Game on August 31, 2023 at 20:54, 10 players
1. 170 pts Pacific
2. 165 pts LongJump22
3. 150 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 34 34
2. 10F 45 79
3. 5E 48 127
4. 4J 34 161
5. 6J 37 198
6. H1 51 249
7. 6C 38 287
8. B2 38 325
9. 3K 31 356
10. 4A 29 385
11. A7 35 420
12. 1E 61 481
13. 8F 61 542
14. B10 34 576
15. 14B 24 600
16. 13D 65 665
17. 14I 56 721
18. N10 50 771
19. 15F 50 821
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9646 Pacific 3 5:27 -651 170 1.9646 Pacific 3 5:27 -651 170
2.6505 LongJump22 3 3:05 -656 165 Group: advanced
3.7451 queen66 3 5:27 -671 150 1.7451 queen66 3 5:27 -671 150
4.6967 ShotPut22 3 5:30 -671 150 2.7308 moonmonkey 3 4:49 -675 146
5.7308 moonmonkey 3 4:49 -675 146 3.7253 Mycophot 3 4:55 -675 146
6.7253 Mycophot 3 4:55 -675 146 Group: intermediate
7.6812 Discus22 3 4:59 -675 146 1.6505 LongJump22 3 3:05 -656 165
8. - DOUBLES4x 1 1:50 -773 48 2.6967 ShotPut22 3 5:30 -671 150
9.6788 Javelin22 1 0:36 -790 31 3.6812 Discus22 3 4:59 -675 146
10.6693 Hammer22 0 1:46 -791 30 4.6788 Javelin22 1 0:36 -790 31
5.6693 Hammer22 0 1:46 -791 30
Group: not rated
1. - DOUBLES4x 1 1:50 -773 48
On 1st draw, KARYO(N) H4 34 --- KARYON the cell nucleus [n]
Other tops: MA(N)KY H8 34, MA(W)KY H8 34, M(I)RKY H8 34, M(U)RKY H8 34, (C)ROAKY H8 34, (S)MOKY H8 34
Other moves: KAR(S)Y H4 32, KAR(Z)Y H4 32, KAYO(S) H4 32, KA(U)RY H4 32, KORMA H4 32
KARYO(N) H4 34 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, Discus22
On 2nd draw, QIS 10F 45 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS I3 30, QI I3 27, NOSTOI 10F 23, TOISON 10E 23, OINTS 10D 20
QIS 10F 45 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, Discus22, ShotPut22, queen66
QIS I3 30 Pacific
On 3rd draw, PALAVER 5E 48 --- PALAVER to chatter [v]
Other moves: PALAVER 5G 24, PAREV 6F 24, LEAP G5 21, LEAP I5 21, PEAL G5 21
PALAVER 5E 48 LongJump22, DOUBLES4x
On 4th draw, BARFED 4J 34 --- BARF to vomit [v]
Other moves: FARED 6B 32, DEFRAG 4J 31, ARDEB 6B 30, BARGED 4J 30, BEGAD 6B 30
FED 6J 30 queen66, ShotPut22
On 5th draw, YENTE 6J 37 --- YENTE a gossipy woman [n]
Other moves: RENEY 6B 35, VEERY I5 34, YEN 6J 33, YET 6J 33, TEENY N2 32
YENTE 6J 37 ShotPut22, queen66, Discus22, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, P(R)OKARYO(N)S H1 51 --- PROKARYONS
Other moves: PO(R)AE 3I 42, PO(T)AE 3I 42, BOEP 3K 38, OB(O)E 3J 36, (O)BOE 3J 36
BOEP 3K 38 LongJump22
On 7th draw, WHOW 6C 38 --- WHOW of deploration [interj]
Other moves: HOW 6D 34, WOW 6D 34, MOW 6D 33, WHID O1 33, WHIO 11D 33
WHOW 6C 38 queen66, ShotPut22
On 8th draw, GLOBES B2 38 --- GLOBE to form into a perfectly round body [v]
Other tops: BOGLES B2 38
Other moves: BLORES B2 36, BOGLE B2 36, BORDES O1 36, DESORB O4 36, GLOBE B2 36
SOBER O6 30 Discus22, Mycophot, moonmonkey, Hammer22
On 9th draw, HOI 3K 31 --- HOI used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: THIN 11D 27, THIO 11D 27, THOLI 11B 27, THORON 3F 27, HOLON 3G 26
HOI 3K 31 Javelin22
On 10th draw, GOORAL 4A 29 --- GOORAL a goat antelope [n]
Other moves: ORGEAT A7 26, OTARY 7D 25, AREW C3 24, AROW C3 24, TAEL A1 23
On 11th draw, ANCOME A7 35 --- ANCOME sudden inflammation [n]
Other moves: OCTANE A7 29, OMENTA A7 29, ACME A7 26, ALME 3A 25, MEANT 7K 25
On 12th draw, STAPELIA 1E 61 --- STAPELIA an African plant [n]
Other moves: DESALT O4 30, DISTAL O4 30, TILDES O1 30, SALTIE O6 27, STELAI O6 27
On 13th draw, AMORETTI 8F 61 --- AMORETTO a cupid [n]
Other moves: MATIER B10 44, MATTER B10 44, MATTIE B10 44, MATER B10 42, MATTE B10 42
On 14th draw, FINE B10 34 --- FINE of excellent quality [adj] --- FINE to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) [v]
Other tops: FANE B10 34, FANO B10 34, FENI B10 34, FINO B10 34, FOEN B10 34, FONE B10 34
Other moves: FAE B10 33, FAN B10 33, FEN B10 33, FIE B10 33, FIN B10 33
FONE B10 34 Pacific
On 15th draw, RUIN 14B 24 --- RUIN to destroy [v]
Other tops: IRON 14A 24, ROIN 14B 24
Other moves: RIN 14B 22, RUN 14B 22, URN 14A 22, ROIN 11D 21, RUIN 11D 21
On 16th draw, DINETTE 13D 65 --- DINETTE a small dining room [n]
Other moves: DETENT 15D 34, DENET 15D 31, NETTED 15D 29, TENTED 15D 29, NETTIE 15D 26
On 17th draw, OXIDE 14I 56 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: OXID 14I 55, EXON 14I 54, OXEN 14I 54, EXO 14I 53, EX 14I 52
OXIDE 14I 56 Pacific
On 18th draw, GAUDS N10 50 --- GAUD a showy ornament [n] --- GAUD to make merry [v]
Other moves: CADS N11 42, CAGS N11 42, CUDS N11 42, DAGS N11 40, DUGS N11 40
GAUDS N10 50 Pacific
On 19th draw, ZINC 15F 50 --- ZINC to coat with zinc (a metallic element) [v]
Other moves: ZIN 12J 43, ZIN 15G 39, ZIN 11E 37, JIN 11E 33, JIN 15G 33
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