Game on September 8, 2023 at 22:50, 6 players
1. 223 pts roocatcher
2. 203 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 152 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 50 50
2. 4H 34 84
3. M2 74 158
4. 8A 80 238
5. A8 77 315
6. L8 42 357
7. 1K 45 402
8. N6 42 444
9. O7 43 487
10. E4 110 597
11. 3I 49 646
12. C4 69 715
13. D1 32 747
14. 2H 46 793
15. I8 69 862
16. H11 48 910
17. K11 36 946
18. B5 52 998
19. A1 33 1031
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6895 roocatcher 0 9:54 -808 223 1.7400 GLOBEMAN 0 6:24 -828 203
2.7400 GLOBEMAN 0 6:24 -828 203 2.7400 sunshine12 0 8:26 -879 152
3.7400 sunshine12 0 8:26 -879 152 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 1:52 -994 37 1.6895 roocatcher 0 9:54 -808 223
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:21 -1000 31 Group: not rated
6. - AMYtheROO 0 1:35 -1011 20 1. - chunk88 0 1:52 -994 37
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:21 -1000 31
3. - AMYtheROO 0 1:35 -1011 20
On 1st draw, QU(I)PO H4 50 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other tops: QUOP(S) H4 50
Other moves: QUO(T)E H4 46, OP(A)QUE H3 38, EQU(I)P H8 36, P(I)QUE H4 36, OP(A)QUE H4 34
On 2nd draw, QORMAS 4H 34 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QORMA 4H 32, ASMEAR 9G 28, MARAES 9C 28, ARAMES 9C 26, AROMAS 9C 26
On 3rd draw, LUSTERED M2 74 --- LUSTER to make or become lustrous [v]
Other tops: RESULTED M2 74, ULSTERED M2 74
Other moves: DRUPELET 7E 63, DUELER 3I 35, ELUDE 3K 22, ETUDE 3K 22, DEET 3I 20
On 4th draw, T(A)LEGGIO 8A 80 --- TALEGGIO a soft creamy cheese [n]
Other moves: GIGLET(S) 9B 75, GIGLET(S) G8 63, GEL(I)G(N)ITE 6E 61, GI(B)EL 1K 27, GIGLET 2J 24
On 5th draw, TOILINET A8 77 --- TOILINET cloth used for waistcoats [n]
Other tops: TOILINET A1 77
Other moves: ETIOLIN L7 74, ETIOLIN N9 71, LIMONITE K2 70, ETIOLIN L9 69, ETIOLIN N7 66
On 6th draw, WOVEN L8 42 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other tops: WAIVE L8 42
Other moves: VEIN 8L 33, VENA 8L 33, WEAN 8L 33, WEEN 8L 33, WENA 8L 33
On 7th draw, FUBAR 1K 45 --- FUBAR disastrous -- usually taken to be offensive [adj]
Other tops: BARBUT 1J 45
Other moves: FAB 1M 37, FUB 1M 37, TUBAR 1K 36, ABUT 1L 33, BUB 1M 33
B(A)RF B7 31 roocatcher
On 8th draw, HEND N6 42 --- HEND to seize [v]
Other moves: OHED N5 40, HEN N6 35, HOPED K11 34, ECHOED 14A 32, PECH K11 32
On 9th draw, GAS O7 43 --- GAS to supply with gas (a substance capable of indefinite expansion) [v]
Other moves: EASE O7 42, EAS O7 39, SEA O6 39, AS O8 33, EA O7 30
On 10th draw, VOYAGERS E4 110 --- VOYAGER one that voyages [n]
Other moves: AVOYERS 13F 83, LAYOVERS C8 80, LAYOVERS 11A 78, OVEREASY 11H 78, OVEREASY D4 78
On 11th draw, ZEA 3I 49 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: HERTZ J2 45, JAM 3I 45, HAZE K11 44, ZA 3I 44, HAZE 2H 41
MAZE K4 30 roocatcher
On 12th draw, DRUMLIKE C4 69 --- DRUMLIKE resembling the head of a drum [adj]
Other moves: MIKED K11 34, MERK K11 30, MIKE K11 30, MIRK K11 30, MURK K11 30
MIKED K11 34 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 13th draw, CONI D1 32 --- CONUS an anatomical part in mammals [n]
Other tops: CANSO 13I 32
Other moves: CIS B10 31, AITS 5K 29, ANTS 5K 29, ASCIAN B1 29, CONIAS 2E 29
COINS 13H 20 roocatcher
On 14th draw, CAPO 2H 46 --- CAPO a pitch-raising device for fretted instruments [n]
Other moves: APO 2I 43, CAP 2H 36, DAP 2H 35, NAP 2H 34, TAP 2H 34
PACO K11 26 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 15th draw, SENARII I8 69 --- SENARIUS a Greek or Latin verse consisting of six metrical feet [n]
Other moves: SIRENIAN 12H 60, AUNES 5G 49, RUNES 5G 49, UNIS 5H 47, ISIT 5J 36
RAISE 13I 24 sunshine12
On 16th draw, LATHY H11 48 --- LATHY long and slender [adj]
Other moves: LEACHY 1A 42, EATHLY 14A 40, HYLE J9 40, HYTE J9 40, YET 5K 40
HYE J9 37 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, chunk88
On 17th draw, BENJ K11 36 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other tops: OBTEND J10 36
Other moves: JOE F2 34, BEND J11 33, BENJ J12 31, JUDY 6B 31, BED J12 29
JUDY 6B 31 BadBoyBen, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 18th draw, AX B5 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: DEWAX D11 52, EX B5 52
Other moves: FAX B12 51, DEX B12 45, AXE B13 42, FAXED D11 42, FIXED D11 42
FAX B12 51 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 19th draw, DOWIE A1 33 --- DOWIE dreary [adj]
Other moves: JOWED 14K 32, TEWIT A1 30, TOWIE A1 30, TWICE 1A 30, TWITE A1 30
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