Game on September 2, 2023 at 15:00, 7 players
1. 418 pts LongJump22
2. 239 pts HollyIvy
3. 239 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 78 78
2. 11E 36 114
3. 13C 38 152
4. 12A 64 216
5. E4 78 294
6. A12 39 333
7. 8A 51 384
8. C3 32 416
9. J4 66 482
10. D1 59 541
11. 1A 48 589
12. 2F 65 654
13. 1H 44 698
14. 10A 57 755
15. 8J 21 776
16. M3 32 808
17. F5 34 842
18. N3 37 879
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6449 LongJump22 3 10:15 -461 418 1.7812 HollyIvy 1 6:47 -640 239
2.7812 HollyIvy 1 6:47 -640 239 2.7833 sicilianc5 1 8:47 -640 239
3.7833 sicilianc5 1 8:47 -640 239 3.7482 queen66 1 3:55 -765 114
4.6781 Discus22 1 10:34 -654 225 Group: intermediate
5.6738 Javelin22 1 4:25 -759 120 1.6449 LongJump22 3 10:15 -461 418
6.7482 queen66 1 3:55 -765 114 2.6781 Discus22 1 10:34 -654 225
7. - DOUBLES4x 1 1:37 -843 36 3.6738 Javelin22 1 4:25 -759 120
Group: not rated
1. - DOUBLES4x 1 1:37 -843 36
On 1st draw, NEITHER H8 78 --- NEITHER not one or the other [adj]
Other tops: THEREIN H3 78
Other moves: NEITHER H2 72, NEITHER H3 72, NEITHER H4 72, NEITHER H6 72, NEITHER H7 72
THEREIN H3 78 LongJump22
THEREIN H3 28 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Discus22, Javelin22
On 2nd draw, DUETING 11E 36 --- DUET to perform a duet, DUETS, DUETED, DUETTED, DUETING, DUETTING [v]
Other moves: DENGUE G7 26, HEEDING 12H 24, NEIGHED 12D 24, GEED G10 23, GIED G10 23
DUETING 11E 36 LongJump22, DOUBLES4x
On 3rd draw, SMIRKER 13C 38 --- SMIRKER one that smirks [n]
Other moves: KARRIS 12A 35, KERRIAS 13G 34, MAIK 10F 34, REMARKS 13G 34, KARRI 12A 31
MIKRA 12A 31 LongJump22, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, ZOOM 12A 64 --- ZOOM to move with a loud humming sound [v]
Other moves: Z(O)OM 12A 62, ZO(O)M 12A 61, ZOE(A) 12A 52, ZOO(M) 12A 52, MZ(E)E 12A 43
ZOOM 12A 64 LongJump22, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Discus22
On 5th draw, CHISELED E4 78 --- CHISEL to use a chisel (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: HELICES I3 75, ELICHES I3 73, LICHEES I3 70, ZEES A12 39, ZELS A12 39
ELICHES I3 73 LongJump22
ZELS A12 39 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
ZEES A12 39 Discus22
On 6th draw, ZEAL A12 39 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: LEAPED 8A 36, PLEBE 8A 36, BADGE 8A 33, GABLED 8A 33, GLEBE 8A 33
GABLED 8A 33 LongJump22, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Discus22
On 7th draw, Q(U)YTE 8A 51 --- QUYTE to depart from [v]
Other moves: Q(U)ITE 8A 42, Q(U)YTE G7 42, Q(U)YTING J6 41, Q(U)EY 10C 36, REQ(U)IT 14H 36
Q(U)YTING J6 41 LongJump22, Discus22
On 8th draw, AVOWRY C3 32 --- AVOWRY the act of avowing [n]
Other moves: AVOW G6 29, VAW G7 28, VOW G7 28, VRAIC 4A 28, ODA F7 26
DEW 9G 13 LongJump22
On 9th draw, BIOCLEAN J4 66 --- BIOCLEAN free of harmful organisms [adj]
Other moves: BAC D3 42, ILEAC D1 42, BOLA D1 36, CIAO D2 36, COLA D1 36
VOCAL 4C 20 Discus22
BEL 9G 9 LongJump22
On 10th draw, JUGA D1 59 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other moves: JUBAS 4H 44, JUBES 4H 44, JEANS K2 34, BUNJES 4J 32, GENA D1 32
JUBES 4H 44 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66, Javelin22
JOE 6I 10 LongJump22
On 11th draw, FEIJOA 1A 48 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other tops: FINJAN 1A 48
Other moves: JINNE 1D 36, NINJA 1A 36, EF F5 31, FUERO F10 31, IF F5 31
FEIJOA 1A 48 Javelin22, queen66
JEAN 1D 11 LongJump22
On 12th draw, ANISOLE 2F 65 --- ANISOLE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ANISOLE G2 61, ANIS F5 34, ALISON F1 28, NIS F6 28, NOS F6 28
SINE G1 22 queen66
SO G1 19 LongJump22
On 13th draw, BUT(E)OS 1H 44 --- BUTEO a hawk [n]
Other moves: BUT(E)O 1H 41, (A)BOUT 1K 35, (A)BSIT 1K 35, (A)BUTS 1K 35, BIOS 1L 34
On 14th draw, DENTEX 10A 57 --- DENTEX a voracious Mediterranean fish [n]
Other moves: INDEX 10B 56, DEX 10D 52, TEX 10D 51, EX 10E 50, XU F10 50
On 15th draw, LINEAR 8J 21 --- LINEAR of or resembling a straight line [adj]
Other tops: LARINE 8J 21
Other moves: ARABIN 4G 18, BARREN 4J 18, BARRIE 4J 18, BRINER 4J 18, NEAR 14E 18
On 16th draw, UNWAGED M3 32 --- UNWAGED unpaid [adj]
Other tops: BEGNAW 4J 32
Other moves: UNWED 12K 25, BANGED 4J 24, BEDUNG 4J 24, BUNGED 4J 24, DAW G7 24
On 17th draw, AFT F5 34 --- AFT behind, nautically [adv]
Other tops: EFT F5 34
Other moves: EF F5 31, EF 2A 25, EF K4 24, FAP G7 24, FEAR 14E 24
On 18th draw, TOEY N3 37 --- TOEY nervous [adj]
Other moves: YEP G7 34, OY N5 31, TYED N3 31, YOD G7 30, PYET N3 29
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