Game on September 16, 2023 at 21:54, 8 players
1. 296 pts roocatcher
2. 294 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 248 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 4H 34 60
3. M1 40 100
4. 9G 68 168
5. O4 56 224
6. 1J 42 266
7. J7 70 336
8. 11E 106 442
9. 15H 86 528
10. 14B 76 604
11. 15A 33 637
12. 13E 53 690
13. 2K 44 734
14. N5 39 773
15. 13A 43 816
16. O11 60 876
17. N5 22 898
18. A8 33 931
19. L8 26 957
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6809 roocatcher 2 8:40 -661 296 1.7121 GLOBEMAN 2 9:12 -663 294
2.7121 GLOBEMAN 2 9:12 -663 294 2.7438 sunshine12 2 7:40 -709 248
3.7438 sunshine12 2 7:40 -709 248 3.7603 enzotiger 1 3:58 -818 139
4.7603 enzotiger 1 3:58 -818 139 4.7508 lazy.lion 0 1:05 -900 57
5.7508 lazy.lion 0 1:05 -900 57 5.7290 bumpkin 0 1:46 -900 57
6.7290 bumpkin 0 1:46 -900 57 Group: intermediate
7. - chunk88 0 0:38 -925 32 1.6809 roocatcher 2 8:40 -661 296
8. - BadBoyBen 0 1:46 -929 28 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:38 -925 32
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:46 -929 28
On 1st draw, FOULIE H4 26 --- FOULIE (Australian) a foul mood [n]
Other moves: FELON H4 24, FOLIE H4 24, FOULE H4 24, FOULIE H3 20, FOULIE H7 20
On 2nd draw, FAQIR 4H 34 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: QADI G8 29, QAID G8 29, QI G3 26, QAID G2 23, EQUID 6F 21
On 3rd draw, OXES M1 40 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: OXES I8 38, OXES 10E 37, OXO I8 37, DSOMO M3 36, OX I8 36
On 4th draw, PEDIGREE 9G 68 --- PEDIGREE a line of ancestors [n]
Other tops: PREGUIDE 6D 68
Other moves: PEDIGREE 9A 65, PEDIGREE 9B 65, PIE N1 34, PIR N1 34, EPODE 1K 33
On 5th draw, HAILED O4 56 --- HAIL to welcome [v]
Other moves: HIDAGE O7 50, HALIDE O5 44, HIDALGO 1G 42, HALED O5 41, HALID O5 41
HAILED O4 56 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 6th draw, SODOMY 1J 42 --- SODOMY unnatural copulation [n]
Other moves: DOMY 1L 36, DOOMY 1K 36, MOLY 1L 36, MOODY 1K 36, MOYL 1L 36
MOLY 1L 36 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 7th draw, CRIMINAL J7 70 --- CRIMINAL one who has committed a crime [n]
Other moves: MAXI 2K 41, MIM N1 36, RECLAIM N8 36, MARCONI 5D 35, COLIN 5G 31
MANE N6 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 8th draw, KRYO(L)ITE 11E 106 --- KRYOLITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: E(U)KARYOT 13G 90, (A)KARYOTE 13H 88, KEYNOT(E)R 12G 80, KEY(N)OTER M8 78, K(E)YNOTER 12G 78
YORK(S) 15F 45 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 9th draw, TA(S)TING 15H 86 --- TASTE to perceive the flavor of by taking into the mouth [v] --- TASTING the act of tasting [n]
Other moves: TAR(G)ETING L7 74, A(B)ETTING N7 73, A(R)ETTING N7 73, TARGETIN(G) L7 70, TAT(T)LING 14F 60
(S)ATING 15J 33 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 10th draw, NONEGOS 14B 76 --- NONEGO all that is not part of the ego [n]
Other moves: NONEGOS 2E 68, GENS O12 45, GEOS O12 45, GOES O12 45, GONS O12 45
GOOS O12 45 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
GONS O12 45 roocatcher
On 11th draw, CARET 15A 33 --- CARET a proofreaders' symbol [n]
Other tops: CARAT 15A 33
Other moves: AXE 2L 31, EXO 2L 31, CARE 15A 28, CERO 15A 28, CORE 15A 28
CARET 15A 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, NAZE 13E 53 --- NAZE a headland [n]
Other moves: l*Z(L)EZ I11 44, BANZAI 13I 40, BAIZA 13I 38, BAIZE 13I 38, BEZ N8 38
BEZ N8 38 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 13th draw, WEXE 2K 44 --- WEXE to wax [v]
Other moves: EXO 2L 31, OVERWEEN L6 30, OVERNEW L6 28, ENEW 12L 26, ENOW 12L 26
VAW I3 18 sunshine12
On 14th draw, PHENE N5 39 --- PHENE an old name for benzene [n]
Other moves: THANE N5 35, HEAP 12L 34, ETH 10L 32, HATE N6 32, HETE N6 32
HATE N6 32 chunk88
AH N5 28 BadBoyBen
On 15th draw, TAJ 13A 43 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: FOLIO 5G 33, IF 5J 31, AFLAJ 13J 30, OAF 13A 27, ALIF 12L 26
TAJ 13A 43 sunshine12, roocatcher, enzotiger
On 16th draw, FAVUS O11 60 --- FAVUS a skin disease [n]
Other moves: FATS O12 57, FLUS O12 57, VATS O12 57, VAUS O12 57, FAUTS O11 51
FATS O12 57 enzotiger, lazy.lion, bumpkin
On 17th draw, PHENETOL N5 22 --- PHENETOL a volatile liquid [n]
Other tops: VORRED L7 22
Other moves: OVATOR 5D 20, VARLET L7 20, LAVA 12L 18, TAVA 12L 18, VALOR 5E 18
LAVA 12L 18 enzotiger
On 18th draw, RABBIT A8 33 --- RABBIT to hunt rabbits (rodent-like mammals) [v]
Other moves: ADROIT A8 24, BARBED L7 24, ID 5J 23, BARBER L7 22, BOARDER L6 22
AB M6 21 enzotiger
On 19th draw, WRIED L8 26 --- WRY to contort [v]
Other moves: IVORIED L6 24, ID 5J 23, AVOW 13J 20, IO 5J 19, VAW I3 18
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