Game on September 6, 2023 at 05:37, 7 players
1. 110 pts SQUAW1
2. 42 pts LongJump22
3. 22 pts Discus22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 84 84 


14H 28 112 


G5 74 186 


5E 82 268 


M7 74 342 


8J 48 390 


E3 63 453 


11A 44 497 


A8 42 539 


3B 86 625 


2I 72 697 


15J 49 746 


1L 42 788 


1D 24 812 


4L 52 864 


F5 35 899 


6J 34 933 


C9 40 973 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
SQUAW1 1 3:46 -863 110 1.7771 SQUAW1 1 3:46 -863 110
LongJump22 0 1:38 -931 42 Group: intermediate
Discus22 0 0:20 -951 22 1.6325 LongJump22 0 1:38 -931 42
Javelin22 0 0:36 -951 22 2.6725 Discus22 0 0:20 -951 22
Hammer22 0 0:50 -951 22 3.6615 Javelin22 0 0:36 -951 22
HighJump22 0 1:54 -951 22 4.6510 Hammer22 0 0:50 -951 22
ShotPut22 0 1:49 -953 20 5.6520 HighJump22 0 1:54 -951 22
6.6923 ShotPut22 0 1:49 -953 20
On 1st draw, AMOOVED H8 84 --- AMOOVE to rouse [v]
Other moves: AMOOVED H3 82, AMOOVED H6 80, AMOOVED H2 78, AMOOVED H4 78, AMOOVED H7 78
On 2nd draw, DAIKERS 14H 28 --- DAIKER to dacker [v]
Other tops: D*RK**SDARKIES 14H 28
Other moves: KAIES I7 26, KEIRS I7 26, KIERS I7 26, KIORE I7 26, REAKS G7 26
On 3rd draw, NOBLEST G5 74 --- NOBLE possessing qualities of excellence [adj]
Other moves: NOBLEST G2 63, NOBLEST I2 63, NEOBLAST 8C 61, NOTABLES 8E 61, STONABLE 8D 61
On 4th draw, GANTLIN(E) 5E 82 --- GANTLINE a rope on a ship [n]
Other tops: TANGLIN(G) 5E 82, TANLING(S) 5E 82, TAN(G)LING 5E 82, (B)ANTLING 5E 82, (C)ANTLING 5E 82, (M)ANTLING 5E 82, (P)LANTING 5D 82, (S)LANTING 5D 82
Other moves: VAL(E)TING 12H 76, VA(U)LTING 12H 76, GNATLIK(E) K8 74, VIG(I)LANT 12H 74, V(I)GILANT 12H 74
On 5th draw, GLAIRIER M7 74 --- GLAIRY resembling egg white [adj]
Other moves: GAINLIER K2 59, GELATI H1 26, LIGATE H1 26, GIRLIE 4J 23, AIRLIKE K9 22
On 6th draw, YOWLER 8J 48 --- YOWLER one that yowls [n]
Other moves: TOWERY 4J 44, OWELTY 8J 39, CLEW 8L 36, CLOW 8L 36, CLOY 8L 36
On 7th draw, MEG(A)WATT E3 63 --- MEGAWATT a unit of power [n]
Other tops: MEGAW(A)TT E3 63
Other moves: TATTOWE(D) 11D 40, AM(O)WT H1 39, EM(M)EW L11 37, MAW(M)ET 4J 36, MA(C)AW F2 36
On 8th draw, HERES 11A 44 --- HERES an heir [n]
Other tops: HETES 11A 44, HUERS 11A 44, HURTS 11A 44, RUTHS 11A 44, TEHRS 11A 44, THEES 11A 44
Other moves: ETHS 11B 42, HERS 11B 42, HETS 11B 42, HUES 11B 42, HUTS 11B 42
On 9th draw, DIPHONE A8 42 --- DIPHONE a shorthand sign for a diphthong [n]
Other moves: PHONED A10 39, HOPED A11 36, NAPE F4 32, PODITE H1 32, DEPONE 4J 31
On 10th draw, THYMOSIN 3B 86 --- THYMOSIN a hormone secreted by the thymus [n]
Other moves: SHINTY 15A 81, SHINY 15A 78, SYNTH 15A 78, SINH 15A 75, SITH 15A 75
On 11th draw, EQUINE 2I 72 --- EQUINE a horse [n]
Other moves: QUINTE H1 50, QUIN(E) L1 46, QUEEN N6 45, QUIET H1 45, QUINT H1 45
On 12th draw, FIX 15J 49 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other tops: FOX 15J 49
Other moves: ENFIX D11 46, FIXT 1F 45, FOX 3L 44, FOX 6J 44, NIX 15J 43
On 13th draw, BUDA 1L 42 --- BUDA an insulting term for an old man (India) [n]
Other moves: BARD 1L 41, BURD 1L 41, ABDUCT 1D 39, BUAT 1L 38, BURA 1L 38
On 14th draw, ULNARE 1D 24 --- ULNARE the bone of the carpus [n]
Other tops: LOANER 1D 24
Other moves: AEON 2A 22, LEAN 2A 22, RAUN 2A 22, REAN 2A 22, AUE 4C 21
On 15th draw, DITZ 4L 52 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: ZIG 3L 51, DITZ 12L 48, COZIED N4 44, COZIE N4 39, TOZIE N4 37
On 16th draw, AVA F5 35 --- AVA an tropical plant [n] --- AVA at all [adv]
Other moves: ERF N8 29, FA 6J 28, OF 6I 28, VAC 2A 27, VRAIC 10J 24
On 17th draw, FOG 6J 34 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other tops: FAG 6J 34, FUG 6J 34
Other moves: GREX L12 32, ERF N8 29, FA 6J 28, FURCA C9 28, OF 6I 28
REF 13G 20 LongJump22, ShotPut22
On 18th draw, JUROR C9 40 --- JUROR a member of a jury [n]
Other moves: JA D8 36, JOE N6 29, OUIJA 10K 28, OUIJA 12K 26, TAJ N4 26
JA 2A 22 LongJump22, Discus22, Javelin22, Hammer22, HighJump22
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