3. 144 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 26 26
2. 2F 31 57
3. 6G 64 121
4. 3C 34 155
5. O1 64 219
6. 8A 77 296
7. E5 44 340
8. 12A 38 378
9. 13B 37 415
10. K4 94 509
11. L1 50 559
12. 12K 36 595
13. 8J 33 628
14. B10 38 666
15. O10 27 693
16. 4A 58 751
17. A1 39 790
18. 10J 35 825
19. 13L 23 848
20. 14D 21 869
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6548 LongJump22 3 2:43 -689 180 1.7240 Mycophot 2 5:11 -725 144
2.7240 Mycophot 2 5:11 -725 144 2.7314 moonmonkey 2 6:30 -725 144
3.7314 moonmonkey 2 6:30 -725 144 3.7411 queen66 2 2:48 -756 113
4.6678 ShotPut22 1 4:23 -731 138 Group: intermediate
5.6555 Discus22 1 5:43 -755 114 1.6548 LongJump22 3 2:43 -689 180
6.7411 queen66 2 2:48 -756 113 2.6678 ShotPut22 1 4:23 -731 138
7. - ALPHABET39 0 1:59 -822 47 3.6555 Discus22 1 5:43 -755 114
8. - DOUBLES4x 1 1:56 -825 44 Group: not rated
9. - SSSSSS1111 1 0:52 -843 26 1. - ALPHABET39 0 1:59 -822 47
2. - DOUBLES4x 1 1:56 -825 44
3. - SSSSSS1111 1 0:52 -843 26
On 1st draw, OYESES H3 26 --- OYES a proclamation [n]
Other moves: LOSSY H8 24, SEELY H8 24, SESEY H8 24, YESES H4 24, OYESES H4 20
OYESES H3 26 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111, Mycophot, moonmonkey, Discus22
On 2nd draw, GANEV 2F 31 --- GANEV a thief [n]
Other moves: GIVEN 2D 27, AVINE 2E 26, GONIA G3 26, NOVAE 2H 26, OVINE 2E 26
YEVING 4H 26 LongJump22, Mycophot, moonmonkey, Discus22
On 3rd draw, ESTANCIA 6G 64 --- ESTANCIA a cattle ranch [n]
Other moves: ESTANCIA 8G 63, CATENAE 5E 36, CATENA 1A 30, ANETIC G4 26, CYANATE 4G 24
ESTANCIA 6G 64 LongJump22
On 4th draw, AIKIDO 3C 34 --- AIKIDO a Japanese art of self-defense [n]
Other moves: REIKI 5G 32, DICKIER L4 30, AKA G2 28, ARCKED L4 28, DACKER L4 28
D*RK*Y 4CDARKEY 4C 28 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 5th draw, QUYTE(S) O1 64 --- QUYTE to depart from [v]
Other moves: QUIET(L)Y D1 56, FE(S)TY O4 52, FU(S)TY O4 52, QUIF(F) D1 52, QUI(F)F D1 52
QUYTE(S) O1 64 LongJump22, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, OUTLIERS 8A 77 --- OUTLIER some part detached from the main portion [n]
Other moves: OUTLIER G8 61, OUTLIER I8 61, LOURIEST 8B 59, TELOI 4A 24, CLOTURE L6 20
OUTLIERS 8A 27 Discus22, ShotPut22
On 7th draw, CALIPEE E5 44 --- CALIPEE the edible part of a turtle [n]
Other moves: CALIPEE M3 30, PEWEE 5E 27, PAWNCE K3 26, PLAICE M3 26, PLICAE D1 26
CALIPEE E5 44 ShotPut22, DOUBLES4x
On 8th draw, RAXES 12A 38 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other moves: GREX 2A 35, AXES 12B 34, RAX 2B 31, REX 2B 31, SAX 2B 31
GREX 2A 35 ShotPut22, Discus22
On 9th draw, WIN 13B 37 --- WIN to winnow [v] --- WIN to be victorious [v]
Other tops: WIT 13B 37
Other moves: GIN 13B 31, GIT 13B 31, WIRING A10 30, GOWN 4A 29, NIT 13B 28
On 10th draw, HANDRAI(L) K4 94 --- HANDRAIL a railing used for support [n]
Other moves: (C)HARACID L1 80, CHADARI(M) L6 78, CHARA(C)ID L6 78, DIARCHA(L) L2 78, HEADRAI(L) 11D 78
On 11th draw, FORMIC L1 50 --- FORMIC pertaining to ants [adj]
Other moves: FERM L1 40, FILM L1 40, FIRM L1 40, FLIM L1 40, FORM L1 40
On 12th draw, SEBUM 12K 36 --- SEBUM a fatty matter secreted by certain glands of the skin [n]
Other moves: WEM M2 35, WEBS 4A 34, WEMS 4A 34, BRUMES 8J 33, MEWS 4A 33
PES 14A 32 ShotPut22
On 13th draw, ARPENT 8J 33 --- ARPENT an old French unit of area [n]
Other moves: NAPE 13L 30, TAPE 13L 30, TEPA 13L 30, ARGENT 8J 27, DANG 7K 27
On 14th draw, FLAWN B10 38 --- FLAWN a custard [n]
Other moves: FE F10 28, FERN 4A 28, VULN 4A 28, FEN 13L 27, FER 13L 27
On 15th draw, GOMUTI O10 27 --- GOMUTI a palm tree [n]
Other moves: BITO 4A 24, BITT 4A 24, BOTT 4A 24, BUTT 4A 24, OBI N2 23
GOMUTI O10 27 queen66
On 16th draw, ZOBO 4A 58 --- ZOBO a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: DZHO 4A 47, BOZO 2A 43, DZHO 2A 41, HOBJOB M10 40, DZO 2B 39
DZHO 4A 47 queen66, ALPHABET39
On 17th draw, TREZ A1 39 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: JOBED M10 30, REJIG 10H 29, JIRD 10J 28, JOG 2A 28, OBJET M11 28
TREZ A1 39 queen66
On 18th draw, JIVING 10J 35 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: DJIN 10I 28, JIN 10J 26, JIAO 9I 25, JOINT 14K 24, WAID 9J 24
On 19th draw, HO 13L 23 --- HO a prostitute -- usually taken to be offensive [n] --- HO to stop [v] --- HO used to express surprise [interj]
Other moves: DOH 14D 19, BOHO M12 18, BOOH M12 18, DO 13L 17, GO N2 17
On 20th draw, DOWD 14D 21 --- DOWD a woman who wears unstylish clothes [n]
Other tops: GOWD 14D 21
Other moves: DOWL 14D 20, GOWL 14D 20, ROW 2A 20, WOT 14M 20, DOW 14D 19
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